Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 232 Recruiting, the Great Wizard

Chapter 232 Recruiting, the Great Wizard
Di Ke raised his eyebrows and looked at Di Lin with a dumb smile: "I didn't expect that you, Di Lin, would actually care about the life and death of those powerful men in the holy realm!"

"I'm just afraid that you will anger Mr. Beirut. You should know that Mr. Beirut is not in a hurry to repair the weak points in this space. He probably also wants to give those strong men who are imprisoned in the plane prison a chance to escape." Di Lin continued.

"But Mr. Beirut doesn't care about their life or death," Diko shook his head slightly and said, "Besides, I only killed a few powerful men in the sanctuary who were too murderous, had bad nature, and were relatively dangerous. That’s all. I think that although Mr. Beirut wants to give those strong men trapped in the prison on the Gobada plane a chance to escape, he also doesn’t want their arrival to bring big threats and turmoil to the Magnolia Continent.”

"Furthermore, I am not here to kill people, I just want to recruit some strong Saint Realm experts with good strength. Perhaps, under my guidance, these Saint Realm extreme powerhouses who escaped from the Gobada plane will also Someone can become a god. In that case, they will be grateful to me," Diko continued with a faint smile, which also made the tall man behind him look at him eagerly.

Di Lin also shook his head dumbly and said: "They are just some powerful men in the holy realm. Even if they cultivate a few lower gods, what is the point?"

While the two were talking, the energy fluctuations in the cave not far away became more and more violent. After the energy fluctuations subsided, figures soon flew out.

There were eight figures, but as soon as they flew out of the cave, they seemed to be frozen in mid-air.Among them are strong men with horns, handsome elf men with long green hair and pointed ears, and of course humans. They have just escaped from the prison on the Gobada plane, and their hearts are full of surprises, excitement and expectations for the future. There was always a look of surprise on his face: "The realm of gods?"

"Eight Saint Realm powerhouses? There are two less than the previous wave, but I don't know how many of you can survive?" He flew over and looked at the eight somewhat embarrassed figures, and said with a smile. Diko, with a sudden thought, the invisible consciousness invaded their bodies, making them all confused and easily probed their memories.

A moment later, the invisible power of waving his hand was Diko, who shook two of the Saint Realm powerhouses into two masses of blood mist. At the same time, he absorbed their souls into the silver-white main artifact ring on his hand, the Ring of the White Tiger. .

Seeing this scene, Chiquita, a tall man with two goose feather-like wings who followed obediently behind him, couldn't help but tremble all over.

Especially when he sensed that the souls of the two saintly warriors had been taken away by Diko, Chiquita couldn't help but narrow his eyes, as if he had returned to a time when he and several other saintly warriors had joined forces to escape. After leaving the prison in the Gobada plane, I encountered the scene of Dicko.

In the same scene, another Holy Domain powerhouse beside him turned into a ball of blood mist. So when Diko opened his mouth to recruit, he and several other Holy Domain powerhouses wisely chose to surrender. .

Immediately afterwards, after the other six Saint Realm powerhouses woke up, Diko's cold voice also sounded: "Are you willing to follow me?"

"Yes, we are willing to follow you, sir!" The six surviving Saint Realm experts noticed the blood mist that had not dissipated. At the same time, they discovered that Diko had removed the shackles of the Divine Realm. Their expressions suddenly changed and they all saluted respectfully. Liandao.

Dico nodded with satisfaction and ordered Chiquita behind him: "Chiquita, take them down to rest!"

"Yes, Lord Dico!" When Chiquita respectfully responded and left with the six saintly warriors, Di Lin flew over and saw Diko waving his hand to close the space of the two dead saintly warriors. Ring, couldn't help but say: "If you do this, kill people and collect souls, I'm afraid it will violate the taboos of Lord Beirut!"

"Everyone I kill has a way to die," Dicko shook his head and said indifferently. The taboo of farts, not to mention how much Beirut valued him now, only looked at the two great wizards and Beaumont in the original book. God-level experts who practiced the rules of death wantonly slaughtered so many people in Magnolia Continent but failed to get Beirut to take action. It can be seen that Beirut did not care about these killings at all.On the contrary, Dicko's involvement may make Beirut, who is watching the show in secret and wants to see how many strong men can escape from the plane prison, more interesting!

The next day, Di Lin, who asked Diko to help take care of his two sons, went to the Cemetery of the Gods with Beirut along with Martial God and several other god-level powerhouses from the Magnolia Continent.

In the following days, as more powerful men from the Sanctuary escaped from the plane prison as a team, more and more strong men in the plane prison discovered the passage at the weak point of the plane, which was like a leak. Escape from it.

Diko is naturally like a person holding a bowl to collect water. There are more and more strong men from the holy realm under his command. Of course, it is inevitable to kill some strong men from the holy realm. While removing the dregs from the team of strong men under his command, he also makes the three Chiquita, who was born in the Eye-Wing Human Race, used his third eye to refine the soul essence of the souls of the dead strong men in the Sanctuary.

Although he no longer needs to absorb soul gold beads or soul gold particles to strengthen his soul, Elena, his children, and some of the powerful men he values ​​​​in the Bon Empire still need powerful souls to increase the speed of practicing and comprehending the law. .

Finally, more than two months after Di Lin and the others entered the Cemetery of the Gods, Diko, who had dozens of strong men from the Holy Domain under his command, finally became the second person to escape from the plane prison after Di Lin. God-level powerhouse.

"Huh?" The great wizard who finally escaped from the plane prison and flew out of the cave with nine silver-robed soul slaves, saw Diko who was already waiting for him outside.

Especially when he noticed the dozens of saintly warriors behind Diko, they had the unique temperament of the saintly warriors in the cemetery of the gods. The great wizard immediately narrowed his eyes and looked at them with a slightly solemn look. Dicko: "Who are you?"

"Great wizard, I have been waiting for you for a long time," he said with a faint smile as he looked at the skinny old man in green robes. As soon as Diko said these words, the great wizard's face changed slightly.

"You are too dangerous. If you are allowed to enter the Magnolia Continent, I'm afraid you will cause a lot of trouble. So I decided to kill you directly." Diko's next words made the great wizard laugh angrily: " Although I don’t know who you are? But as long as a strong person escapes from the plane prison, even the plane guardian is not qualified to put him in the plane prison again or kill him. Besides, you are just Lower god, do you think you can kill me?"

"Then give it a try," Dicko smiled noncommittally, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of the great wizard. He punched out at the same time, and his fist seemed to be quickly covered with a layer of ice, the biting cold air and the light water. The fog spread together.

The great wizard, whose face changed slightly, quickly stepped away, and at the same time, a wave of gray mist filled the surface of his body, thinking that Dico was sweeping over him.

The gray mist seemed to be illusory, completely ignoring the divine defense on Diko's body, entering directly into his body and rushing towards his mind area. However, this soul attack method was naturally unable to do anything to Diko.

Although Diko's water god clone is still only a lower god, he has gained a deep understanding of several mysteries and has even begun to integrate the mysteries. Both his attack methods and soul defense are considered to be very top among the lower gods.What's more, the law of water element is good at defense.

(End of this chapter)

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