Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 244 The deterrent power of superior gods

Chapter 244 The deterrent power of superior gods

In Finlay City, Beaumont is dead. Dicko conquered Hick, killed Ogavin, and used absolute strength to protect the two empires. After also frightening some of the god-level powerhouses left on the Magnolia Continent, With the joining of Ogavin's powerful men from the sanctuary, Chiquita finally escaped.

When Chiquita saw Dico, she couldn't help crying and told him about her miserable life after being captured by Beaumont and being forced to refine soul gold particles for him, and presented to Dico what he still had left. Some soul gold particles hanging there.

Beaumont had been dead for a long time, and Chiquita was also at Bossa Embankment like other powerful men from the Sanctuary under Beaumont at that time.But it took him so long to run back. Apparently he dared to come back after seeing the situation clearly.

He was a little cautious, and Dicko naturally understood that it was normal for a strong man from the Holy Realm to survive in a plane prison, to be greedy for life and afraid of death.Therefore, Dico did not make things difficult for him.After all, he might be asked to help refine soul gold particles in the future!
So Dico, who ostensibly comforted Chiquita and sent him away, had time to take stock of what he had gained this time.Among them, killing Ogavin got a bright middle godhead and a fire attribute middle godhead. Killing Ogavin's son Kingsley got a bright lower godhead. In addition, from Ogavin's space ring, The discovery of a low-level godhead with the fire attribute is really a big reward.

In addition to the death lower godhead that Diko got when he killed the great wizard, as well as several middle godheads and a destruction upper godhead that he got in the cemetery of the gods, Dico now has a lot of godhead in his hands.

There are also some low-level artifacts, mid-level artifacts, and other items in the space rings of Ogavin and his son, but they are not too precious things.

On the contrary, he subdued Hick and six lower-level gods who were not weak in strength. The strength of Deke's side suddenly increased a lot, which was better than killing them directly to obtain the godhead and artifact.

"Huh? This smell..." Diko, who was taking stock of his harvest, suddenly raised his head and looked outside. He could not help but flash his brows and dodged to the sky above the palace.

Immediately afterwards, they also felt the powerful aura of a superior god that Adkins actively released after approaching Finlay City. The god-level powerhouses under Dicko such as Hick, Muba and Desili also quickly They gathered behind Dico.

"Lord Adkins?" Seeing the handsome young man Adkins flying quickly from the sky in the distance and the three middle gods behind him, Hick's face suddenly changed and he exclaimed, and he had also heard about Adkins. The expressions of several other lower gods such as Muba, who was famous as Dekins, and the man in silver robe also changed.

Diko also frowned and looked at Adkins: "Adkins, I didn't expect that he, a powerful high-level god and a powerful high-level god with five or six-star demon strength, would actually come to deal with me? Could it be that? You feel that my potential is too great, and you are afraid that I will threaten him in the future, so you want to kill me regardless of your identity?"

Adkins' purpose was actually easy to guess. Adkins, who flew over with three of his subordinates, smiled when he saw Dicko: "Dico, you knew I was coming, but you didn't hurry up yet." Run away, should I say that you, a peerless genius from the Magnolia Continent, are too arrogant, or are you stupid?"

"Escape? You, Lord Adkins, are a high-level god. I am a middle-level god. How can I escape?" Dico's slightly sarcastic words actually made Adkins laugh loudly: "Haha... you still can't escape?" It’s a bit self-aware.”

Outside the palace hall below, Elena, Linxi and her daughter, as well as some powerful saints from the Bon Empire, gathered together nervously. Facing the suffocating and heart-trembling terrifying breath in mid-air, they could not hear the sound. During the conversation between Coe and Adkins, both faces could not help but change.

"Higher god? Mother, what should I do? Can father beat that Adkins?" Linxi panicked when she learned that Adkins was a high god. "Don't worry! It's okay. I believe in your father," Elena said calmly with her pretty face pale and her lips pursed. Although he knew that Dico still had such a powerful trump card as the power of the Lord God, he looked into the air. His eyes still couldn't help showing some worry and anxiety.After all, this Adkins is a high-level god, a being who is rumored to be at the highest level among god-level powerhouses.

"High God, how could this happen?" Doug and others on the side also sighed anxiously. They had learned that Diko had subdued a middle god and killed a powerful middle god. They were still very worried. Excited and happy, siblings Linxi and Bolin were also very proud of their father.

But who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, another powerful superior god would come over to kill him.No matter how powerful Diko is, he is only a middle-level god after all. How can he resist a high-level god?
"To be honest, you can cultivate to the level of a mid-level god before you are a hundred years old. I am somewhat impressed by your talent and understanding. I believe that given you enough time, you will definitely be able to become a high-level god, or even become the pinnacle figure among the high-level gods. . But unfortunately, geniuses always fall easily," Adkins looked at Dico with a smile and said with a slight regret, then frowned and said: "You know I am here to kill you, your wind Not only did the clone of the central god not escape, he even dared to come back and die. Are you really not afraid of death? Or do you think Beirut will come to save you?"

"Forget it! Since you are seeking your own death, then of course I will help you." Seeing that Dicko had a stern face and did not answer, Adkins said with a smile. Seeing that Hick and others behind Dicko were obviously scared and panicked, He couldn't help but said: "What? At this time, you still want to die with Dico? If you don't want to die, step aside and I can spare your life."

As soon as Adkins finished speaking, the two middle-aged men in black robes who had followed Ogavin and the two lower gods under Hick flew aside without hesitation.

"Afraid of death!" The purple-haired young man, Sigg's disciple Te Luo, saw how impatient they were to leave, and suddenly cursed in a low voice with some shamelessness.

And his low curse also caused the expressions on the side to change. Hick, who was a little entangled and hesitant, seemed to want to fly aside. His movements were stagnant, and his old face turned red with embarrassment. Finally, he closed his eyes with a helpless sigh, revealing With an expression of resignation.

Desili naturally sided with Dico without hesitation, and Muba gritted his teeth after looking slightly hesitant.On the other hand, the cold silver-robed man seemed to be really not afraid of death, and his expression did not even change much. Desili and Muba both looked at him in slight surprise.

"Oh, it seems there are some people who are not afraid of death!" The smile on Adkins's face became even stronger, but his eyes were a little cold: "In that case, then you go with Dico... "

Adkins said that he was already ready to take action, because Dicko's wind god clone had rushed over as quickly as possible and was almost there, but before he could finish speaking, Dicko turned to face Desili and the others. Said: "You guys go aside first!"

"Yes, Lord Dico!" Upon hearing this, Desili and the others stepped away with a sigh of relief, but they also distanced themselves from the middle-aged man in black robe and the other four lower gods.

"Don't overestimate your own capabilities!" Adkins was interrupted by Dick. Seeing that he seemed to be planning to face him alone, the smile on his face suddenly faded, and with a deep shout, a holy dazzling white light emitted from his body. , that white light that seemed to be able to purify and dissolve everything was much more terrifying than the purifying holy light Ogavin had used before.

(End of this chapter)

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