Chapter 255 Journey

In front of the metal life ship that slowed to a stop, hundreds of pirates and robbers saw Tarosa and the others, just a few mid-level gods and some low-level gods. Facing them, most of them were mid-level god pirates. He didn't look afraid, but instead started talking curiously. After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Hand over your space rings, and we may be able to spare your lives, otherwise," the pirate leader whose green scalp looked like he was not human said coldly with a gloomy face.

"What else?" With the cold voice entering the minds of the pirates like a magic voice, Dicko, dressed in white robes, walked out of the cabin and saw Tarosa and the others on the deck quickly getting out of the way. Next to the pirate leader, a strong man with fish scales on his face couldn't help but change his expression and hurriedly sent a message to the blue-haired pirate leader: "Boss, I can't feel this man's aura. He seems to be a higher god!"

"Retreat!" The blue-haired pirate leader who also noticed Dico changed his face and hurriedly wanted to lead his people to retreat, because he also couldn't see through Dico. He was a powerful god who could not even sense his soul. Aura, obviously the other party is very powerful in terms of soul.A mysterious and powerful high-level god who didn't know his true identity was not something that an ordinary high-level god pirate like him could mess with.

"Are you afraid? Just leave like this? You are still a high-ranking god. Isn't this pirate leader too timid?" Tarosa said a little unhappy when he saw this. After coming to hell, he didn't meet many strong people in hell. He hasn't had the chance to fight against the strong men in hell yet, and he can't help but feel itchy hands.

Diko glanced at him helplessly and said: "There are nearly a hundred powerful middle gods. How many middle gods can you, Di Lin, and Harry deal with? If you really take action, unless I take action , otherwise most of our people will die."

"Hey, if I had known that any pirate force in hell has so many strong middle-level gods, everyone should have cultivated to the middle-level god realm before coming to hell! The strength of the lower-level gods is really too weak," Ta After hearing this, Rosa looked at Desili, Rutherford and others with a slightly depressed look.

"Alright, O'Brien, Cleo, Clairvaux, you guys seize the time to refine the godhead, and try to refine the upper godhead and become a higher god as soon as possible. Even though you are a higher god who has refined the godhead, you can at least bluff People, and several high-level gods together are enough to stop those pirates from messing with us casually," Diko said and glanced at O'Brien and Dilin's two sons.

O'Brien and the two sturdy young brothers Cleo looked at each other after hearing this. They couldn't help but feel a little depressed and helpless and didn't know what to say.

"Everyone else should also practice well. At least cultivate to the level of the intermediate gods first, otherwise it will be too dangerous to wander in hell." Diko, who turned to look at the lower gods, continued: "I really feel that my cultivation is too high." If you are slow, you can also choose to refine your godhead."

"Also, Tarosa, come on, cultivate to the realm of the upper gods as soon as possible. Then I can be more relaxed. You can't let me take action when you encounter trouble in the future, right?" Diko patted Tarosa on the shoulder again.

As for the three Harry brothers, whose strength is not weaker than that of Tarosha, they have been practicing for millions of years. If they really want to break through and become a high-level god, they are almost there.If he didn't want to break through and continue to integrate the mysterious laws, Dico couldn't force him.Anyway, the three brothers have the means to protect themselves. As long as they don't encounter a powerful Seven Star Demon or a strong Shura, there is no need for Diko to save them.

The rest of the journey was relatively peaceful. After all, there were not as many pirates and robbers in the sea of ​​stars and mist as there were on land. We only encountered them occasionally. Basically, they were just small groups of dozens or hundreds of pirates. Sometimes The three brothers Talosha, Hick and Harry solved the problem without Dicko taking action himself.

A few years passed in the blink of an eye, and Diko and the others, who had been wandering in the sea of ​​stars and mist for several years, finally arrived at a huge island dozens of times larger than the Magnolia Continent. On the island was an ancient city.Finally, they came across a city and entered it to eat, drink and enjoy themselves. After seeing the prosperity of the city in hell, they figured out their location, as well as the detailed map information of the entire sea of ​​stars and fog and even hell. After that, I did some shopping and then continued my journey...
"Where should we go next?" Tarosha, who was sitting casually drinking wine with Dico on the deck of the fast-moving black ship on the sea of ​​stars and mist under the night sky, couldn't help but ask.

"When I was in the city before, I heard that there is a place called Miluo Island in the sea of ​​stars and fog. It is very prosperous. There are also some fighting battlefields. It should be quite interesting. Let's go there and have a look," Diko said casually: " If appropriate, it would be good to live on Miluo Island. After all, when we come to hell, we can’t always run around aimlessly. Apart from encountering some pirates and robbers along the way, there seems to be no tempering effect. "

"Well, Miluo Island is said to be very prosperous, and there must be many strong people there. Moreover, it is not an official city, but more like a trading island. There are probably a lot of fighting and fighting on the island, so it should be very easy to go there. Interesting." Tarosa nodded slightly when he heard this, but then couldn't help but frown and said: "It's just that the distance is too far. We didn't know the direction before and deviated from the direction of Miluo Island. Now we can go there. We have to take a detour and it will probably take more than 100 years.”

"Why are you in a hurry? We have plenty of time, just hurry up and hurry up," Diko said nonchalantly: "By the way, how is your practice going? You said before that you have reached the bottleneck, and you are sure to break through before arriving at Miluo Island. Entering the realm of higher gods?"

"I'm not sure about this..." Tarosa shook his head and smiled helplessly, and then sighed: "Actually, if Lord Beirut hadn't punished me to stay in the cemetery of the gods for so many years, so that I could calm down and practice, I wouldn't have He has improved his understanding of the mysteries of laws so quickly, and even merged two mysteries."

"What? Listening to this, you are quite grateful to him, right?" Dico asked with a dumb smile, while Tarosa said: "I only discovered when I got to hell that the strength I thought I was quite proud of before, There is nothing here. No matter how powerful a mid-level god is, he is still very small in the vast hell. Even an ordinary high-level god can only barely be considered a strong person in hell."

"It's a good thing to be able to realize your own weakness, because only in this way can you have the motivation to practice and become stronger." Diko patted Tarosa on the shoulder and stood up with a smile: "Okay, let's go back to practice! If you want to If you want to show off your talents on the battlefield of Miluo Island, you need to be stronger."

"Hey, Diko, what level has your strength reached?" Tarosa couldn't help but asked curiously, and Diko, who looked back at him, smiled meaningfully: "My true strength, You will have a chance to see it. If you insist on asking me to give you an accurate answer, then I can only say that even if you break through and reach the realm of a higher god, you are still no match for me."

Looking at the back of Diko who turned away with a smile after speaking, Tarosa couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Is he so perverted? He has been practicing for decades, and I have been practicing for tens of thousands of years. It seems that there is no hope of catching up. "

In fact, ever since he discovered that he could not sense Diko's aura, and was sure that Diko had not yet broken through to the realm of the upper gods, Tarosa realized that the gap between him and Diko was getting wider and wider.

But what he didn't expect was that the gap would reach such a level.No wonder, Dicko can kill the upper god easily.And even if Tarosa breaks through and enters the realm of upper gods, can he compare to Adkins and that Sadista?

(End of this chapter)

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