Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 226 Abyss Sword Demon

Chapter 226 Abyss Sword Demon

Heading towards the direction from which the aura of the superior godhead came, Diko, who did not encounter any strong people to stop him along the way, soon came to a huge pit filled with a faint blood mist.

At the same time, Diko also saw at a glance a godhead floating looming in the mist of the deep pit. The surging aura spread from the godhead with a faint fiery red light.

"Higher Godhead? Fire attribute, such a coincidence?" Diko looked at the Godhead with a frown, feeling the obscure and unpredictable aura fluctuations in the pit. After a slight hesitation, the whole person dissipated into a gust of wind and floated into the depths. In the pit, he headed towards the godhead suspended in the bloody mist.

However, just when Dico was about to get close to the fire attribute superior godhead, a sudden change occurred, and he saw blood-colored sword lights shooting out from the mist of the pit, carrying a terrifying aura of destruction, causing the blood-colored mist in the pit to disappear. Everything surged, the space trembled, and a large amount of bloody sword light instantly blocked all Dico's escape routes and enveloped him.

Chichi Almost at the same time, Diko also had an energy armor condensed with the power of fire. Diko, who was bathed in flames, let the sword energy fall on him, causing sparks to shoot out from his body, and the flames rising all over his body. They flicker like fireworks in the wind.

But Dicko's divine armor, which was formed by merging nearly four mysterious laws, was not inferior to the upper-level defensive artifacts, and was not afraid of the long-range sword attacks from those god-level experts.

"This sword aura...the way of destruction" On the contrary, he felt the meaning of destruction contained in those sword auras, which made Diko instantly touched. The rules of destruction trapped in the limit of the holy realm suddenly became enlightened. At the same time, Invisible fluctuations in the rules of heaven and earth came, and Diko's original body also appeared aside.

Ah.. In the painful screams of soul tearing, he quickly completed the breakthrough and condensed into the clone of the lower god of destruction. After the original body and the identity god of destruction were both in the body of the wind identity god, he couldn't help but look down. The bloody mist on both sides said: "Keep attacking! Why don't you take action?"

"You can easily withstand the combined attacks of my subordinates. You are strong enough to qualify for this fire-attributed high-ranking god." A harsh sound like metal friction sounded, and then a figure was seen in the bloody mist below. fly out.

Diko raised his eyebrows and looked at the bald man in a blood-colored robe, with a dark golden metallic luster on his skin, and a bloody sword-like sword stuck on his back. He could not help but feel the aura on him that was not inferior to that of the fire attribute superior godhead. His eyes narrowed slightly: "Higher God? A knife on his back? What are you doing?"

The bald man in blood robe said and waved the fire-attributed upper-level godhead to Diko, and Diko, who reached out to take the godhead, suddenly asked with a flash of his eyes: "I want to know, if you defeat You, what reward can I get?”

"Defeat me?" The bald man was stunned for a moment, and then he let out a harsh laugh as if he was laughing. He reached out and took out the bloody sword from behind: "If you can defeat me, I can use this sword." Give it to you."

"High-level artifact?" Feeling the sharp edge and evil spirit emanating from the knife, Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. It was a bit exaggerated to ask a high-level god with a high-level artifact to guard the No. 15 floor. ?
The bald man in the blood robe caressed the bloody sword and said seriously: "That's right! This sword was conceived by myself, and it has been nurtured by my divine power for many years. It is indeed a good high-level artifact."

"Pregnant? Are you the Abyss Sword Demon? The Abyss Sword Demon who has become a higher god?" Diko's expression was moved when he heard this, and he instantly thought of the Abyss Sword Demon that Lin Lei and the others encountered on the 11th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods in the original work.

Abyss Sword Demons are very special. The swords on their backs are bred from the essence of the Abyss Sword Demons' entire bodies. The toughness and sharpness of the sword on the back of a sacred-level Abyss Sword Demon is comparable to low-level artifacts, reaching the highest level. The abyss sword demon at the god level has the sword on its back nurtured by superior divine power, so one can imagine how precious it is. "The Abyss Sword Demon seems to be made of metal, right? The corpse material of the Abyss Sword Demon of a higher god is probably much more precious than many rare ores that can be used to refine artifacts..." Thinking of this, Dico couldn't help but stare. He looked at the bald man in blood-robed robes and said, "If I can kill you, will your body and the destructive superior godhead in your body also belong to me?"

"Kill me?" The bald man in blood robe was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he laughed angrily: "Boy, you are just a middle god. No matter how powerful the middle god is, he is still just a middle god. You You actually want to kill me? Well, if you have the ability, you can kill me."

"You should just be a high-ranking god who has refined your godhead into a god, right? You are just the weakest high-ranking god, so you are so confident that I can't do anything to you?" Diko shook his head and laughed, and the fierce and violent flames rose up all over his body, like a fire. Then the whole person turned into a blaze and instantly came to the bald man in blood robe. Holding the high-level artifact sword with a black blade stained with blood, he slashed out with a knife, and the space was suddenly distorted and exploded.

Boom... Amid the terrifying explosion, the bald man in blood-robed hurriedly waved his sword to block, and then he vomited blood and flew backwards, and the bloody sword in his hand also flew out.

"You..." The bald man in blood-robed body, who was embarrassed and steady, couldn't help but stare at Dike with some disbelief, while Dike said with a violent aura: "As expected of the Abyss Sword Demon, his divine body is indeed powerful! I just don't know, you Is his soul defense strong enough?"

As he spoke, Dico's aura became more and more violent. Suddenly, a fiercely burning flame emerged from the center of his eyebrows. In an instant, it turned into a ray of fire and sank into the body of the bald man in blood robe.

"Uh." The bald man in blood-robed trembled with a look of horror on his face, and then he fell down and turned into a monster that looked like a human being made of metal. It had a blade-like horn on its forehead and a shoulder. There are also blades coming out, and the arms and legs are bent like sharp blades.Even though he was dead, his whole body still exuded a surging and fierce aura.

"As expected of the Abyss Sword Demon who has become a high-level god! Even the aura of the corpse is so extraordinary," Diko admired in his heart. He waved the corpse of the Abyss Sword Demon, destroyed the upper godhead and put it away, then flew to the bottom of the pit to find it. He saw the bloody sword and at the same time saw the entrance to the passage at the bottom of the valley.

Hearing the panic and commotion coming from the blood-colored mist around him, Diko was too lazy to pay attention to the mid-level god-level abyss sword demons. He just dodged directly into the passage and headed towards the No. 16 floor of the Cemetery of the Gods. ..
The No. 16 floor of the Cemetery of the Gods is an ocean world, and the passage is located on a hill in the center of an island in the ocean.

"This level finally looks more normal and comfortable," Dico couldn't help but smile when he saw some sparse vegetation on the island and the sea in the distance that seemed to be connected to the sky.The environment on the 14th and [-]th floors of the Cemetery of the Gods in front is really too depressing.

And just after Diko arrived at the No. 16 floor of the Cemetery of the Gods, suddenly a stream of phantoms flashed out, and in the blink of an eye, a dozen figures appeared in front of Diko.

"Higher gods? Are they all high gods? It seems that if the high gods want to invade the cemetery of the gods, they have to start from this level." I felt that the aura of these people was not weaker than that of the blood-robed bald man Abyss Sword Demon , Dicko suddenly looked a little more solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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