Chapter 236 Bundle Fusion
In the blink of an eye, it’s the Magnolia Festival again. After a heavy snowfall, the sky and the earth are covered in snow, which adds a festive atmosphere to the Magnolia Festival in the year 10035 of the Magnolia Calendar.

In particular, a few days before the Magnolia Festival, a temple of light appeared in Fenlai City like a miracle, which made the entire Fenlai City more lively and lively. Even some senior officials of the Holy See were in high spirits, thinking that It is the light that cares for them.

There is no doubt that the Bon Empire has gained another god-level powerhouse, and it is Desili who became a god on his own in the original work.After receiving Diko's guidance and being exposed to the physical training method, he became more affinity to the light element. After just practicing for more than half a year, he directly became a god, reaching the level of god several years earlier than in the original work.

After becoming a god, Desili came to Finlay City with his wife, daughter, two good brothers Higginson and Hayward, and several strong men from the Sanctuary who followed him, and officially joined Boang. empire.Naturally, Desili's name quickly spread throughout the Magnolia Continent. Even the Holy See was promoting his identity as a former ascetic leader, completely forgetting that they once regarded Desili as a person who had betrayed the Lord. Now, On the contrary, they are rushing to build relationships.

Even a few high-level officials in the Holy See are trying to get Desili to return to the Holy See in order to increase the Holy See's influence.But Desili, who had left the Holy See long ago, was naturally a sober and understanding person, and he also knew very well that it was Diko's gift that he was able to own the temple in Fenlai City and spread the faith.

Dicko's intention to weaken the influence of the Holy See can be seen by anyone who is interested.At this time, he should be attracted by a few stupid people in the Holy See and try to have a high status in the Holy See. Only Desili would make this choice if his mind was filled with water.

If he really cared about power and status, he would not have left the Holy See and chosen to live in seclusion in the Territory of Chaos and practice hard.Desili, who has now become a god, has no interest in the disputes in the world. He just wants to go higher and further on the road of cultivation and see different scenery.

If it weren't for Dicko's temptation with the power of faith, and Dicko was indeed amazingly talented and had the potential to become a peerless strongman, how could Desili give up his leisurely and comfortable life to follow Dicko?
In the palace, there were more people at the banquet on the Magnolia Festival. In addition to Dico's family of four, Doug, the children of the Purple Flame Warrior Family and the Tiger Pattern Warrior Family, the Allen family and other high-level powerful men from the Bon Empire, and Some of the people closest to Dike and Elena, including Desli and the people he brought, including Desli's son-in-law and Linley's good brother Renault, and those who happened to be in Finlay City and had inherited the Dawson Chamber of Commerce. Yale as president.

The atmosphere at the banquet was very good, and there was no difference in status between everyone. It was like a gathering of relatives and friends. This family banquet-like way of gathering made Desili and the others feel very comfortable and looked forward to their future life in the Bon Empire. Like.

Perhaps Desili and his powerful men in the Holy Realm don't care much about the powerful status in the world, but they also have some juniors. As the juniors, including Renault, slowly integrated into the Bonn Empire and entered the army After becoming an officer and having the status of a noble, Desili and others will undoubtedly be more closely tied to the empire in the future.

This kind of binding and fusion has actually been done consciously by Dico and Elena over the years.For example, by allowing Allen's children to marry into the Purple Flame Warrior Family and the Tiger Stripe Warrior Family, the children of the Berlin family can also have the ultimate warrior bloodline, and at the same time, it will also slowly eliminate the camps formed due to the issue of succession to the throne. Opposition and estrangement.

Especially with the arrival of Desili and others, a force that cannot be underestimated has completely broken the previous pattern.The so-called struggle for imperial power no longer has any meaning.The ones who can really influence the empire are Diko and the empire's holy warriors.As long as they are around, the worldly struggle for power is just a child's play.

Maybe he just wanted to understand this, or maybe as Dico said, Allen, who had experienced the feeling of power, also found it boring.

Therefore, at the first important court meeting after the Magnolia Festival, Allen formally suggested to Elena, asking her to inform the entire empire to determine the identity of Prince Berlin's heir to the throne.Although many people were surprised by this, they all agreed with it tacitly, and Elena naturally nodded directly.

After the Magnolia Festival, the weather got warmer, and the back garden of the Royal Palace in Finlay City slowly regained its vitality and brilliant colors. In the warm sun, Diko and Elena were walking hand in hand.
"Allen, this kid, is becoming more and more straightforward in his work now. He actually resigned from the position of left prime minister, so you have to be busy again." Diko shook his head and said with a smile: "However, I heard that he is now in In his own house, he is either eating, drinking and enjoying himself, or practicing. He is also planning to go out for a tour. It seems that he has really understood life. It may be good to go out for a walk. Perhaps the transformation of his soul will make his future cultivation path smoother. If you go more smoothly, maybe there is some hope of becoming a strong man in the Holy Realm!"

"He can think things through and live happily. Even if I am a little tired, I am still happy," Elena also said with a smile: "Besides, our daughter is also ready to come back to help me. She has grown up, really I have become much more mature and sensible. Moreover, Berlin has grown up slowly. I will only have to work hard for a few years at most. I may not even have the chance to work hard in the future!"

"Are you not worried now? I have said before that many so-called worries will be diluted and solved by time. There are not many difficult things that time cannot solve," Diko continued: "It's like practicing. Maybe a person is less talented, but as long as there is enough time, if he cannot become a god in 1 years, he can practice for 10 years. If he cannot become a god in 10 years, he can practice for millions, tens of millions or even years. If you give up, you can always break through.”

"However, time is also what consumes patience and self-confidence the most. When a person's patience and self-confidence are worn away, it will naturally be more difficult to achieve anything." As he said this, Dico suddenly felt something and couldn't help but smile. He looked towards the east and said, "It seems that someone can't bear it any longer."

"Can't bear it? Who are you talking about? What can't be tolerated?" Elena, who nodded in agreement with Dico's statement, couldn't help but asked curiously when she saw his reaction.

Di Ke smiled lightly and said casually: "It's nothing, it's just that the Martial Saint from the Far East Prairie suddenly came. I guess it was because Rutherford and Desili broke through one after another because of me, so I couldn't help it. You want to come and ask me for advice.”

"However, does he really think that with my casual guidance, the most powerful person in the Holy Domain can easily break through and become a god? If that were the case, I now have dozens of top experts in the Holy Domain under my command, including some who are truly Anyone who has cultivated a certain mysticism to the bottleneck can break through and become a god," Di Ke said, shaking his head with a dumb smile: "But in fact, I can give them some guidance. But the real breakthrough in enlightenment still needs to be achieved through enlightenment. Themselves!”

"Then, are you going to give him some pointers?" Elena asked, while Diko said noncommittally: "We are old acquaintances. Back then, I came to him to discuss my breakthrough to become a god. Now, in order to become a god, he came to Those who ask me for advice are all from Magnolia Continent. I can give advice to those powerful men from the Holy Realm under my command, so how can I turn him away?"

"Actually, I'm also curious whether he can break through with my guidance," Diko continued, "He's almost here. I'll go see this old friend first."

(End of this chapter)

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