Chapter 243 Adkins
Dicko's punch was not just a physical attack, but also contained a soul attack that he had not yet fully understood.But even so, the strength of Dikona's soul attack, which had begun to merge with other mysteries of the fire elemental law, killed Ogavin's strongest clone of the God of Light in an instant.

As Ogavin's body fell downwards, a fiery red phantom flew out and flew directly towards the distant sky. At the same time, he sent a message to his son Kingsley: "Kingsley, go quickly!"

"Father..." The blond young Kingsley, who was teaming up with a silver-robed lower god holding a cold sword to besiege Desili, saw his father Ogavin escaping. He couldn't help but stared in surprise and paused in his attack. .

The lower god in silver robe, who had already split Desili's body in half with one knife, was also shocked and stopped his attack as if his movements were stagnant.

However, at the same time that Desili flew away in embarrassment, a bolt of lightning struck, and the clone of Dicko Thunder God, bathed in the lightning, landed on the silver-robed lower god with a lightning-like punch.The silver-robed lower god had no time to dodge and react. Facing Dico's violent punch, half of his body was immediately blown away.

"What?" Kingsley was startled again. When he saw half of the body of the silver-robed god turned into blood mist, he screamed and was thrown away, he couldn't help but hurriedly tried to escape, but it was already too late.

Ah... Kingsley saw an electric fist that was constantly enlarging in front of him. The next moment, his head was directly exploded by Dicko's punch.

At the same time, the two middle-aged men in black robes who had besieged Muba for a while but failed to gain any big advantage were also knocked away one after another by the clones of the Earth God Diko who suddenly appeared. They vomited blood and were seriously injured. Next to the silver-robed man who recovered quickly.

Obviously, Dico deliberately hit them next to the man in silver robe and brought the three of them together.Faced with the two great clones of the gods that were severely injured by Dico as soon as he attacked, the three of them couldn't help but feel a little frightened and desperate.

"Submit to me and spare your lives!" Diko's Earth God clone said coldly, and at the same time, he also sent a message to those powerful men from the Holy Realm under Ogavin's command who were fleeing: "Come back obediently, and you can live! "

Spare your life?The silver-robed man and the two black-robed middle-aged men looked at each other, and they both bowed respectfully to Diko to express their submission.In the plane prison, they chose to follow Ogavin, and they also relied on the strong.Now that he can survive and follow Dico, who is stronger and has more potential than Ogavin, there is no reason to refuse.

And those strong men in the holy realm also just want to save their lives, and it doesn't matter who they follow.Therefore, after hearing Dico's message, they all came back one after another, without any hesitation.After all, Dike also has subordinates of lower gods. Under the detection of the divine consciousness of a god-level powerhouse, how many of them can escape if they really want to be hunted down?No one would be lucky enough to think that they could escape from a god-level powerhouse.

As for Dico's fire god clone, when Ogavin's fire god clone chose to escape, he directly chased after him. But just when he caught up with Ogavin, he slowed down and stopped.

"Hick?" Seeing that Dico did not continue to chase, Ogawen's fire god clone was a little confused. When he saw a cyan phantom flying in the distance, his eyes suddenly brightened and he flew over.

However, he was shocked when he saw the savior-like Ogavin approaching Hick.Because after getting closer, Hick, who had no intention of slowing down, actually charged directly at him, which made Ogavin shocked and angry and full of doubts.

At the same time, the melodious roar of the wind sounded. Ogawen had no chance to think too much. In the moment of confusion, Hick, who was being bullied closer, split his head cleanly with a knife...
"Lord Diko!" Seeing Diko flying slowly over, Hick, who killed Ogavin, hurriedly sent the godhead and space ring of Ogavin's fire god clone to Diko.It's pitiful to say that when faced with Hick who suddenly attacked him, Ogavin was caught off guard. The fire god clone didn't even have time to take out the artifact. It was affected by Hick's mysterious voice and was confused by it. Cut it with one knife.

"Let's go! Go back to Fenlai City first!" Diko waved his hand and put away the fire element medium godhead and space ring, and left with Hick and others.

In the O'Brien Empire, in the palace, Adkins, a handsome young man sitting in the pavilion, raised his eyebrows and glanced to the southwest: "Dico? I never expected that such a monster genius would appear on the Magnolia Continent. Not enough practice. Within a hundred years, I have had two intermediate god clones, integrated with the mysterious laws, and there are several god clones. Such a monster will be a big threat in the future!"

"Sir Adkins...are you going to deal with that Dicko? Such a genius was born in the Magnolia Continent. I'm afraid that Beirut will value him very much," the silver-haired old man beside him couldn't help but said.

Adkins, who frowned after hearing this, hesitated for a moment, but at this moment, another powerful wave of energy came, causing Adkins to release his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

At the same time, a cold consciousness also sounded in his mind: "The saints and god-level experts who are still in the Yulan Continent have heard clearly that all those who kill in the Eighteen Principalities of the Northern Territory and the Forest of Darkness , whoever destroys it, I will definitely drive him to pieces! Huh, just take care of yourself!"

"This Beirut does have the strength of a high-level god, but it is a bit too arrogant," Adkins, who turned to look northeast, couldn't help but snorted.

"Sir Adkins, this rampant Beirut has something to rely on," the silver-haired old man on the side said respectfully.

"It's not like there is a main god behind you." Adkins, who had a serious look under his delicate eyebrows, suddenly stood up and said coldly: "Let's go to the Boang Empire! I want to see it. I'll kill that genius from the Magnolia Continent." Monster boy, what can he do to me in Beirut?”

The silver-haired old man whose expression changed slightly after hearing this hesitated slightly, but still did not speak to stop Adkins who had murderous intent.He knew that Adkins was very unhappy with Beirut, so he couldn't deal with Beirut directly. It would be better to kill a young genius from Magnolia Continent to vent his anger.Through this, we can also test Beirut's attitude. Presumably, Beirut will not fall out with Adkins because of a junior with mid-level god power.

Unfortunately, both Adkins and the silver-haired old man Berners underestimated Dicko.How could they have thought of how strong Dicko really was?Beirut is not easy to mess with, so is Dicko easy to mess with?
When Adkins led his men to kill Fenlai City with great momentum, Beirut, who felt something in the dark forest and metal castle, was also slightly shocked: "You actually want to deal with Dico? This Adkins , you are really shameless!"

"But, how can Dicko be so easy to kill? It's interesting, haha, it's getting more and more interesting. I wonder what Adkins' expression will be like after he sees Dicko's true strength?" He murmured to himself. As Beirut spoke, a smile of anticipation appeared on his old face.

He hadn't seen such an interesting show in Beirut for a long time.It's just that after this good show, I'm afraid it will frighten those god-level experts and saint-level experts who are still on the Magnolia Continent, and scare them into leaving the Magnolia Continent. By then, the Magnolia Continent will become boring again. ah!
(End of this chapter)

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