Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 222 Rutherford becomes a god

Chapter 222 Rutherford becomes a god
It was the autumn of the year 10033 of the Magnolia Calendar, and it was only a few months before Lin Lei and his friends spent ten years wandering around the cemetery of the gods.

In Finlay City, in the back garden of the palace, Diko, who had rarely finished his retreat, was drinking tea and eating snacks with Elena. While admiring the beautiful scenery in the garden, he looked at the man who was sparring with a palace guard not far away. A half-grown child.

Bolin is ten years old. Although he is still a child, it can be seen from the faint light of fighting spirit emerging from his body that he has begun to practice fighting spirit.

As a child of the four ultimate warrior families and able to practice fighting spirit, there is no doubt that Bolin's bloodline concentration has reached the standard and he is already able to transform into a tiger-striped warrior.

Diko guessed that it might be because he had fused a drop of the Lord God's White Tiger Essence and blood, which resulted in a very high concentration of his tiger-striped warrior bloodline. Therefore, his son Bolin's bloodline concentration naturally easily reached the standard.

It seems that for three generations of the Baruch family, Barut and his son and grandson easily became dragon-blooded warriors.After merging and refining a drop of white tiger essence and blood, Diko's bloodline concentration was not inferior to Baruch's at all, and even better stimulated the potential of his own bloodline.

But it is a pity that although his son Bolin became a tiger-striped warrior at a young age, his magic talent is relatively average. Although he has magic talent with wind and fire attributes, his affinity is only average. If it were not for his mental power, it would be far beyond For those of his age, he is considered super, but he may not even have much hope of becoming a magician.

Nowadays, Bolin is also majoring in Dou Qi and minoring in magic. He has no extravagant hope of making any great achievements in magic practice.

But Diko and Elena were quite satisfied. After all, they couldn't expect Berlin to have such outstanding magical talent as his mother and sister.No matter how evil the parents are, the children they give birth to are not necessarily geniuses.

And Bolin is not bad either. As a tiger-striped warrior, he can easily become a strong man in the holy realm after practicing for 30 to [-] years.And with the help of the body refining method, even if his elemental affinity is lower, he can comprehend the mysteries of the law faster than most powerful people in the holy realm.As long as you are willing to work hard, you may not be unable to achieve success in the future.

"Father...Mother." A moment later, Bolin came over with a smile after the sparring session, holding a knife, and Elena was busy wiping his sweat.

Although the young Bolin failed to inherit Dico and Elena's talent for cultivation, he perfectly inherited their appearance, coupled with the aristocratic temperament cultivated since childhood, the prince was full of grandeur.

However, even though he was the only prince of the Bon Empire, neither Dico nor Elena pampered him too much. Instead, they disciplined Berlin more harshly when he got a little older, which made Deb. Lin is also relatively precocious and sensible.

Berlin, who is now only ten years old, already looks like a young adult. He has gradually established prestige in the empire and is favored by many nobles and ministers.

Even Allen loves this little nephew.To be precise, Allen is very good to his sister's children.Even if he is equally eager for power, he is not hostile to Linxi and the Bolin siblings.After all, Allen has experienced a lot and is no longer as immature as a child.Even if he wants something, he will rely on his own ability to get it.

Diko, who was looking at his wife and son with a smile, suddenly felt something sluggish on his face, and then he even said to Elena: "Master Beirut is looking for me, I'm going out."

"Mr. Beirut? Because of the matter at the Cemetery of the Gods? But hasn't the ten-year period come yet? Why are you allowed to go over at this time?" Elena asked doubtfully. "It's not clear yet," Diko shook his head slightly. A blue phantom shot out and sank into his body, and then he said: "Perhaps I may have to enter the cemetery of the gods in advance. This time I will only bring the wind god. After the clone passes, the fire god clone, water god clone, and earth god clone will stay in Fenlai City."

"Okay, feel free to go! God of War and the rest are going to the cemetery of the gods, who dares to come to Fenlai City and act recklessly?" Elena nodded slightly, and then couldn't help but remind with a little worry: "Be careful! Come back safely!"

After Diko turned into a gust of wind and left like a gust of wind, Bolin, who was standing aside obediently, couldn't help but said: "Mother, my father is already so strong, and he can cultivate himself to become a powerful high-level god, why do you still have to do it?" Go to the cemetery of the gods? Even if you get the upper level godhead, my father won’t be able to use it, and mother, you and the other powerful men from the holy realm in our Bon Empire won’t be able to use it for the time being!”

"Your father went to the cemetery of the gods not just for the godhood or artifacts and other treasures, but mainly to hone himself." Elena shook her head and smiled: "After all, in the entire Magnolia Continent, except for Beirut, who has unfathomable strength, Except for adults, there is no other god-level powerhouse who can be your father’s opponent.”

Berlin, who nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, couldn't help but look forward to it: "I wonder when I can go to the cemetery of the gods like my father?"

"Haha... there will be a chance. The premise is that you have to grow up quickly and become a strong man in the sanctuary first. Otherwise, you won't even be qualified to enter the cemetery of the gods!" Elena smiled and touched it. Berlin's head.

On the other side, at the speed of Dicko's Wind System mid-level god clone, he arrived over the South China Sea in a moment.Beirut, who was dressed in black robes, was already waiting for him here. He waved his hand to signal Diko, who was about to ask, not to say more. After Di Lin, Wu Shen, the high priest and Xisai arrived one after another, he took them into the seabed and faced everyone. The plane where the god's cemetery is located rushed away.

Diko, Wushen and the others, who looked at each other helplessly, also communicated quickly through secret messages along the way. The group followed Beirut to the outside of the Cemetery of the Gods.

"This time, I was really surprised by those powerful saints who were wandering in the Cemetery of the Gods," Beirut said as he glanced at Dico, which made everyone even more confused. He waved his hand and shot a black light at the Cemetery of the Gods. On the seventh floor, a passage appeared on the wall of the seventh floor of the Cemetery of the Gods, and soon a figure flew out of it.

"Rutherford?" Seeing that man, Martial God and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed surprise and surprise: "God level? Even if he obtained the godhead in the cemetery of the gods, he didn't refine it so quickly. Transform into a god, right? Is this a temporary breakthrough?"

Now that Rutherford has become a god, naturally he cannot continue to wander on the first eleven floors of the Cemetery of the Gods, because the tests there no longer mean anything to him.That's why Beirut took Dico and the others to the Cemetery of the Gods in advance.

"Lord Beirut!" After coming out of the cemetery of the gods, Rutherford first bowed respectfully to Beirut, and then turned to Dico and said gratefully: "Lord Dico! Thank you very much! If it weren't for your guidance, this time When I encounter a life-and-death crisis in the cemetery of the gods, I'm afraid I'll be dead, and there's no way I can break through and become a god."

Guidance?When the God of War and the others heard this, they all looked at Diko in surprise and curiosity. None of them had the ability to help the most powerful person in the Holy Realm break through and become a god. Even Lord Beirut was afraid of it. What on earth could Diko do? Did it?

"Rutherford, I just gave you some pointers. If you were able to break through, that's your understanding and luck. You don't have to thank me," Dico smiled and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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