Chapter 237 Muba
Diko guessed right. Tu Lilei did come to ask him for advice on how to break through and become a god.In fact, whether it was him, Rutherford, Desili, or even Xisay, they had all been trapped at the limit of the sanctuary for too long.The feeling that you are only one step away, but you can't break through no matter how hard you practice, is really torturous.

Diko has also felt that feeling, so he can empathize with it, and he also hopes that Tu Lilei can have an epiphany and breakthrough.Therefore, he deliberately spent some time discussing and communicating with Tu Lilei, and tried his best to guide him to feel the way of destruction, so that he could be touched.

But unfortunately, Tu Lilei failed to break through until he left.He had no choice but to go back and think about it slowly.If it is really impossible to break through, it will probably be difficult to break through in a short time.

After Tu Lilei left, one year passed... Two years passed in the blink of an eye. Dike still didn't notice the fluctuations in the laws of heaven and earth when he broke through and became a god, so he gradually lost his expectations and focused on hard training. .

In just a few years, all of Diko's divine clones have not made any major breakthroughs in realm, but their understanding and integration of mysterious laws have quietly accumulated and improved.

On the contrary, I have understood the law of thunder and lightning for many years, and I was touched after some discussions and exchanges with Tu Lilei. Just two months after Tu Lilei left, I achieved a breakthrough and became a god.

This breakthrough also made Dico a little bit dumbfounded, and felt a bit like a twist of fate.Tu Lilei came to him for advice and failed to achieve a breakthrough. Instead, Tu Lilei, who guided Tu Lilei carefully, achieved a breakthrough. Could this mean that helping others is like helping yourself, and good people are rewarded?

On this day, in the dark quiet room, the fire god clone of Diko, who was immersed in the cultivation and enlightenment, opened his eyes. The faint flame light on his body dimmed, but his eyes were burning like fire pupils. His eyebrows were slightly helpless: "The fusion of the four mysteries is still stuck at the final bottleneck. Sure enough, this fusion of mysteries becomes more and more difficult the further you go."

"Although I have slowly tried to integrate the Mars and Soul Attack mysteries of the Fire Element Law with the other four mysteries, I am afraid it will take longer to further integrate the five mysteries. As for the fusion of the six mysteries and entering the Great Perfection I don’t even know how far it will take! Maybe even if you practice for 10 years and millions of years, you won’t have much hope of success,” Diko, who was muttering to himself, couldn’t help but shook his head slightly.

Think of Qing Huo as a monster in the original work, who is only one step away from the Great Perfection. Later, it should be that after he refined the main godhead and became the main god, he used the massive power of faith that the main god can enjoy to make it easier for him to practice and understand the mysterious laws. A breakthrough in one fell swoop.

As for Beirut, although he claims that his strength is close to that of Dzogchen and is the top existence under Dzogchen, he has only integrated five kinds of mysteries and is far from Dzogchen!

Beirut has been practicing for several million years, and even became the main god. However, it is still difficult to make much progress with the help of faith.

In Dzogchen, the great god planes, the highest planes and a large number of material planes, among the many god-level powerhouses, there are only twenty or thirty, which are much less than the main gods.From this we can also see how difficult it is to achieve Dzogchen.Perhaps in Beirut's eyes, Dicko was a monster, but he did not dare to say that Dicko would definitely achieve Dzogchen in the future.

"That boy Lin Lei, it's almost time to become a god, right? The Magnolia Continent is quite peaceful now. There is no great wizard, and Chiquita is with me. Beaumont, who can't refine soul gold beads or soul gold grains, probably won't If he kills wantonly on the mainland, he will not attract Lin Lei and others to deal with him. If he does not destroy the Bosha Levee in the Magnolia River, Adkins and other god-level experts will not escape from the plane prison..." I thought. Here, Dico couldn't help but shook his head and said: "If this is the case, maybe as Mr. Beirut said, it will be really boring."

"Moreover, I occasionally search the Magnolia Continent with my spiritual consciousness, but I don't find Beaumont. Could it be that he is still hiding in the boundless sea like in the original book? Is he afraid of Beirut? Or, he didn't find the weak point in the space and entered the Magnolia Continent. , but this possibility is relatively small." Diko, who was thinking deeply, couldn't help but laugh a little: "It's quite interesting that Muba actually came to see me and asked to join the Bon Empire, just to spread the faith and be able to Is it easier to get the power of faith?" Dico still had a good impression of Muba, he was indeed a good old man.Otherwise, he would not have faced off against the great wizard in the plane prison, and even tried his best to seriously injure the great wizard.Moreover, Muba, who practices the Law of the Earth, has good potential and is currently the most promising person under Diko to break through and become a mid-level god.

"Huh? I really said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here! This guy has always been restless. Didn't he go out to play? Why is he back now?" Diko, who looked slightly surprised, said.

At the same time, in the Temple of the Earth belonging to Muba in Fenlai City, it happened that Diko was instructing several of his subordinates to practice the laws of the earth. The strong men in the holy domain who were assigned to the command of Muba and were responsible for guarding the Temple of the Earth saw that they Muba hurriedly came in from the outside and couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong, Muba, what happened in a hurry?"

"Lord Diko, didn't you ask me to find out Beaumont's whereabouts?" After those powerful men from the Holy Domain bowed respectfully and stepped back, Muba also hurriedly stepped forward and saluted Diko respectfully. Ke Wenyan suddenly became energetic and asked: "Have you found Beaumont?"

"Beaumont was not found, but I got news about him," Muba shook his head and said seriously: "Lord Dico, I found that Beaumont controlled some powerful saints and was massacring them on the mainland."

"What? Massacre? When did it happen? Why didn't I get the news?" Diko asked with a slightly changed expression after hearing this.

"The massacre probably happened not long ago. I also discovered it when I was traveling in the Far East Prairie and doing ascetic practices," Muba said: "The grassland is vast and sparsely populated. Some grassland tribes have small populations or are in remote places. Without smooth circulation of information, if one tribe is massacred, it will be difficult for people from other tribes to detect it in a short period of time."

"The Far East Prairie? It seems that he also heard the news that the great wizard was killed by me, and he also knew that you had joined my army and was afraid of me, so he ran so far... But why did he want to let the sacred area under his command The strong man slaughters wantonly? Although he practices the rules of death, he shouldn't be able to refine his soul, right?" Diko frowned in confusion as he spoke.

Muba nodded and affirmed: "Similarly practicing the rules of death, the great wizard can indeed refine the soul and even refine the soul golden beads. Back in the plane prison, the great wizard killed many saints in order to refine the soul golden beads. Domain powerhouse. But Beaumont has never heard that he has this ability. With his character, if he has this ability, he will definitely be like the great wizard and can't help but attack those saint domain powerhouses after being in the plane prison for so many years. A ruthless killer."

"Then he still kills..." Dico, who frowned in confusion, suddenly thought of something: "By the way, where is Chiquita? Where did he go?"

"Chiquita?" Muba was stunned when he heard this, and then asked in confusion: "Have you forgotten, sir? Those strong men from the holy realm that you recruited before reached the limit of the holy realm. After receiving your guidance, they were still unable to break through. In the past few years, many of them have gone out to travel and practice hard in search of opportunities for breakthrough. This Chiquita must have gone out too. "

(End of this chapter)

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