Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 224 Double kill is a good start

Chapter 224 Double kill is a good start
Diko, who has been practicing hard and has not fought for a long time, has long been eager to have a really powerful opponent for him to have a happy battle.

What's more, the battle in the cemetery of the gods is a test and a temper. It is also an opportunity to obtain artifacts and even godhood, which is naturally not to be missed.

So even if he faced twenty or thirty mid-level god-level flame kings at once, Diko was not ready to turn around and run for his life, but wanted to see how strong these flame kings could be.

Boom... The flame king who was the first to approach Diko, like a mountain giant, suddenly waved the dark red stone ax burning with flames in his hand. The mountain-like stone ax struck Diko hard on the head with an air-piercing explosion.

However, in the face of this terrible blow, Diko did not dodge. When the blazing wind made his hair fly, he suddenly dodged the ax blade with a phantom, then turned around and struck with a punch. On the face of the ax, the flames burning on the dark red stone ax dispersed a bit...
Peng...boom...accompanied by a low muffled sound and an explosion of air, the dark red stone ax whose flame light dimmed was actually punched by Diko and flew out of the flame king's hand. In the blink of an eye, it turned into an afterimage and disappeared. into the dark night sky in the distance.

"Huh? This" The other flame kings were also shocked when they saw this, and their movements stagnated slightly. Diko, who had just smashed away the dark red stone ax with one punch, looked at the man who was also knocked crooked by it. The Flame King then punched the opponent's head as big as a house.

In an instant, the head of the Flame King, which was shaking violently, seemed to have exploded. It instantly turned into a large amount of dark red rubble and scattered. However, the Flame King seemed to have nothing to do with it, and actually waved the giant pillar of rock in the same way. With his arm, he slammed the flaming mountain-sized fist towards Dico.
The Flame King's fist was too big and its attack range was too wide. Dico, who was unable to dodge for a moment, was hit by it in an instant, and then his body collapsed and disappeared.

The Flame King, who scattered Dico's body with a punch, quickly absorbed the scattered rocks and re-condensed his head, which was just blasted by Dico.

But at the moment when his head condensed, Diko, who suddenly appeared solidly behind him, punched out again, directly hitting his heart, causing the flame king's whole body to shake violently, and his movements suddenly became stiff. turned into a large amount of rubble and scattered, revealing one of the median gods with red light shining.

Roar... After Diko took the godhead into his hand with a wave of his hand, the other flame kings who reacted immediately roared and killed them. Huge rock axes, war hammers, swords and other heavy weapons were bombarded at Diko. Come
In an instant, with the explosive sound of the collision of fiery and violent energy, Diko's figure once again dissipated into nothingness, and then a full twenty or thirty Dikos appeared behind the flame kings almost at the same time.
Boom..Boom..Boom..In a series of explosions, Diko, who was mixed in the clones, kept changing his position. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight flame kings were injured by the bombardment, making those flame kings who wanted to besiege him Suddenly there was panic and confusion.

At this moment, with a frightened and crazy roar, the tallest leader of the Flame King finally took action.Transparent flames were seen spreading like ripples from his mouth, quickly passing through Dico's clones one after another, causing those clones to collapse. At the same time, the leader of the Flame King suddenly stepped forward and raised the Flame God in his hand. The ax struck hard at the only remaining figure of Dicko..
"The mystery of the soul attack of the law of fire element?" Diko was slightly surprised. He felt the hot and terrifying aura emanating from the flame god axe. He couldn't help but frown and quickly turned over his hand and took out a long and narrow dark cyan weapon. The knife suddenly swung to freeze the space, and the psychedelic overlapping knife shadows tore through the space to meet the extremely violent knife.

Amidst the harsh clashing sound of gold and iron, a terrifying energy storm swept across. Diko was shaken and flew back. He looked at the man who also staggered back, with his upper body almost torn apart from space. The fierce sword energy tore open a huge crack in the leader of the Flame King. His squinting figure disappeared and killed the leader of the Flame King again.

Seeing this, he was shocked. The leader of the Flame King, who quickly recovered from the cracks and wounds on his body, hurriedly swung the Flame God Ax to stop Diko, but at the same time as he swung the ax, Diko had already arrived in mid-air in front of his chest. Once again, he slashed the leader of the Flame King's chest with the knife.
Chi... The sharp knife made a tiny crack appear in the space. In an instant, it split open the body of the leader of the Flame King, and even directly hit the crystal the size of an adult's head in the Flame King's body, causing the Flame King to... His life core was shattered, his soul was scattered, and the burning flames rising all over his body were quickly extinguished, and the dim look in his eyes turned into large pieces of gravel that collapsed and fell in all directions. "The leader is dead! That human is too powerful, run away." Amid the panicked shouts, the other Flame Kings were so frightened when they saw this scene that they did not dare to fight Dico anymore, and they scattered one by one to escape.

Diko, who did not go after them, just waved his hand and put away the Fire Attribute Median Godhead left behind after the death of the leader of the Flame King, as well as the flame. The light was restrained, and it quickly shrunk into a normal-sized Flame God. ax.

"Mid-level artifact? With the addition of two mid-level god's godhead, it's a good start," Diko said with a smile, "This test in the cemetery of the gods is not that difficult! Godhead is very difficult to obtain. ?"

If Diko and the others heard what Diko said, they would be depressed to death.You know, in that battle just now, so many mid-level gods and flame kings joined forces, how can ordinary mid-level gods be their opponents?It would be great to be able to escape their pursuit, but it would be a dream to counterattack them and obtain the artifact and godhead!
Similarly, when Wushen and Xisai were faced with a group of lower gods who were perhaps slightly weaker than them, they could only escape for their lives. This is why Xisai told Lin Lei in the original book that the god-level powerhouses escaped from the 12th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods. The reason why it is difficult to get the godhead when they start to wander is because the opponents they face are all a group of god-level experts, or a very strong opponent at the same level.

In fact, compared to the tests encountered by those strong in the holy realm, the test for the god-level strong in the cemetery of the gods has already reduced the difficulty.Otherwise, how could the God of War and the High Priest still be alive and well after entering the cemetery of the gods many times?

But reducing the difficulty and danger of the test does not mean that Beirut will allow them to easily obtain the middle god's divinity.After all, the original purpose of Beirut's cemetery of the gods was to train the strong men of the Magnolia Continent, not to allow them to refine their godhead and take a shortcut to become gods.

A god-level powerhouse who refines his divine personality and becomes a god has little potential. Even if he becomes a high-level god, he will be of little use to Beirut.What’s the point of cultivating so many god-level experts who have refined their godhood and become gods? What’s the point for Beirut?

Of course, for those strong men who are unable to break through on their own, but want to become gods and improve their strength, taking the risk to obtain the refinement of godhead is indeed an opportunity given to them by Beirut.

But for a powerful and demonic god-level expert like Dico, these tests set by Beirut, which are difficult for many god-level experts, are like a gift to him.

(End of this chapter)

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