Chapter 221 Calm Practice

Over the South China Sea, Diko, who followed Beirut, Wushen and the others out of the water, frowned and seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying: "Mr. Beirut, I found that there seems to be a familiar atmosphere in the cemetery of the gods. I wonder if this cemetery of the gods What is hidden in it? Is it really just a testing place used by the Lord God to hone some saintly and god-level experts?"

"Huh?" Beirut turned to look at Dico, with a slight frown, and smiled calmly: "When you are strong enough, you will naturally have the opportunity to explore the real secrets in the cemetery of the gods. But if you are not strong enough, you know It’s meaningless. So, go back and practice hard!”

"Okay, everyone, go back! When the ten-year period is about to come, I will notify you to come over again," he said, glancing at everyone in Beirut, and then disappeared out of thin air as if teleporting.

After Beirut left, God of War O'Brien looked at Diko with a slightly relaxed smile and said curiously: "Dico, it's your first time to go to the cemetery of the gods. You haven't even entered the cemetery of the gods yet, and you can actually sense the gods." The familiar atmosphere in the cemetery of the gods is really strange! It seems that you are destined to the cemetery of the gods. When we enter the cemetery of the gods in ten years, you will probably gain a lot."

"Haha... Martial God, do you even need to say this? With Diko's strength, he will definitely gain more than us when he enters the cemetery of the gods." Before Diko could speak, Xisai was already smiling. Liandao.

Diko also smiled noncommittally and said: "There are dangers everywhere in the cemetery of the gods. If we want to gain something, we must work together."

"Of course! Diko, you are the strongest among us. When the time comes, I will naturally listen to you. By following you, we may be able to gain more, and maybe we will have a chance to obtain the middle god's godhead," Martial God Company He said, his tone obviously sounded like he was praising Dico.

After all, going up to the twelfth floor of the Cemetery of the Gods is more dangerous even for god-level experts.Following Dico, a strong mid-level god, it will naturally be much safer and easier to enter the world.

Even Di Lin and the high priest looked at Diko subconsciously. The meaning was self-evident, which made Diko smile helplessly and said: "You guys are doing this, but it puts a lot of pressure on me."

Martial God and the others couldn't help laughing when they heard this, and while they were laughing, the few people who came to the endless hot desert in the south of Magnolia Continent soon separated and went back.

When Dico returned to the palace in Finlay City, it was already the next morning. Elena had already gotten up and was dressing up.
"You're back so soon?" Seeing Dico walking in from the outside, Elena suddenly smiled with surprise and curiosity: "How is it? What does the rumored cemetery of the gods look like?"

"It's just a cemetery building that occupies a large area, with a total of eighteen floors." Diko briefly introduced the situation of the cemetery of the gods to Elena, and then shook his head and said: "However, if you don't go there to see it in person, how can you enter the cemetery of the gods? After wandering around the cemetery, I still can’t appreciate the magic there.”

"Magical?" Elena, who couldn't help but become more and more curious, then said slightly helplessly: "So what if it's magical? I don't have a chance to go."

"Later! When the Tomb of the Gods opens next time, you will be strong enough. If you want to go, it's not too late to go out and explore," Diko said with a faint smile, and then said: "Where's Berlin? ?Are you awake?"

"I'm awake, I'm energetic! I've been taken to breastfeed by the nanny," Elena said, as if she suddenly realized something, and couldn't help but frown and look at Diko: "You just came back, aren't you going to be in seclusion again?" Diko said. Upon hearing this, she immediately touched her nose in embarrassment and said: "Ahem Elena, you also know that I will go to the cemetery of the gods in ten years. Therefore, I can only make temporary arrangements to make myself stronger. This way , then I will have the opportunity to get more artifacts and other treasures in the cemetery of the gods, and even godhood!"

"Okay! But, since you have two divine clones, you don't have to be in seclusion all the time, right?" Elena, who was noncommittal, said again.

Although Diko's original soul is the strongest and he is more efficient in cultivating and comprehending the mysteries of laws, and he also wants to cultivate other god clones, facing Elena's gaze, he can only helplessly smile and nod, saying that he will. Spend more time with her and the kids.

Elena feels that Diko is already very strong and does not need to practice so hard anymore.But Dico knew very well that as the strong men from the Gobada Plane Prison came to the Magnolia Continent, the entire Magnolia Continent would be in turmoil.

Dico was relatively confident when facing mid-level gods, but when faced with high-level gods, especially those with five or six-star demon strength like Adkins, his strength was still somewhat lacking.If necessary, he did not want to easily use the power of the Lord God as a trump card.

Therefore, apart from the fact that I occasionally go out to relax and accompany Elena and the children, or give advice to some powerful people in the Bon Empire, Diko's fire god clone and wind god clone have been practicing hard in seclusion almost all the time.

In the peaceful cultivation, time always passes quickly. Eighty-nine years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is getting closer and closer to the ten-year period when Lin Lei and a group of saintly warriors have been wandering in the cemetery of the gods.

Nearly ten years have passed, and Diko, whose soul is much stronger than before, has naturally made faster progress in cultivation. Although he is still far from the realm of a high-level god, he can practice the fastest fire element law, fire body technique and The fire-refining mysteries have all been completed successively. The three mysteries of Fire Body Technique, Fire Element Mystery, and Explosion Mysteries have also been integrated. The overall integration of the fire-refining mysteries and these three mysteries has been mostly completed, and we are working hard to complete the four Mysterious fusion...
At the same time, Dico has already gained some understanding of the last two mysteries of fire element law, Mars and Soul Attack, and is also trying to integrate them with the other four mysteries.

The law of wind element followed closely behind. He has already understood the mystery of the element of wind. The mystery of the clone technique has entered the realm of the middle god. The mystery of speed has also been cultivated to the final bottleneck. The mystery of dimensional attack has been understood for most of it, and it has been compared with the mystery of speed and the mystery of wind. After the fusion, the attack power of Diko's wind god clone also continued to become stronger.

The cultivation of the Water Element Law and the Earth Law, which are slower, is also achieved by successively comprehending the psychedelic mysteries of fog and the mysteries of power and becoming a god. I believe it will only take a few years to break through the mysteries of the water element and the earth element to become a middle god. , this is still under the condition that Diko integrates the mysterious laws at the same time.

It's just that the Law of Thunder and the Way of Destruction have still not been able to break through to become a god, but they have reached the limit of the Holy Domain, and breakthroughs are possible at any time.

However, based on the Mysteries of Wind Space of the Law of Wind Element, integrating the Mysteries of Explosion of the Law of Fire Elements, the Mysteries of Thunderstorm and the Way of Destruction of the Law of Thunder and Lightning, and Dico slowly integrating the Mysteries of Power of the Earth Law into it, it has been It is gradually embarking on the path of fusion of five different laws and mysterious rules.
But the more mysterious laws and rules are integrated, the harder it becomes to practice later.In order to mysteriously integrate the five different laws and rules, Dico still needs a long time.

In comparison, it would be better to practice the laws of water element and the law of earth to reach the mid-level god's strength to progress faster.After all, Diko, who was born with a mutated soul, had a tenfold increase in strength for every additional intermediate god clone he cultivated and another divine power he fused.

(End of this chapter)

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