Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 231 Tarosa, win over

Chapter 231 Tarosa, win over
Lin Lei and other saint-level experts who came out of the cemetery of the gods immediately saw Diko and several other god-level experts, and also noticed Rutherford.

Most people who didn't know that Rutherford had become a god couldn't help but look surprised and confused when they saw Rutherford standing with several god-level powerhouses, who seemed to have come out a long time ago.

Linley and others who witnessed Rutherford's life-and-death crisis on the seventh floor of the Cemetery of the Gods, especially Desili, Fine and others who had been pursuing for thousands of years to become gods, were all He couldn't help but look envious, and even felt some jealousy in his heart.

"Entering the Cemetery of the Gods is indeed a life-and-death struggle for these powerful Saints." Diko, who sighed inwardly when he saw that there were almost two-thirds less powerful Saints, also noticed this. There was an extra person in the crowd, a strange young man with green hair.

At this time, the green-haired young man was talking to Lin Lei with a smile, and reached out to touch Lin Lei's head, which made Di Ke slightly speechless: "Tarosa? This guy is also unlucky. I don't know what he did to make him angry. Beirut was punished by him to be the manager of the first eleven floors of the Cemetery of the Gods. I guess Beirut also made an agreement with him to let him go free only if a strong man from the Holy Domain can successfully obtain the godhead!"

"However, are all these mythical beasts so handsome? Both he and Di Lin are handsome and have an indescribable evil temperament, lest others don't know that they are not similar to humans. They are both the same. The Beirut of the mythical beast has a normal appearance and temperament," Dico thought to himself.

Just when Dico was muttering about Tarosa in his heart, Tarosa, who went over to laugh carefully at Beirut's greeting, also looked at Dico and the other god-level powerhouses with a smile and said: "I know all of you too. Yes, Catherine has known her for a long time, old acquaintance. Oh, this one is called O'Brien, and this one is called Heise, right? And that one... Rutherford, right? I have to say, your luck It’s really good that I was able to break through and become a god in the Cemetery of the Gods.”

"And this one should be the Dicko that Mr. Beirut mentioned, right? A peerless genius from the Magnolia Continent. He has become a god in less than a hundred years of cultivation. He has also reached the realm of a mid-level god. He is also able to follow the crowd in a short period of time. He broke into the No. 14 floor of the God's Cemetery and reached the No. 16 floor. He is probably much stronger than me! What a monster!" Then he looked at Tarosa who looked at Dico and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hey, what on earth are you doing? A practitioner? I have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, and now I am only a middle-level god."

Upon hearing Tarosa's words, all the powerful men from the Saint Realm, including Lin Lei, looked at Diko in shock.Median god?He has practiced for less than a hundred years, but is he more powerful than the divine beast Tarosha?Passed through the 14th to [-]th floors of Cemetery of the Gods?When did this happen?

"Of course I'm practicing slowly," Diko said with a slight smile, which made Ta Luosha roll his eyes speechlessly. He turned to look at Di Lin and walked over with a somewhat exaggerated smile: "Wu Di Lin, My dear brother, you are really lucky, you escaped from the prison on the Gobada plane. This time I came out, the happiest thing is to see you, let's make out with each other."

"This Tarosa must have been miserable in the cemetery of the gods." Seeing Tarosa looking so alive, Dico couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

"Tarosa, stop making trouble!" Beirut said indifferently. After making Tarosa dare not say a word, he called everyone back to the Magnolia Continent.

Not long after, he flew from the South China Sea to the southern part of the Magnolia Continent. When he separated from the others and flew to the west of the Warcraft Mountains, Diko specifically sent a message to Desli: "Desli, I want to break through to godhood as soon as possible. If so, go to Fenlai City to find me as soon as possible."

"Brother..." Higginson and Hayward, the holy fire magician who had been touched by the practice of the law of fire that he had exchanged with Dicko and whose strength had improved. He was lucky enough to save his life in the cemetery of the gods, looked at each other. When Desili stopped for a moment and his expression changed slightly, he couldn't help but feel a little confused and surprised.

