Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 220 Beirut with Heart

Chapter 220 Beirut with Heart
The passage was at the bottom of the sea, and Dicko, who had known about it for a long time, was not surprised.As Beirut took the lead in separating the sea water and flying towards the bottom of the sea, Diko and Valkyrie followed by controlling the elemental energy to form the realm of God to repel the sea water.

As for those strong men in the holy realm, they opened their fighting spirit shields one by one, or put on their elemental armors and entered the water.As strong men in the holy realm, they can already do it without breathing underwater without any big impact.

"There are a lot of fish at the bottom of the sea! Moreover, many aquatic monsters are also monsters. In this vast South China Sea, the number of aquatic monsters is probably many times more than all the monsters on the Yulan Continent combined! Moreover, there are also many powerful ones. "Sacred realm monsters," with Diko's powerful spiritual consciousness and keen perception, he can naturally clearly feel the breath of many aquatic monsters in the deep sea.

However, after discovering a group of strong men like Dico, these monsters were so frightened that they fled in a hurry and did not dare to approach them at all.But if some strong men from the holy realm enter the deep sea alone and encounter those powerful deep sea holy realm monsters, it may be very dangerous.

After arriving at the bottom of the sea, the group followed Beirut through a submarine canyon for several miles, and finally stopped in front of a dark boulder.

On the boulder, there is a space gate that exudes strange fluctuations. It is also the entrance to the tomb of the gods.Beirut, who shot a black beam of light from his body and broke through the invisible energy shield on the door to space, led everyone into it, and then to the deep seabed in another plane.

"Is it a divine plane opened up after Beirut became the main god?" After coming to this plane where the consciousness was affected and bound, Dico couldn't help but be curious: "It seems that there are many monsters at the bottom of this plane, even holy monsters. Were they born in this plane? There is no teleportation array leading to the God Plane and the Supreme Plane, so they can only be trapped here?"

At the same time, everyone who followed Beirut's flight soon saw the tall, mountain-like building Cemetery of the Gods in the distance.

The Cemetery of the Gods is nearly [-] meters high, and each of the four sides of the base is [-] meters long. The whole thing is like an upright rectangular parallelepiped, with a rhombus-shaped sharp corner at the top.On the four walls of the Cemetery of the Gods, in addition to four huge carvings of the four divine beasts, there are also a large number of reliefs of various magical beasts.
"What a cemetery of the gods. Just the huge green dragon relief has such a terrifying aura. Beirut is really a big deal!" Feeling the aura of worship exuded by the green dragon relief, Dico couldn't help but feel in his heart Secret passage.

Beirut, who briefly introduced the reliefs, looked at the large number of small reliefs under the huge green dragon relief and said: "According to the calculations from these small reliefs, this time, the leader guarding the first eleven floors of the cemetery of the gods is the divine beast Ba Snake."

"Ba Snake? Mr. Beirut, is there still a chance for them to succeed?" Di Lin couldn't help frowning and asked after hearing this.

Beirut glanced at him and said with a smile: "This divine beast, the snake, reached maturity tens of thousands of years ago. As far as I know, he has now reached the middle god realm. Not to mention them, that is The five of you go in, and once you confront this snake, you will be dead or alive. Of course, except for Diko, with his current strength, he is enough to fight against that snake."

"What? The middle god?" The faces of those powerful saints changed when they heard this. At the same time, many people subconsciously looked at Diko in surprise. He could fight against Ba Snake. Could it be that Diko was already the middle god? Oh my god, how is this possible?

Especially Lin Lei, Desli and others who were familiar with Di Ke were even more shocked and unbelievable: "Medium God? Not only did he become a god, but he also reached the realm of the middle god? Naba Snake has practiced tens of thousands of It only takes years to reach the middle level of god, how did Di Ke cultivate?"

But Beirut obviously didn't mean to explain anything to them. He smiled lightly and continued: "Don't worry, this is not a road to death. Now, I will tell you about the situation of the Cemetery of the Gods. There are a total of eighteen floors in the Cemetery of the Gods. There must be no gods in the first ten floors. Starting from the eleventh floor, there will definitely be corpses of gods and gods." "The part you are about to enter, the first eleven floors are led by the divine beast Ba Snake. As for the twelfth floor, go to The last...even the god-level strong ones will have a narrow escape from death if they enter," Beirut said, turning to look at the strong men in the holy realm: "As for the Ba Snake, it may be on the first floor, or it may be on the No. 11 floor, in short, it is definitely On one of the first eleven floors.”

Listening to Beirut's introduction, Dico couldn't help but thought to himself with a twinkle in his eye: "It seems that Beirut put a lot of effort into creating this cemetery of the gods. Why on earth did he put so much effort into creating such a large cemetery of the gods?" It’s not just because of boredom, I guess I still want to cultivate strong people, and cultivate strong people like Qinghuo who are qualified to refine the main godhead. It can be considered as a well-intentioned one.”

Beirut continued: "...Ba Snake is sleepy. A sleeping Ba Snake will generally not wake up unless there is any big movement. If you are on a certain floor and encounter a sleeping Ba Snake, it is best not to He woke up. Otherwise, you will definitely die."

"The snake is sleepy, but if it happens to be awake when you go in... I can only blame you for being unlucky," Beirut said calmly.

Looking at the faces of all the saintly warriors who changed their expressions because of his words, Diko couldn't help but secretly thought: "This Beirut, is he deliberately trying to cause psychological pressure to them? It seems that he can only hide in The main god of the Magnolia Continent is really frustrated and bored, so he can't help but tease these powerful men of the Holy Realm."

"Haha..." Beirut looked at their serious expressions and laughed again: "I can only wish you good luck! Remember, these first eleven floors are not only the mythical beast Ba Snake, there are also other monsters, or Undead creatures, or alien monsters, there are many of them, but they are much stronger than the strongest among you."

"Remember, be careful, cautious, and don't be greedy. If you die inside, I can't save you outside," Beirut said, shooting a black light from each hand, hitting the bottom of the wall, and two passages suddenly appeared. On the wall: "These two passages, the human sanctuary enters from the left passage, and the Warcraft sanctuary enters from the right passage. If you are still alive on the first four floors, you can only meet on the fifth floor."

After everyone entered the cemetery of the gods, only Beirut and a few god-level experts remained outside. The high priest couldn't help but ask: "Lord Beirut, what should Beibei do if he encounters the mythical beast Ba Snake?"

"It's okay, Beibei won't encounter the mythical beast Ba Snake, because he is taking the right passage," Beirut said with a smile.

Under Xisai's continued questioning, and hearing Beirut's explanation that he had already detected the location of the Ba Snake when he opened the channel, Dico couldn't help but secretly thought: "I'm afraid Beirut had communicated with the Ba Snake when he opened the channel. Even Ba Snake’s so-called obstacles were part of acting. Otherwise, how could he show mercy to Buck in the original work? He must have known about the relationship between Linley and Beibei, and the relationship between Beibei and Beirut. .”

When Xisai mentioned Linley's safety, Beirut just said indifferently: "I hope he has better luck! I can't protect them all the time, and they are willing to enter this cemetery of the gods. Okay, let's go, ten years Come back later.”

Seeing Beirut flying away from the passage he came from after speaking, Diko, who was following up with Wushen and the others, couldn't help but feel a little helpless: "We won't be allowed in this time, and we have to have several god-level experts follow us. We'll return the favor later." I have to come here to pick up those powerful men from the Holy Realm, Beirut is really boring."

(End of this chapter)

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