Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 238 Beaumont’s Invitation

Chapter 238 Beaumont’s Invitation
"Going out..." Diko's eyes flashed, and his mind moved. In an instant, his spiritual consciousness spread, covering the entire continent except the Dark Forest. Although it was discovered that many of his subordinates were on the Magnolia Continent or traveling and practicing hard. , or the powerful men of the sanctuary who were enjoying themselves, but could not find any trace of Chiquita.

Dico's face darkened and he couldn't help but said coldly: "Chiquita must have been caught by Beaumont. Since Beaumont can't be found, let's keep an eye on his accomplices from the Sanctuary who are killing people. I can’t believe this guy never showed up.”

"Lord Diko, what is this god-level powerhouse like Beaumont doing to capture Chiquita at the extreme limit of the Holy Domain?" Muba was a little confused: "Could it have something to do with him sending the Holy Domain powerhouse to massacre in Magnolia Continent? Is it possible that Chiquita, who has the ultimate strength in the holy realm, can refine the soul?"

"That's right! He is a three-eyed winged human from the Light God Realm. His third eye can indeed refine the soul," Diko nodded slightly.

Muba was suddenly enlightened when he heard this: "No wonder! So that's how it is. How could Beaumont kill wantonly on the Magnolia Continent!"

"Huh?" Diko suddenly felt something and looked out with his eyebrows raised, while Muba on the side also looked slightly surprised and said: "Is... someone breaks through and becomes a god again? Is it someone under the master's command?" Among those extremely powerful people in the Holy Realm, which one is lucky enough to have an epiphany?"

"No, he was an extreme saint from our Yulan Continent. You should have heard of his name. He is the Martial Saint Tu Li Lei from the Far Eastern Prairie. Unexpectedly, he was actually there A breakthrough was made at this time," Diko, who shook his head and said, was also a little surprised.

"Has another Holy Domain expert from the Yulan Continent broken through?" Muba couldn't help but admire: "Master Di Ke, those Holy Domain extreme experts from the Magnolia Continent have really good understanding. Especially that Lin Lei, a legendary dragon-blooded warrior, became a god in cultivation before he was even a hundred years old. His potential is not much different from yours, sir."

"Okay, let's go and keep an eye on Beaumont's minions. If you find Beaumont, notify me in time," Dico urged with a frown.

Mu Balian responded respectfully and turned around to leave. Diko also sensed that Lin Lei had left the Baruch Empire and went to the Far East Prairie. Apparently he also discovered that Tu Li Lei had become a god and made a special trip to congratulate him.

But Di Ke had no intention of going to the Far East Prairie to congratulate Tu Lilei at this time. After Tu Lilei's breakthrough was completed, he just congratulated his spiritual consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed. Under Diko's instruction, after Muba killed several strong men from the holy realm who dared to massacre in the Far Eastern Prairie, Beaumont never appeared, and there was no strong man from the holy realm. Don't dare to kill people casually again.

"So cowardly? Don't you dare to take action again?" After waiting for more than half a year, when Beaumont never showed up, Dico didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

Next, another three or four years passed without realizing it. Just after Dicko wondered whether Beaumont had left the Magnolia Continent and gone to the God Plane or the Supreme Plane, almost forgetting about him, the Magnolia Calendar A few days after the Magnolia Festival in 10044, a strange strong man from the Sanctuary suddenly came to Fenlai City.

"Beaumont, he actually invited me to Bosha Dike?" In Finlay City, in Dico's Fire Temple, the Holy Domain strongman sent by Beaumont had already left, and Dico slowly walked out of the hall. , with a slightly strange expression, he turned to look at Muba, who was following him: "What do you think Beaumont wants to do? Say he is too arrogant. He has been hiding for several years. Say he is timid. He It seems like you’re really not afraid of me.”

"Perhaps he thinks that you are just a lower god! After all, you have only been cultivating for a few decades. Even if you tell him that you are a middle god, he would still find it difficult to believe it," Muba pondered.

