Chapter 227 Count You Win
There are a total of thirteen high-ranking gods wearing various robes or armors with different temperaments and auras. Eight men and five women. The leader is a handsome young man with black robes and silver hair. He carries three sheathed divine swords on his back. It also exudes a sharp aura like an unsheathed sword.

"A middle-ranked god can reach the 16th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods. If you dare to come here, it seems that your talent and strength are really good, and you are also courageous." The handsome young man in black robes and silver hair said in a cold voice and his eyes were like lightning. He looked at Diko as if he was looking at him, but there was a smile on his lips: "Thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye. It has been such a long time since anyone came here!"

"What good things are there on this floor?" Diko asked curiously, and the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair smiled even more at the corner of his mouth when he heard this: "Of course it is a treasure that will make even the powerful gods and powerful people covet it, but it's just that With your strength, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get it.”

"Whether you have the ability or not, you won't know until you try it," Diko shrugged noncommittally, "I wonder what it takes to pass this level of test?"

"Pass this level of test? Then you have to defeat me," the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face became more and more playful.

"Beat you? Do you think I have no chance of defeating you?" Looking at the playful smile on his face, Diko asked with a smile.

Seeing that Diko seemed quite confident, the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but smile: "What is tested in the Cemetery of the Gods is your true strength. You cannot increase your strength in a short time with the help of the power of the Lord God." foreign objects."

"He actually knows that I have the power of the Lord God? Did Beirut tell him?" Diko secretly thought with a slight shock after hearing this.

The handsome young man in black robe and silver hair then smiled and said: "How about it, do you still want to try it?"

"Since I'm here, of course I have to try!" As he said this, he looked at the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair. Flames all over his body instantly rose, and at the same time, the high-level artifact sword with a black blade stained with blood also appeared in his hand. .

"Fire element law? Very good, then let me see to what level you have cultivated the fire element law!" Seeing this, the handsome young man in black robes with silver hair lit up his eyes, and reached out and took out a dark red magic weapon from behind his back. The sword, a faint fiery and violent aura spread out from the dark red divine sword as if the blade was on fire.

Feeling the aura of the divine sword in the hands of the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair, Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly: "He actually also practices the law of fire element?"

"Then you have to be careful!" As he said this, Diko's silhouette suddenly turned into a flash of fire and came to the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair. At the same time, the sword in his hand carried a sharp and violent edge and struck at the opponent fiercely. past.

The handsome young man in black robe and silver hair who didn't care much at first, felt the power of Di Ke's sword. His face suddenly changed slightly, and he hurriedly waved his sword to block. The simple sword that seemed to have restrained power was in the hands of Di Ke. The moment the swords collided together, it was like thunder and fire, and violent energy exploded like a volcano.
The roaring sound was like an energy compression explosion, like two cannonballs colliding. While Dico's knife pushed the unprepared handsome young man in black robe and silver hair away, it also caused the twelve other top leaders who were watching the battle to retreat. Shendu's expression changed and he hurriedly stepped away.

The handsome young man in black robes and silver hair who stabilized his figure and stopped looked at Diko, who was also shaken back and suspended in mid-air with an expression of moved surprise: "I didn't expect that you, a middle-level god, actually have the ability to compete with The strength of a high-level god is even stronger than that of an ordinary high-level god. How many mysteries of the fire element law have you integrated? Three? Or..." "Haha... you haven't been able to integrate four of them yet! After all, I have been practicing for a long time. It's too short." Diko shook his head and smiled: "Your strength seems not to be very good! You should only have integrated two or three of the six mysteries of the fire element law, right?"

Those high-ranking gods who were dodging and retreating could not help but stare at him in disbelief when they heard the conversation between Dico and the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair.A middle-level god has already integrated the three mysteries of the fire element law. It's so evil!Although they are both high-level gods, their mysterious fusion is not as good as Dico!
"You are only a mid-level god, but you have integrated three mysteries. With such understanding and talent, you will definitely be able to become the Lord of Hell and a figure like Shura in the future." He looked at the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair who was admiring Diko with stern eyes, and turned around. And said: "However, I am the worst at practicing the law of fire element. Although you are strong and may be better than me, you are still far from defeating me!"

"I don't care whether you are good or bad at practicing the law of fire element. If you say that I can beat you, then it should be considered that I won just now, right? In other words, I passed the test of this level," Diko said .

The handsome young man in black robes and silver hair was stunned after hearing this. Just when he was about to speak, Diko already said: "Your majestic superior god, you are not going to cheat on me, are you? The treasure you mentioned before will be coveted by even the superior gods. Hurry up." Take it out!"

Seeing the way Diko was beating the snake with the stick, the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair couldn't help but dumbfounded: "Okay! Even if you win! However, this way of winning is different from the treasures you can get if you really defeat me. ."

"No, why should we treat them differently?" Diko couldn't help but said after hearing this, while the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair said: "If it weren't for the fact that you are the middle god, how could I have given you such an advantage. So. , just be satisfied if you can get benefits from the Cemetery of the Gods! You must know that the treasures you can get on the 16th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods are what you want to get after you go to the highest plane and the god plane and become a high-level god. It’s not easy either.”

"Okay! What kind of good thing is the treasure you talk about? Take it out first and have a look," Diko curled his lips and said.He was only slightly curious about the treasure mentioned by the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair, but he didn't have that much expectation.The best treasure in the Cemetery of the Gods is probably just the main artifact, but the sixteen levels of tests should not be enough to use the main artifact as a reward.

"Okay, then I'll let you see it. With the realm of the middle god, the fire god clone is better than mine, and the treasure you can get is one." The handsome young man in black robes and silver hair nodded with a slight smile, and paused slightly as he spoke. Xia Cai continued: "Seeing that your talent and potential are good, I will give you a chance to choose. I will give you three treasures. You can choose any one of them."

"Choose one of three? Why is it like this again? You are stingy, but you make it seem like it will benefit me a lot," Diko, who raised his eyebrows after hearing this, secretly cursed in his heart.

The handsome young man in black robe and silver hair continued with a smile: "The first treasure is twenty drops of the power of the Lord God. You can choose any attribute..."

"The power of the main god? Twenty drops? You can also choose the attributes? It seems that after Beirut became the main god, the power of the main gods of various departments has also been stored." When Diko heard this, his expression was slightly moved and he became energetic: "Two Ten drops of the Lord God’s power is not a small gesture!”

Dicko, who did not expect Beirut to be so generous, could not help but be a little interested in the other two optional treasures mentioned by the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair.

(End of this chapter)

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