Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 229: Messenger of the Lord God?

Chapter 229: Messenger of the Lord God?
The pale-faced handsome young man in black robes and silver hair couldn't help but look at Diko with shock and surprise on his face: "You have integrated the mysteries of different laws?"

"Accepted!" Diko, who was noncommittal, slightly cupped his hands and said, "Now, I should be considered to have passed this level of test, right?"

"Of course." The handsome young man in black robe and silver hair nodded subconsciously. He still felt that everything that just happened was so unreal.A middle-level god is so powerful. He has never heard of such a monster genius before, let alone seeing him!
"Then what you promised to give me?" Diko reached out to the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair, and the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair reacted with an unnatural expression, which made Diko frown slightly: "Qin Ke Don't tell me you don't have it! Then what you said before were you trying to fool me?"

When the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "No, no, of course not! If you pass the test, you will naturally be able to get those treasures. But, those treasures are really not here with me."

"Okay, I understand! Then, I'll go to Mr. Beirut and ask for it later," Dicko said without comment, "Then, can I go to the No. 17 floor of the Cemetery of the Gods now? Where is the entrance to the passage?"

As soon as Diko finished speaking, before the young man in black robe and silver hair could speak, a slightly older and clear voice suddenly sounded: "Dico, there is no need for you to go to the No. 17 floor of the Cemetery of the Gods."

"Beirut?" Dicko turned his head subconsciously and saw a black phantom flashing in the distance, arriving as if teleporting. When the young man in black robes and silver hair and the other twelve high-ranking gods saw him, they were also in a hurry. Salute respectfully: "Lord Beirut!"

"Lord Beirut, why are you here?" Dicko, who had reacted, also bowed his hand to Beirut and said slightly surprised.

"What do you think?" Beirut asked back, looking at Diko with a strange look and smiling: "You kid, you can really surprise people! The law of fire element has merged three mysteries, and it's still a soul. With such profound understanding and potential that you have mutated and begun to integrate different laws, I dare not say what level you will be able to reach in the future!"

"Mr. Beirut, those treasures he mentioned before..." Dicko said with a smile as if he was licking his face, and glanced at the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair.

Seeing him like this, the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair couldn't help but twitched his lips and became speechless, while Beirut also laughed dumbly and said: "Don't worry, this cemetery of the gods is a test set by the Lord God. Since you passed it, you will naturally be indispensable." A deserved reward.”

"In addition, I want to inform you that the Lord God also saw your performance in the Cemetery of the Gods," Beirut said with a somewhat serious look on his face: "The Lord God is very optimistic about you and thinks that you have the potential to become the most powerful among the higher gods. Potential. Therefore, the Lord God wants to accept you as an envoy. If you are willing to agree, the Lord God will give you the Master Artifact you want."

"Messenger of the Lord God?" When Diko heard this, he looked at Beirut with some surprise. What's going on?Lord God?Isn’t the main god Beirut!But hearing what he meant, it seemed that he was not ready to reveal the identity of the Lord God just yet.

Messenger of the Lord God?Under the envious gazes of the handsome young man in black robes and silver hair and the other twelve high-ranking gods, Diko reacted and pretended to be a little excited and looked around curiously: "The Lord God? Where is the Lord God?"

"The Lord God has not come. The Magnolia Plane is just a material plane and cannot accommodate existences like the Lord God." Beirut shook his head and said: "Besides, the Lord God has other things to be busy with. I don't know when the energy clone will come down to see you. . However, you don’t have to worry. As long as you agree to be the Lord God’s messenger, I will give you the Lord God’s main artifact you want on behalf of the Lord God.” “The Lord God cannot come here temporarily? I have never seen the legendary Lord God!” Diko, who pretended to be disappointed, couldn't help but said: "Mr. Beirut, you asked Rosalie to give me that ring when I got married, right? That ring is a soul defense artifact, right? But it The owner seems to be a fallen main god. Will the main god also fall? The message left in the ring says about the White Tiger Clan and the Four Divine Beast Clan. I absorbed a drop of blood essence in the ring. Could it be that our tiger-striped warrior family Is there actually a blood relationship with that Lord God?"

After listening to Dico's doubtful inquiry and waving his hand to let the handsome young man in black robe and silver hair and others leave, Beirut said in a slightly thoughtful voice: "Dico, you will gradually understand many things in the future. It is meaningless to know too much now."

"Now, you just need to know that there is indeed a main god behind me, and he also thinks highly of you," Beirut continued: "And what you need to do is to grow up as soon as possible. When you are strong enough, it's time Anyone who knows, will naturally know. Now, you should first consider whether you want to be the messenger of the Lord God!"

"Lord Beirut, are you also the messenger of the Lord God?" Diko asked without answering, and Beirut nodded slightly: "That's right! Dicko, you have to know that it is rare to be valued by the Lord God. It is rare to have a Lord God as your backer. , and you can also get a main artifact, which is only good for you."

"So, that main soul defense artifact was also given to me by the Lord God? I had not yet become a god at that time. There is no reason for the Lord God to value me so much! He actually gave me the soul defense artifact as a gift. I have Such a big face? Or is it the face of the Lord God who has fallen?" Diko frowned thoughtfully and said doubtfully: "But since I was given a soul defense master artifact, why do I need it now? Give me a main artifact? Could it be that the Lord God can give the main artifact at will, and give me as many as he wants?"

"That's not true. When the Lord God bestows upon his messengers and close relatives, he can generally only give one Lord Divine Artifact." Beirut shook his head slightly, and then continued: "As for why the Lord God has already given you a Lord Artifact, and wants to give you another one. You, then I don’t know. Maybe the Lord God has his own considerations. We can’t speculate on the Lord God’s thoughts.”

Beirut's words made Dico speechless. He was really good at fooling people!However, Dicko also roughly guessed Beirut's intention.I guess I saw his great potential, so I used this opportunity to get closer, and I wanted to cultivate him. I was also worried that Diko, a good young man who had the chance to become a candidate for the main god in the future, would fall by the wayside, so I gave him two main artifacts in succession. Get close.

Thinking of Beirut facing his continuous doubts and inquiries, he was probably quite depressed and speechless. Dico, who was smiling secretly, thought about it a little seriously on the surface, and then nodded to Beirut and said: "Mr. Beirut, I have thought about it, I am willing." Be the messenger of the Lord God!”

"Okay, then what main artifact do you want? I am in charge of the cemetery of the gods on behalf of the main god. There is a main artifact on the 17th floor of the cemetery of the gods, and there are more than one. So you can tell me directly, and I will do it for you. The main god has given you the main artifact you want," Beirut said with a smile: "This is why I just told you that you don't need to go to the 17th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods."

After hearing this, Dico nodded as if in a daze, and then said in deep thought: "Mr. Beirut, I want a main attack weapon, preferably a knife!"

"A knife? There is one. Just wait here and I'll get it for you." After Beirut said that, his figure disappeared and returned shortly after, and with a wave of his hand, he held out a silver-white sword. The scimitar with a bloody halo was thrown to Dicko.

Diko, who reached out to take it, felt the aura of the scimitar that made the surrounding space tremble slightly, and the sharp energy that seemed to be able to tear the space apart easily. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: "What a knife! It is indeed the main artifact! This is Could it be that the sword was used by the Lord God White Tiger?"

(End of this chapter)

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