Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 233 Crush, sound transmission

Chapter 233 Crush, sound transmission

The great wizard is very fast. After all, he is a god-level strongman who has been fighting in the plane prison for a long time. There is no weak god-level strongman who can survive in the plane prison.Even if the great wizard is only a lower god, he is still relatively powerful among the lower gods.

But the great wizard is now in a state of serious injury. Even if he is not seriously injured, his strength is not as good as Di Lin. He is also stronger than the other two god-level powerhouses Muba and Beaumont in the area where Di Lin was before in the plane prison. A little weaker.

However, Diko's water-type lower god clone is not inferior to Dilin's in strength. It can even explode with all its strength and borrow the divine power of the fire-type god clone or the wind-type god clone to cast the fire element law or the wind element law, even against the upper and middle ones. Even a god can fight and win.

Therefore, he is naturally not afraid of a mere great wizard. To deal with a seriously injured great wizard, he will not be as adventurous, troublesome and strenuous as Lin Lei in the original work when he first became a god.

Phew... Diko, whose figure disappeared, had already approached the great wizard in the faint mist. The great wizard was surprised again. He gritted his teeth and waved the black scythe-like artifact in his hand, and slashed towards Diko.

Keng... Diko blocked the great wizard's sword with just his fists and pushed him away. Seeing the great wizard trying to use his strength to escape, he sneered and burst out with speed, turning into a stream of light. Stopped in front of the great wizard.

"How could it be so fast? I'm afraid he is even stronger than Di Lindu!" Facing Diko who blocked his way again, the great wizard became anxious. Facing Diko's fist again, his eyes turned green. The light swelled, and as a sinister low cry sounded from his mouth, the great wizard tried his best to block Dico's punch with his sword. The black scythe in his hand shook, and an illusory giant black scythe appeared out of thin air and struck Dico. Ignoring Dico's physical defense, he sank directly into his body.

Poof... The great wizard vomited blood and flew away. The black sickle flew out of his hand. His arms were broken. While he was shocked by the power of Di Ke's punch, he stared at Di Ke fiercely. Ke: "I am seriously injured, but you will never feel better if you are hit by my soul attack."

But then, the great wizard stared in surprise and disbelief, because Diko, who had been hit by his soul attack, seemed to be unaffected and chased him again.

"Impossible!" The great wizard gritted his teeth and was frightened. Seeing Dico approaching quickly, his face showed a ferocious look of madness. Two black beams of light shot out from his eyes. The rich black light then turned into nine beams. The ethereal black scythe phantom followed a strange trajectory and directly surrounded Diko. The advancement that he could not dodge sank into his body.

However, in the face of the great wizard's desperate soul attack method, Diko seemed to be unaware. In an instant, without slowing down, he arrived in front of the great wizard. He punched the great wizard, who was shocked, despaired, and confused, and his soul was on the verge of death. The collapsed great wizard was smashed on the head.

Boom... In an instant, the head of the great wizard exploded like a watermelon. The godhead in his head was knocked out by Diko's punch. The soul of the great wizard in the godhead collapsed directly.

At the same time that the great wizard was killed, the nine extremely powerful saints controlled by his soul naturally broke away from their control and regained their consciousness. They were all excited and surprised, and some even cried with joy and forgot to run for their lives.

In fact, they couldn't escape at all, because the dozens of holy warriors under Dico had surrounded them.

"The great wizard is dead. It's pitiful that Nian was controlled by the great wizard before you. As long as you are willing to follow me, I can spare your lives." He collected the godhead, artifacts and space left behind by the great wizard after his death. After the ring, Di Kelian said as he flew over.After hearing this, the nine powerful men from the holy realm who had just escaped from the clutches of the great wizard looked at each other, and naturally they all quickly bowed respectfully to Diko to express their surrender.Just following Dico is much better than being controlled by the great wizard and losing yourself.

In the plane prison, it is normal for the weak to follow the strong.What's more, Diko is stronger than the great wizard.For the saintly warriors in the plane prison, it is lucky to be able to follow a god-level warrior and have a god-level warrior as a backer. They have long been accustomed to relying on the powerful.

Just after Diko killed the great wizard and subdued the nine extremely powerful saints controlled by the great wizard, a sudden and familiar old voice sounded in his ears: "Dico, I didn't seal the magic beast in the Warcraft Mountains in time. Being in a weak space is not for you to block there to recruit strong people and hunt down god-level strong people. If you subdue or kill them all, that would be boring."

"Okay, don't wait there, come to my place first," Beirut then sent a message to urge him.

Unexpectedly, Dico, who suddenly intervened in Beirut at this time, reluctantly responded and ordered Chiquita to take the dozens of powerful saints to Finlai City first, and then left the Warcraft Mountains and flew towards the Dark Forest. .

Not long after, Dico arrived in the dark forest. After entering the metal castle without any obstruction, he saw Beirut sitting in the courtyard and reading a thick book.

After Dico came in, Beirut also closed the book, looked up at him and asked with a smile: "Dico, you kid, do you think that the weak space in the Warcraft Mountains is a big treasure you discovered? You are still guarding there, are you planning to kill all the god-level strong men who escaped from the weak spot in that space?"

"No! Mr. Beirut, I also learned about the great wizard from the strong men of the sanctuary who escaped from the prison in the Gobada plane. I know that this person is very dangerous. If he is allowed to come to the Magnolia Continent, there may be many innocent people. That’s why I killed him.” Diko, who shook his head in denial, couldn’t help but frowned and said: “Lord Beirut, I understand that you want to allow the strong men trapped in the cemetery of the gods to escape. Come out a little. But are you really not worried that they will cause a bloody storm on the Magnolia Continent?"

"With you here, even if someone really causes trouble on the Magnolia Continent, they are seeking death. What do I need to worry about?" Beirut also shook his head and smiled. Seeing that Diko was choked after hearing the words, and seemed speechless for a moment, he couldn't help but The smile on his face became even wider: "I really didn't expect that you have become a god and are so powerful, and you would still care so much about whether ordinary people on Magnolia Continent will be harmed."

"Mr. Beirut, I have heard a saying, the greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. Magnolia Continent is my hometown, I am a human being, and I naturally have the responsibility to protect the humans of Magnolia Continent and ensure the peace of the entire continent," Di Kelian said .

Beirut, who nodded noncommittally after hearing the words, stood up and looked at Dico with a serious face and said: "Dico, as a strong man, it is not a bad thing to have compassion and love for the weak. It shows that you are a kind-hearted person." Human. However, when you travel to the highest plane and the divine plane, and see the cruelty there, you will understand that sometimes you need to be cruel, especially towards your enemies, and you cannot be merciful."

"Thank you, Mr. Beirut, for reminding me. I will remember it!" Diko even saluted Beirut respectfully upon hearing this.The fact that Beirut can tell him this shows that he really regards him as a junior he values.

Beirut, who smiled with satisfaction, reached out and patted Dicko on the shoulder, then waved his hand and two things appeared in front of him, a dark cyan ring and a black glove.

(End of this chapter)

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