Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 230: Want the middle godhead?

Chapter 230: Want the middle godhead?

Beirut, who saw Dico recognizing the owner of the artifact scimitar with blood, smiled and said: "Okay, let's leave the cemetery of the gods."

"Leave?" Dico was slightly stunned when he heard this, and Beirut also laughed and scolded angrily: "Why are you still here if you don't leave? You have obtained the main artifact, why do you need to invade this cemetery of the gods? Don’t you still want to obtain the Lord God’s divine status?”

Diko was suffocated when he heard this, and then smiled and said: "Mr. Beirut, since we are leaving the cemetery of the gods, the three treasures that the guy promised to give me before are twenty drops of the power of the Lord God, the soul defense artifact and The divine weapon glove, take a look..."

"Don't worry, I'll be ready to give it to you later. It's indispensable for you," Beirut said angrily: "By the way, what attribute do you want for the power of the Lord God? Fire attribute?"

"Ten drops of fire attribute, ten drops of light attribute!" Dico muttered, and Beirut, who nodded slightly, waved his hand and a black channel appeared in mid-air, then turned around and flew into it first, and Dico also laughed. He quickly followed him
On the square outside the cemetery of the gods, Diko, who came out with Beirut, saw that he was still here and had already stood up to greet the four people, the God of War, the high priest, Di Lin and Xisai, who could not help but look back at the tall tall man. Tomb of the Gods: "Have those powerful men from the Holy Realm not come out yet?"

"Dico, why did you come out so quickly?" Xisei, after bowing respectfully to Beirut, looked at Diko and asked unexpectedly. The Martial God, the High Priest and Di Lin also looked at him in confusion. .

Dico shrugged and said with a smile: "I rushed from the No. 14 floor of the Cemetery of the Gods to the No. 16 floor in one go. I successfully passed through it, so naturally there is no need to waste time inside."

Got through successfully?wasting time?The God of War and the others were speechless after hearing this.In particular, the God of War and the High Priest, who have been to the Cemetery of the Gods more than once, know how difficult it is to break into the Cemetery of the Gods. They spent ten years in the past, but it was difficult to break through the No. 12 floor. For Dico, Could it be that the fourteen-level sword and the sixteen-level test in the Cemetery of the Gods were unable to hinder it?
"Diko, you... have you obtained the higher godhead?" Xisai suddenly asked, which also made the Martial Gods on the side look over with curiosity.

Diko, who smiled noncommittally, said: "Lord Xisai, I also have a middle god with dark attributes here. Do you want it?"

"I" Hearing this, Xisai's eyes lit up and his breathing quickened slightly. When Wu Shen and the others heard this, they all looked at Di Ke with increasingly hot eyes. Wu Shen couldn't help but said: "Di Ke" Ke, you also got the middle god's godhead? Also... With your strength, those middle gods who hinder you in the cemetery of gods will naturally be unable to do anything to you. You can kill one or two and get the middle god's godhead. Of course it is also possible. Then do you have the fire attribute of the middle god?"

"Yes." Diko nodded slightly, and after hearing this, the God of Valkyrie instantly had eyes burning and his breathing became rapid.He has been longing for the fire-attributed median god for thousands of years!

Xisai, who had calmed down next to him, continued: "Dico, the middle god's godhead is too precious. Moreover, even refining the middle god's godhead will probably take decades. And it will take decades. Or even longer, I still hope to understand the laws of dark elements and become a mid-level god. Therefore, you should keep the mid-level god without dark attributes for yourself! Wait until you get a lower-level god with dark attributes in the future. If you have the divine personality, or if you have a low-level god who practices the dark law, you can cultivate a strong middle-level god."

"God of War, you want to get the middle god of fire attributes, but do you want Diko to give it to you in vain? Or should you exchange it for your O'Brien Empire?" Xisay said, then turned to look at God of War with a smile and said: " Moreover, even if you are willing to change, an O'Brien Empire is probably not as valuable as a low-level god's godhead, let alone a mid-level god's godhead!"

The Martial God, who was suffocated upon hearing this, also calmed down, shook his head and laughed helplessly at himself: "Xise, you are right, I really can't give anything in exchange for a middle god." "In the cemetery of the gods. , there are artifacts and divine attributes, as long as you dare to fight and if you are lucky, you will have a chance to get them," Beirut continued.

When the God of War heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, and then he said with burning eyes full of fighting spirit: "That's right! I believe that this time, at least one of us will be able to obtain the middle god status."

"Haha... Martial God, if you can get the middle god's godhead, that would be great, but if Lady Catherine gets it, then you will be in trouble. Once Lady Catherine reaches the middle god realm, you, the O'Brien Empire continent's first I am afraid that the status of a powerful country cannot be maintained," Xisay said with a joking smile: "No, now that the Bon Empire has risen, your O'Brien Empire is not considered the most powerful country in the mainland."

Upon hearing Xisai's words, the God of War couldn't help but subconsciously look at the high priest, and the high priest shook his head and smiled: "The Magnolia Empire has no intention of expanding and provoking war. I feel that the Magnolia Continent is now peaceful. The situation is also pretty good.”

As the high priest spoke, he glanced at Dico. After seeing Dico stunned for a moment, he came to his senses and said with a dumb smile: "Don't worry, I don't want to start a war in Magnolia Continent. Boang The empire’s territory is large enough, and there are no plans to expand outwards for the time being.”

Hearing what Diko said, the God of War and the High Priest breathed a sigh of relief. They turned to look at each other and couldn't help but feel secretly worried and helpless.Di Ke only said that he would not expand externally for the time being, but it was hard to say later!
Besides, Dico has become a god, and I am afraid he will not care about worldly affairs in the future.He doesn't care whether the Bon Empire expands, but will his descendants and future emperors of the Bon Empire want to expand?These are difficult things to say.

But whether it is the O'Brien Empire or the Magnolia Empire, they have existed for thousands of years, which is long enough.Even if it is declined and destroyed, for the God of War and the High Priest, it is just a loss of the power of faith. They will still have many feelings for the descendants of unknown generations thousands of years later. At most, they will have feelings for the countries they have established to protect. Just some obsession.

"Okay, regarding the issue of the structure of the Magnolia Continent, you can talk about it later," Beirut suddenly said: "I have lived in the Magnolia Continent for a long time, and I don't want the Magnolia Continent to be too chaotic."

After hearing Beirut's words, the God of War and the High Priest felt more at ease, but Diko couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "Don't you want chaos in the Magnolia Continent? Then you are still watching the rape of Gobada Plane Prison. The people are escaping from the weak space in the Warcraft Mountain Range one after another. I think they are a little worried that the world will not be in chaos."

However, Dico also understood that Beirut's stay in the Magnolia Continent was too boring and even a little aggrieved.After all, the main god can only hide in the material plane and find some small fun in the long and peaceful years.

Time passed quietly, and in the quiet waiting, the ten-year period for Lin Lei and other powerful saints to roam in the Cemetery of the Gods finally arrived, and Beirut also directly entered the tenth floor of the Cemetery of the Gods, and soon took Lin Lei with him. Waiting for a few strong men from the holy realm who were lucky enough to break into the tenth floor of the cemetery of the gods, they came out.

Not only on the No. 11 floor, but also on the fifth and second floors of the Cemetery of the Gods, black passages appeared. Apparently, those who stayed on the fifth floor did not dare to go up, and those who were too weak only dared to hide on the fifth floor. There are also many strong men from the holy realm who are trying to save their lives on the stairs of the lower passage.

(End of this chapter)

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