Chapter 235

Diko nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the power of the Lord God is exactly what the Lord God can possess. Once activated, its power is a hundred times that of the upper divine power. This is because ordinary god-level strongmen cannot perfectly control the power of the Lord God. Because of energy. Moreover, the power of the Lord God is also the power of the soul, which can be used to carry out material attacks and can also be used to resist soul attacks."

"The power of the main god is both divine power and soul power. Doesn't that mean that even a lower god can rival a higher god using the power of the main god, without having to worry about the upper god's soul attack methods, and can even defeat the upper god? Elena said in surprise and disbelief.

"Yes! The weaker the god-level warrior is, the more exaggerated the amplitude of his combat power will be after the power of the Lord God," Diko nodded.

After hearing this, Elena took a deep breath and said: "So, the power of the Lord God should be very precious, right? You actually got twenty drops at once?"

"It is very precious! Even in the divine plane and the supreme plane, only some of the top gods have the opportunity to obtain it." Diko nodded: "So, although these twenty drops of the power of the Lord God are not small, , but we have to use it at critical moments and cannot waste it casually."

"The power of the Lord God, which is so precious and rare in both the God Plane and the Supreme Plane, can be obtained in the Cemetery of the Gods. Diko, what exactly did you experience in the Cemetery of the Gods before?" Elena, however, endured it. He couldn't help but look at Dico worriedly.

Diko smiled nonchalantly and said: "It's nothing! The Cemetery of the Gods is a testing place arranged by the Lord God. The reason why I was able to obtain the soul defense artifact and the power of the Lord God at once was naturally because I showed enough It’s the monster’s talent that made the Lord God favor him and gave him so many treasures. For a talent like me, even the Lord God wouldn’t let me die in the test.”

"Don't be so slutty! Don't take such risks in the future." Elena rolled her eyes at Dico, and then said: "You are already a mid-level god. In the entire Magnolia Continent, you are the strongest except Lord Beirut. , there is no need to be so anxious to improve your strength. We will have plenty of time in the future, can't you practice slowly?"

"Okay, whatever you say is fine," Dico looked at Elena with a smile, put his hands on Elena's shoulders, and then hugged her: "I know you are worried about me, but don't worry, Even if it's for you, Linxi, and Bolin, I won't risk my life easily. But many times, opportunities come, and if I don't give it a try, I'm afraid I will regret it in the future."

"Look at the Martial Gods and the others, they only have one god clone. Even the Martial Gods don't even have the true form of the Holy Realm. They only have one life. But why don't they just go to the cemetery of the gods and take risks! Since they are not afraid, I have several god clones. Even if I lost one or two, so what? At most one or two laws can no longer be practiced," Diko said and then said: "However, I still cherish the opportunity to practice every law. .So, I will not give up any of my divine clones easily."

After hearing this, Elena couldn't help hugging Dico tightly and said: "Dico, sometimes I really feel that I am quite useless. No matter in the past or now, I have to rely on you for everything. I can't help you at all." It’s nothing compared to you. This so-called magic genius of mine really pales in comparison to you!”

"Who said that? Even the legendary Pope Ernst of the Holy See of Light was older than you when he entered the Holy Realm. Why are you not a genius? Moreover, you manage the Bon Empire so well that I can feel at ease. Practice! Have some confidence in yourself, I believe that you can also practice independently and become a god like Ernst," Diko patted Elena's shoulder like a doting one and said.

While the two were talking, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, but Linxi, a tall beauty with dark red slightly curly hair who had grown into a mature beauty, came over holding Bolin's hand.
Seeing Dico and Elena hugging and talking to each other in the courtyard, the two siblings, who were slightly shocked and stared at each other, immediately looked at each other and turned around to leave lightly.

"Okay, you two! Come here!" Diko let go of Elena, turned to look at them and said, when Linxi pulled Berlin over and walked over with an embarrassed smile, Diko She couldn't help but said angrily: "I don't usually come back, but when I finally came back, you still refused to let me and your mother stay alone for a while." "Okay, it's rare for my daughter to come back, so just say less," Elena He glared at Di Ke slightly, and then pulled Linxi aside with a smile to talk: "Linxi, tell your mother how you went to practice with Grandpa Luo Ye, and what Grandpa Luo Ye taught you recently. ah?"

Seeing the mother and daughter Elena and Linxi, who were as young as sisters and had about [-] to [-]% resemblance in appearance, laughing and chatting, Dike looked at each other helplessly with his son Berlin beside him.

Whenever the mother and daughter get together, their husband and brother are no longer popular, and they always have endless topics to talk about.

"Father, my sister seems very happy to be back this time. Do you think she has someone she likes? When I look at her, the smile on her face seems to have never stopped." Berlin suddenly came close to Di Ke whispered next to him.

"The person you like?" Diko was stunned when he heard this. He glanced at his daughter Linxi, who was chatting happily with Elena, but shook his head slightly. His daughter had good talent, noble status, and naturally had very high vision. Although I am over 30 years old, but I have never liked anyone!
Moreover, her daughter Linxi is also obsessed with cultivation.Realizing that Linxi's mental power had reached the level of the Holy Domain Magister, Diko could roughly guess why she was in such a good mood.

With a pair of parents who are extremely talented, Linxi naturally targets Diko and Elena in her cultivation.Although she could not keep up with her extremely evil father, he could become a Holy Magician at the age of 32 or three. Linxi was not inferior to her mother Elena, so she was naturally worthy of pride and surprise.

"What? Holy Magician? Father, you said that my sister has become a Holy Magician? So soon?" Bolin, who was talking to Diko in a low voice, learned from his father that his sister Linxi had become a Holy Magician. He suddenly stared in shock.

Bolin, who is not as talented in cultivation as his sister, is no less determined to become a strong person in cultivation at a young age than his sister Linxi.But the Holy Wizard, who was in his 30s, was a bit of a shock to him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss as to whether he could catch up with his sister in this life.

"Don't be discouraged! You are a tiger-striped warrior. It is certain that you will become a strong Saint in the future. Even if you cannot become a Holy Magician, who says that a Holy Warrior cannot be as good as a Holy Magician?" Sensing Bolin's little thought, Diko couldn't help but smile and pat his head and said: "Among the highest planes and divine planes, as well as a large number of material planes, the most indispensable thing is genius. Maybe the only person who can truly become a strong person is talent. , you also need to have perseverance and self-confidence. If you don’t even believe that you can catch up with your sister one day, then how can you have the motivation to persist in hard training? Let alone enjoy the process of training. . In anything, if you cannot indulge in it and enjoy it, it will be difficult to achieve great results."

"Well, father, I understand! Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to practice and catch up with my sister, mother, and even father in the future." Upon hearing this, Bolin immediately nodded with his little hands clasped tightly and said.

Seeing how his little head was slightly raised and his fighting spirit became high, Dico couldn't help but smile.In fact, Dicko has always been very satisfied with his son Berlin.Although the little guy has been well-fed and pampered since he was a child, he is not as lazy as his uncle when he was a child. On the contrary, he is very perseverant. Whether it is learning or practicing, he always has the energy to refuse to admit defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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