"It's okay, go back first!" After looking at Dick's retreating figure, Desili took a deep breath, then greeted Higginson and the others, and continued flying north.

Rutherford, with a slightly moved look on his face, spoke to Olivia and the other surviving Arctic Ice Sheet Sanctuary strongmen, asking them to return to the Arctic Ice Sheet first, and then turned into a stream of light and caught up with Dico.

On the second day after Dico came back, there was a water temple in Fenlai City.The miraculous appearance of the Water Temple also caused the name of Water God Rutherford to spread quickly in the Bon Empire. And the addition of a god-level strongman to protect it undoubtedly cheered up the Bon Empire. The prestige and influence on the entire Magnolia Continent have also reached a new level.The only ones who felt uncomfortable were probably some of the powerful men of the Holy See of Light.It's just that Dico, the god of fire, is above the Holy See of Light. Now that there is a water god, it will undoubtedly weaken the influence of the Holy See even more.

If there were a few more god-level powerhouses and temples in the Bon Empire, how many people would completely believe in the Holy See of Light?I am afraid that the presence of the entire Holy See will continue to be weakened, and by then the Holy See will really be just a tool attached to the Bon Empire.

A few days later, Dicko received Desili, Higginson and Hayward, who came specially to visit, at the Water Temple in Rutherford.

After some exchanges, with Rutherford as a role model, Desili finally could not resist the temptation to become a god and agreed to join the Bonn Empire in exchange for Dicko's guidance and help in practice.

Similarly, Dico also promised that once Desili becomes a god, he will be allowed to build a temple in Finlay City and enjoy the faith and worship of the people of the Bon Empire.

As for whether this will take away the power of faith that Diko can obtain, Diko thinks not, because in the Bon Empire, even a few more god-level powerful men will not affect his status. Naturally, It will not affect people's belief in him.

What's more, the so-called belief is not necessarily the only one. Who stipulates that you can only believe in one god?

On the contrary, there are more god-level powerhouses, and the people of the Bon Empire feel more secure and proud, so they will have more faith in the god-level powerhouses who protect them.When the Bon Empire becomes a country where god-level powerful men gather and is full of faith, will they still worry about not having the power of faith?
With faith and the protection of many god-level powerful men, the Bon Empire can truly prosper and prosper.Even if it does not occupy the entire Yulan Continent, it will still have a transcendent status and prestige in the Yulan Continent.

More than a month later, on the eve of the Martial God and several other god-level experts going to the cemetery of the gods, in the Valley of Warcraft and the Misty Valley, beside the smooth stone table made of jade on the grass, Diko and Di Lin was drinking and laughing casually.

"Sir, there is movement in the weak space in the cave again. It should be that some strong men from the holy realm are joining forces to try to escape." As a ray of light lit up, there were goose feather-like wings on his back and a golden star on his forehead. The tall man with raised eyes appeared behind Dico.

Di Lin, who glanced at the tall man, couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Dico, they are just some powerful men from the Holy Realm who escaped from the prison on the Gobada plane. Why should you care too much and let your water god clone stay here?" Watch here. Aren't you afraid of losing your status as a dignified mid-level god by taking action against these miserable and pitiful saintly warriors?"

"Pitiful and miserable?" Diko shook his head slightly: "The strong men who survived the prison on the Gobada plane are all ruthless people. If they are allowed to come to the Yulan continent plane, the impact and harm caused will be huge. It’s too big. You are a Warcraft, so you don’t have to care about ordinary people. But I am a human being, and I will be the only human god-level powerhouse still in Yulan Continent in the next ten years. I cannot ignore the life and death of those ordinary people.”

"So, you are going to kill those strong men from the Holy Realm who escaped from the prison on the Gobada plane? Then they are really unlucky," Di Lin said.

(End of this chapter)

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