Diko smiled noncommittally: "You also heard it. The strong man from the holy realm just said that Beaumont not only invited me, but also Lin Lei and Tu Li Lei. It seems that he is very confident! You tell me, will he? Will he have broken through and entered the middle god realm?" "Isn't it so fast? His strength is not necessarily stronger than mine, let alone not as good as Di Lin. It is possible that Di Lin suddenly broke through, after all, he He has reached the peak level of lower gods. But Beaumont, like me, is still a little behind." Muba shook his head and said: "However, with his strength, few lower gods can kill him. Maybe he I think Lin Lei and Tu Li Lei have both become gods not long ago, so there is nothing to worry about when they first enter the god level!"

"However, he actually invited you to come over at the same time. I really don't know whether he is too confident or too arrogant. Maybe he didn't mean to be an enemy of you, nor did he want to fight with you. . Please come over, sir. It is very possible to test your true identity," Muba continued.

"In that case, let's go meet him for a while tomorrow." Diko said with a slight smile. Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the northern sky with a slight change of expression.

"Is there anyone else who has broken through and become a god? The north seems to be quite far away, in the Arctic ice field? Are there also some extremely powerful cultivators from the holy realm there?" Muba asked in surprise.

Diko smiled: "It's Olivia. This guy is as famous as Lin Lei and is called a genius swordsman. After coming out of the Cemetery of the Gods and cultivating for nearly ten years, he finally broke through and became a god."

"Olivia? Is it him? Another person who became a god after practicing for less than a hundred years. In the same era on the Magnolia Continent, three peerless geniuses including adults were born. It's incredible!" Muba was a little surprised.

While the two were talking, with a flash of white light, Desli also arrived outside the Fire Temple, transforming into a middle-aged man in white robes.

"Desili, you came just in time! Olivia has become a god. Please go and congratulate him for me." Di Ke saw Desili and said, "Lin Lei and Tu Li Lei have also rushed over. , help me tell them that tomorrow, let them go see Beaumont first to see what that guy wants to do. I will arrive soon, so as not to show up too early and let Beaumont find out that I am the middle god and be frightened. , so it’s difficult to understand his thoughts.”

"Beaumont? Is he the god-level strongman you were looking for before?" Desili was a little surprised and curious, while Diko urged: "Yes, you will know the specific situation when you see Lin Lei and the others. .”

"Okay, then I'll go there," Desili nodded and left, but Muba on the side couldn't help but said: "My lord, why bother? Since Beaumont will show up tomorrow, my lord, go over and kill him directly Isn’t he more straightforward?”

"He didn't take the initiative to provoke me. Although we guessed that he captured Chiquita, it is still just a guess after all. With my strength, I can't bully a lower god like him. After all, I have to give Lord Beirut some face. You can't just kill someone just because you're strong," Diko shook his head.

Muba nodded slightly as he heard this. Before, Dico blocked the weak space in the Warcraft Mountains and subdued those strong men from the holy realm who had escaped from the plane prison. He even killed the great wizard, a god-level powerhouse. Muba later I also heard what the strong men from the Holy Realm under Diko said, and I also know that Master Beirut specifically called Dico over. Maybe he was 'warned' by Master Beirut!

However, in fact, Beaumont actually invited them to the Bossa Embankment. This familiar plot made Dicko think more and wonder whether all this was Beirut's arrangement. In order to release Qing Huo from the plane prison, he also borrowed What about him and Lin Lei who were tempered by the hands of a god-level strongman who escaped from the plane prison?
"Whether the plot of the original work is a coincidence or Beirut's deliberate arrangement, I will wait and see what happens. Anyway, even if the Bosa Embankment is destroyed and a group of strong men are released, I will be able to handle it," said Di, who is now confident enough in his own strength. Ke, naturally can deal with it calmly and calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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