Chapter 219 Son Berlin
The so-called negotiation is more like Beirut notifying several god-level powerhouses. The quota of holy domain powerhouses who enter the cemetery of the gods is also determined by Beirut.If it weren't for Dicko's demonic talent, I'm afraid Beirut wouldn't have looked at him differently.

On the way back, O'Brien also took the initiative and enthusiastically told Dico and Xisei about the situation in the Cemetery of the Gods, as well as some of his experiences in going to the Cemetery of the Gods.

"It turns out that in the Cemetery of the Gods, starting from the No. 12 floor, the test for the god-level powerhouse turned out to be..." Diko, who had some understanding, returned to Finlay City, and when Elena was curious, After asking, she also roughly told her about the cemetery of the gods.

"The Cemetery of the Gods? I never thought that there would be such a place in the Magnolia Continent. If the gods died, why would they be buried in the Magnolia Continent? Moreover, you said that the Lord God had people bury them and create such a place. , to sharpen the saintly realm strongmen and god-level strongmen who enter it, and there are also treasure rewards such as artifacts and godheads. No wonder so many holy realm strongmen and even Martial Gods are eager to enter the cemetery of the gods!" Ai! After hearing this, Linna couldn't help but be surprised and said: "So, can we, the powerful saints from the Bon Empire and the Vatican, also go to the cemetery of the gods?"

"Many strong men at the second level of the Sanctuary lost their lives when they entered the Cemetery of the Gods. Desili and several other extremely strong men from the Sanctuary entered the Cemetery of the Gods and returned without success. Do you think the Cemetery of the Gods is easy to break into? Is it easy to get godhood in this place?" Diko shook his head and said: "If you don't have enough strength and self-protection, it's better not to go in and find death!"

"Is it dangerous? Then wait until ten years later, when the strong men in the sanctuary are over, and you can go out again." Elena frowned and became worried after hearing this.

Di Ke smiled calmly and confidently: "Don't worry, it's not that dangerous for a god-level warrior to venture out. If even my life is in danger, how can the God of War and the High Priest survive after several adventures? Moreover, Mr. Beirut also said that I am the most promising person to obtain the upper godhead!"

"It's a pity that we god-level powerhouses have to start from the 11th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods, and it's difficult to get the lower godhood. Otherwise, our Boon Empire can cultivate a few god-level powerhouses," Di followed. Ke You said with some regret.

"Cultivating god-level powerhouses? There are only a few god-level powerhouses in the entire Magnolia Continent?" Elena couldn't help but look at Diko speechlessly after hearing this.

"Haha, that's all I said," Diko chuckled and shook his head: "We in the Bon Empire still have too few saintly warriors, so there is indeed no need to rush to cultivate god-level warriors. Moreover, as long as My strength is strong enough, so it doesn’t make much sense to have a few more ordinary low-level gods who can refine their godhood and become gods.”

There is still more than a year before the Tomb of the Gods is opened. Even if it is opened, it will be the strong men from the Sanctuary who will go first, and Diko will just join in the fun first.So from now on, Diko's life became as peaceful as the entire Magnolia Continent.

But the peace didn't last long. In the spring of the Magnolia calendar year 10023, when the flowers were blooming, Diko's peaceful cultivation life was unexpectedly broken, because Elena suddenly became pregnant.

This is definitely an unexpected surprise for Diko and Elena. Ever since they had their daughter Linxi, Elena's belly has been quiet.

Originally, because the children of the four ultimate warrior families generally had relatively few children, Diko thought that he and Elena would never have any more children.Unexpectedly, Elena suddenly became pregnant again when her daughter was already an adult.

Naturally, both Dicko and Elena cherish this child. Dicko even has less time to practice. He often takes time to accompany Elena. Seeing Elena's belly slowly getting bigger, he feels... I feel very satisfied and happy.Elena also took the opportunity to hand over all political affairs to Allen and some close ministers.Allen suddenly took control of the Bon Empire, but as the news of Elena's pregnancy spread, the atmosphere among the courtiers and dignitaries in Fenlai City became even weirder.

People close to Allen cannot be happy because Allen has gained power, because once Elena gives birth to a son, it will be more difficult for Allen to inherit the throne in the future.

In this weird atmosphere, after autumn passed and the weather turned cold, Elena, who was pregnant in October, finally successfully gave birth to a... prince!After discussing with Elena, Dicko named the child Berlin.This name with special meaning makes many thoughtful people’s minds wander.

In the blink of an eye, it was March again in the spring of another year, and it was finally the day when the cemetery of the gods was opened. In the palace, after watching his several-month-old son Berlin, who was fair-skinned and cute, fall asleep in Elena's arms, Diko He quietly left Fenlai City and rushed to the Dark Forest as quickly as possible in the night.

When Dico arrived at the Forest of Darkness, it was already late at night. In the square outside the black metal castle, seventy or eighty people, including Linley, Desili and several other extreme saints, had gathered. The strong man in the holy realm.Among them, although most of them are strong men from the human sanctuary, there are also some sacred monsters.

"Dico, you are finally here, why are you so late?" Seeing Diko coming, Linley was about to step forward to say hello when he saw Xisai's figure disappearing in front of Diko, frowning. Mei looked at him and asked.

At the same time, the high priest, Martial God O'Brien and Di Lin also came over and started talking with Diko. They saw that all the powerful men in the sanctuary, except for Rutherford who knew that Diko became a god, Olivia and some of the saintly warriors who were cultivating in the Arctic ice fields knew that Dico had become a god, and the other saintly warriors were a little surprised and confused.

"Why did Di Ke get together with Mr. Xisai? Could it be..." Just when Lin Lei, Desli and others were shocked, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then solidified into a simple body. Beirut in black robes.

"Lord Beirut!" After seeing Beirut, Diko and Wushen rushed forward and said respectfully. The strong men from the Holy Realm present, whether it was their first time seeing Beirut or those who had seen Beirut more than once, also expressed their gratitude. Everyone hurriedly saluted respectfully.In front of this mysterious Lord Beirut, everyone, including several god-level powerhouses such as Martial God, and even Diko would inevitably feel a little nervous.

Especially Dico, who knew that Beirut was the main god, no matter how calm he pretended to be on the surface, he could not remain calm when facing Beirut!
A pair of small eyes as bright as stars glanced at Dico's Beirut, smiled and said hello to Beibei. After Beibei jumped into his arms, he greeted everyone, and then carried Beibei directly to the south. Fly away.

Diko, Martial God, High Priest, Dilin and Xisai followed closely, as did those powerful men from the Holy Realm.Everyone also has a tacit understanding, the stronger ones are in the front, and the weaker ones are in the back.

"Dico, has he become a god?" Seeing Diko and Wushen flying side by side and following Beirut, some strong men from the holy realm made eye contact with each other and their expressions changed. Naturally, they all had their own guesses, and they couldn't help but secretly expressed their emotions in their hearts. Shocking.Unexpectedly, there is another god-level strongman on the Magnolia Continent, and how long has Diko been practicing?
Everyone was shocked, but in a quiet flight, not long after, the group arrived at the South China Sea. Above a certain sea area, Beirut stopped: "This, at the deepest point of the seabed, is the gateway to the cemetery of the gods. The entrance to the channel. The channel is about [-] meters away from the water. I believe that the water pressure in the deep sea will have no effect on you. If you can’t dive even with the water pressure at this depth, you’d better give up as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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