Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 234 Soul Defense Artifact

Chapter 234 Soul Defense Artifact
"Divine gloves? Soul defense artifact?" Dico's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the black gloves and the dark cyan ring.

Beirut nodded and smiled slightly, waving his hand to deliver the divine glove and the soul defense artifact ring to Diko: "Ten drops of the power of the main god of fire and ten drops of the power of the main god of light are all in this soul defense artifact ring."

"The Godhead is extremely hard. Sir Beirut, you can actually use the Godhead to refine Godhead weapons. It's really incredible." Diko reached out and took the black Godhead gloves and the dark cyan soul defense artifact ring, and couldn't wait to face it directly. The glove dripped with blood and recognized its owner, and he put it on his hand with a thought, clenched his fist and felt it.

"Refining godhead weapons is the unique ability of our God-Eating Rats. We must reach the realm of higher gods and refine enough godheads before we can refine godhead weapons," Beirut said with a hint of pride: "Every It is not easy to refine a divine weapon. It requires the refining of many divine weapons and the fusion of their essence energy. Therefore, divine weapons are generally relatively small and can be refined into gloves or daggers."

"But there is no doubt that the divine weapon is much more powerful than the upper divine weapon, and its hardness is even comparable to the main divine weapon. However, the divine weapon is not as powerful as the main divine weapon, but this divine glove is enough for you. Yes," Beirut continued confidently.

"Thank you, Lord Beirut!" Diko, who waved his fist and briefly felt the power of the divine weapon, couldn't help but said in surprise. Although he already has a scimitar, the main artifact, it is inconvenient to take it out when he is in the middle of the god. It's too ostentatious after all.And with a divine glove, you can also unleash terrifying attack power with your fists.

Beirut smiled lightly and then said: "By the way, let me remind you that the soul defense artifact is quite special. If you want to use it on someone, you can only use it on that person after you recognize the owner with a drop of blood. Even if the recognition is lifted, Lord, I can no longer confess Him to others.”

"Oh? Can it only be used by one person?" Diko raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and then nodded slightly to express his understanding.He was actually preparing to give this soul defense artifact to Elena.

As for his and Elena's children, they are still weak. When they become gods and travel to the highest plane or the divine plane in the future, it is estimated that Diko has become the pinnacle of the upper gods, and maybe they can Now that I have refined the soul defense artifact myself, it is not too late to prepare it for them.

Dico knew that in the original work, Linley's wife Delia was hit by the Seven-Star Demon who practiced the rules of life and almost died when she was in hell.This shows the importance of soul defense.Especially for the weak, physical injuries can still be recovered, but once the soul is seriously injured, there may be a risk of losing its soul.

"Okay, go back! Practice hard, and when you feel that you are strong enough, you can go to the divine plane or the supreme plane to have a try. After all, the Magnolia Continent is just a small pond, and you need a bigger stage to grow. ," Beirut waved his hand.

"Well, there's no rush. After I practice and accumulate a little more, settle down some things, and have nothing to worry about, it won't be too late to go to the divine plane or the highest plane." Diko nodded slightly, bowed his hand to Beirut, and then Say goodbye and leave.

Beirut, who watched Dicko leave, shook his head and sighed, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that Dicko is best at the law of fire element and the law of wind element, not the law of water element and the law of earth, otherwise"

"Let's see! Let's see what level he can reach in the future. He is a soul mutant after all. Although he doesn't know how his soul mutated, he already has five god clones, so he is destined to have great potential in the future. If he If you can really integrate four or five kinds of mysteries with different laws and rules, and the laws of water elements and the laws of earth can reach the realm of high gods, it is not that important whether the laws and mysteries are integrated or not," Beirut then sat down muttering to himself, He took a deep breath as he spoke expectantly, then picked up the thick book and started reading.

When Diko came back from Fenlai City, he called out Elena who was in retreat.Today's Elena seems to have been stimulated by Dicko's continuous training of trance clones. She also focuses on training, and almost all the government affairs of the empire are handed over to Allen.

"What are you doing? I'm practicing, why did you call me out in such a hurry? What happened?" In a quiet inner courtyard of the palace, Elena walked out of the palace and saw Diko outside. , couldn't help but frown and asked.Dico smiled and handed the dark cyan ring to Elena: "Of course it's something, what do you think this is?"

"Is this ring the soul defense artifact you mentioned before?" Elena, who subconsciously took the dark blue ring, couldn't help but look slightly moved, and then said: "You want to give it to me? This is a soul defense artifact, it’s up to you to use it!”

"No, I already have a soul defense artifact. Do you still remember the gift that Lord Beirut asked Rosalie to send when we got married?" Diko shook his head and continued.

Elena couldn't help but narrow her beautiful eyes when she heard this: "You mean, that is also a soul defense artifact? Lord Beirut is so generous? Directly using the soul defense artifact as a gift, this is too generous!"

"Lord Beirut is the messenger of the Lord God. He is definitely the most powerful among the upper gods. It is not difficult for him to refine a soul defense artifact," Diko said with a smile: "Okay, now, you can accept it. Is this the soul defense artifact ring?"

"Well, my husband got this through his desperate adventure in the Cemetery of the Gods," Elena nodded with a smile and even put the dark cyan ring on her hand.

"Recognize the master with a drop of blood, and then you should be able to feel a special energy in this soul defense artifact. By introducing it into the soul space, you can protect the soul," Diko urged Banlian: "This soul defense artifact , can only recognize its master once. So once it recognizes its master, it can only be used by you, and will always accompany you and protect you."

"I can only use it?" Elena, who was already ready to shed her blood to identify her master, couldn't help but frowned and stopped when she heard this: "Then Linxi and Bolin..."

"They haven't even reached the Holy Realm, and they can't use the Soul Defense Artifact yet. When they become gods in the future, I will naturally find a way to help them get the Soul Defense Artifact," Diko shook his head and said, "Okay. , hurry up and shed your blood to recognize the owner! Otherwise, if people know that you have an ownerless soul defense artifact, it will cause trouble."

Elena, who nodded slightly, recognized her master with blood. She closed her eyes and carefully sensed the soul defense artifact in her hand. After a moment, she opened her eyes and said: "This soul defense artifact is really strange. It can actually form a cyan transparent The energy shield protects my soul.”

"But what are the drops of red liquid and white liquid in this soul defense artifact? What a powerful aura! It actually makes my soul tremble," Elena then asked doubtfully.

"That's the power of the Lord God, and it's also what I gained from going to the cemetery of the gods this time," Diko said: "You can't use this power of the Lord God yet, so take out the ten drops of the power of the Lord God of Fire and give it to me. As for those ten drops of the power of the Lord of Light, you will naturally be able to use them after you become a god."

"Is this power of the Lord God the power used by the Lord God?" Elena asked curiously: "What is its use?"

(End of this chapter)

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