Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 225 High-Rank Artifact

Chapter 225 High-Rank Artifact
After killing the leader of the Flame King and a Flame King, and scaring away the other intermediate God Flame Kings who were probably refining their godheads and becoming gods, Diko searched and investigated the entire magma sea with his spiritual consciousness. In the end, Dico did not find the path to the right. Passage to the next level.

"How come there is no passage to the 15th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods in the place where these flame kings are entrenched? Where is that passage? Are there other strong people on this floor?" Diko looked at it with a confused frown. The red-gold crystal ball in his hand was the result of his search in the magma sea. It seemed to be a special artifact, but it was actually an auxiliary artifact suitable for magicians.

"This thing seems to be more powerful than the Crystal Ball, the inheritance artifact of the Dark Holy See. It should also be a mid-level artifact." Diko commented secretly in his heart, but couldn't help but curled his lips slightly and said: "However, after dispelling those flame kings, After getting such a special auxiliary mid-level artifact, it is really stingy to not even give one of the upper-level artifacts!"

"Forget it, it's better than nothing. Let's find the passage to the next level first! Although the passage may be guarded by a stronger person than the Flame King, there should also be better ones. Something," Dico turned over and put away the red-gold crystal ball, then left the magma sea and started searching on the 14th floor of the dark Cemetery of the Gods.

"Huh?" Diko, who was advancing quietly like a breeze in the dark air, suddenly felt something and his face changed slightly, and at the same time, a sharp cold light instantly hit his head.

Hey... Dico, who was stabbed, instantly disappeared like a gust of wind, and a black figure holding a dark red dagger also emerged, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Almost at the same time as the ghostly black figure emerged, dozens of Dicko figures appeared quietly in an instant, surrounding it and launching fierce attacks.

Chi...Boom...Amidst the sounds of energy breaking through the air and explosions, a fierce fight began instantly, and the black figure was also divided into more than ten black shadows. It was the shadow clone technique of the Dark Law, and The Wind Elemental Law Clone Technique that Diko understood has some similarities, but he is better at being invisible.

However, due to Diko's keen perception and the attack of the clone on the clone, the opponent's method of transforming into a clone was obviously useless. In the blink of an eye, Diko had identified the identity of his true self, and was hit by Diko's violent punch. , screamed directly, and his body exploded into a ball of blood mist, leaving only an inconspicuous black godhead, which was taken into his hand by Diko with a wave of his hand.

"I have some strength, but when I play sneak attack and assassination, someone comes to my door to seek death." As he spoke, Diko shook his head slightly and put away the Dark Median Godhead and the Black Shadow left behind after his death. A mid-range artifact dagger turned into a gust of wind and continued on its way.

Next, Diko encountered some plant life and undead creatures on the 14th floor of the dark cemetery of the gods. They were also refined into gods and lived in groups.

Dico, who was too lazy to tangle with them, took advantage and ran away. After a final search, he finally found the entrance to the passage in a barren mountain valley.

"Is there anyone living there?" When he saw a black castle building next to the entrance of the passage, he sensed it carefully, but did not detect any strong aura. Diko frowned and thought for a while, but he still ducked and approached.

Arriving outside the black castle, Dico didn't bother to test anything. He directly checked with his spiritual consciousness and instantly saw a blood-stained sword with a black blade inserted on a stone platform in the empty dark castle.With that strong evil aura and fierce aura, Dico was able to confirm almost immediately that it was a sword at the level of a high-level artifact.

"Is it a high-level artifact? It's barely a good thing," Diko, with raised eyebrows and bright eyes, stepped directly into the castle without hesitation.

Almost at the same time that Diko stepped into it, there seemed to be a dark wind blowing, the air fluctuated slightly, and then black phantoms appeared one after another, immediately surrounding Diko.

"It's the Shadow Clone Technique of Dark Law again? Can there be something new?" The slightly impatient Dicko thought, and instantly flames spread out from his body, forming a field of flames in the blink of an eye, dispersing all the flames within the affected area. Like the energy of all elements, it naturally caused the black shadows to dissipate, and in the end only a figure remained.The thin man in black robe looked at Diko bathing in the flames and couldn't help but look shocked. Seeing Diko's figure wanting to take action, he couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Wait a minute! I can let you go to No in the Cemetery of the Gods." .15th floor.”

"Oh? You're so easy to talk to? What about this knife?" Diko paused for a moment before glancing at the sword stuck on the stone platform not far away.

"I'm not your opponent, and it's naturally yours," the man in black robe said with a helpless smile, and Diko simply walked over and picked up the knife, swung it around, and couldn't help showing a trace of satisfaction on the corner of his mouth. A smile came: "What a knife!"

"This sword is used by a powerful high-level god who practices the way of destruction. He has killed countless powerful people. It has an evil aura, so of course it is a good sword," the man in black robe continued.

The noncommittal Dicko turned over and put away the knife, turned around and walked out: "Thanks!"

Dico, who left the castle under the watch of the man in black robe, ducked directly into the passage leading to the No. 15th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods.

The man in black robe who then walked out of the castle, after watching Dico leave, couldn't help but frown and murmured helplessly: "Such a powerful middle god, he should have integrated the mysterious laws, right? The flames he used before felt like It should be a fusion of the fire-refining mysteries of the fire element law and the fire element mysteries. Such an evil mid-level god also comes to the cemetery of the gods for the sake of high-level artifacts and high-level gods?"

"The upper-level artifacts are still of some use, but the upper-level godhead...such a monster would be foolish to refine the godhead." The man in black robe shook his head and turned back to the castle.

Diko, who entered the passage, glanced at the steps in the passage, but did not find any other artifacts and treasures. He could not help but feel a little disappointed and secretly curled his lips and said: "The Lord God is too stingy!"

However, Dico also understood that for the initial test of the mid-level god, it would be good to have a high-level artifact.It is estimated that the upper level godhead may not appear until the No. 15th floor!

But for an ordinary mid-level god, it would be difficult to obtain the high-level artifacts in the castle, and it would definitely be even harder to get through the next level to get the high-level godhead.

On the 15th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods, Diko, who had just arrived here, felt the strong evil and murderous aura. The ground in the desolate world seemed to be made of metal. Under the reflection of a blood moon, it made the place look like It's like a doomsday battlefield.

"Huh? The aura of a higher godhead?" The moment he came to this world, Diko felt the faintly palpitating aura in the distance. Being very familiar with the aura of the godhead, he almost immediately guessed that it should be the upper godhead. The aura emitted by the talent fluctuates: "On this level, there is indeed a higher-level godhead. And it seems to be there waiting for me to get it, but obviously, the upper-level godhead is not so easy to get."

(End of this chapter)

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