Chapter 256 Miluo Island

More than 100 years passed unknowingly during the long journey of Diko and their cultivation life... For Tarosa, Desili and other people who have basically practiced for tens of thousands of years, Just over a hundred years is not a long time.

Not surprisingly, Tarosa successfully broke through and entered the realm of the upper gods before arriving at Miluo Island. In a sudden and unexpected fight, she just relied on the combination of the fusion of mysteries of laws and innate magical powers to explode into something comparable to a six-star demon. With his strength, he killed three five-star demons in one fell swoop.

In addition, Olivia, Xisai, Muba and the silver-robed man Walker, who was once the strongest low-level god under Ogavin, also successfully broke through and entered the middle-level god realm.

Martial God O'Brien, Di Lin's two sons, also refined their godheads to become upper gods.In addition to Desili, Rutherford and Hick's disciple Tello, who wanted to become a god on his own and reach the intermediate god realm, he also followed Sisei and Dico to the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple Saint Rosa in Hell. Li also chose to directly refine the godhead.

Even Tu Li Lei, who became an independent god, felt that his progress was too slow after decades of hard training in hell. In addition, most of the pirates and robbers he encountered along the way were also strong middle-level gods. He may have been a little stimulated. , and finally chose to refine the godhead.

On the other hand, old Bach and Vicente, as well as Dico's cheap uncles Trin and Bolk, became gods because they stimulated the energy of their bloodline talents, as if they had stimulated their potential. Although their cultivation talents were not geniuses, their insights The speed of the mysterious laws is actually faster than Desli and the others.

Coupled with the assistance of the body-refining method, they are more sensitive to elemental energy, and they have been practicing the most basic and simple elemental mysteries. For more than a hundred years, they have successively made breakthroughs and entered the realm of intermediate gods.

When they arrived at Miluo Island, there were several high-level gods under their command, and most of the rest were mid-level gods. The group of people around Dico were finally able to take action.

Of course, the one who has made the fastest progress in cultivation is Diko.He had only been practicing for a few decades before, and now he has been practicing for more than 100 years. Even if his understanding of the mysteries of the fusion law is getting slower and slower as time goes by, Dicko has reached the final level of fusion of the five mysteries of the fire element law. Even the overall fusion of the six mysteries has been completed for most of the bottleneck. In fact, the realm has exceeded the fusion of the five mysteries.

The speed of the wind element law, the element of wind, dimensional attack and the mystery of wind space have been fully understood and integrated, and the mystery of sound has also been integrated into most of them, allowing Diko to create a unique combination of material and soul attack that belongs to the wind element law. It is already far beyond the methods of the Seven-Star Demon, and comparable to the power of the powerful Shura master.

The cultivation of the laws of earth, destruction, water, and thunder and lightning has also made rapid progress, especially after spending these years in the sea of ​​stars and fog, watching the ebb and flow of the sea of ​​fog, sensing the breath of thunder and lightning in the sea of ​​fog, and the occasional thunderstorms, which made Dico stay in the water. The progress in the law of elements and the law of thunder and lightning was particularly rapid, and he soon entered the middle god realm.

The fusion of two more divine powers directly increases the energy level by a hundred times. In addition, Diko's five mysterious fusions of different laws and rules that have been slowly integrating and progressing, as well as the circle in the water element law Rou Xuan'ao also tried to join the fusion as a link. You can imagine what level Diko's strength has reached.

Thinking about the speed of improvement of this strength is a bit scary, I am afraid that if Dzogchen knows about it, he will become autistic.In comparison, whether he breaks through and reaches the realm of a higher god actually has little impact.

On the contrary, if there is only one god clone who breaks through and becomes a high-level god, one kind of intermediate divine power will be missing, and the real strength will be reduced after losing the advantage of integrating divine power.

So when he set foot on Miluo Island, Dico was the one who really had the most confidence.If he didn't want to expose his strength and methods prematurely, the confident Diko might not be able to help but want to compete with the Dzogchen Dennington, who is known as the No. 1 under the Lord God of the Sea of ​​Chaos. It’s time.

Miluo Island is a large island with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. It is located in the Yinlan Mansion of the Sea of ​​Stars and Fog. It is a very famous place in the entire Sea of ​​Stars and Fog.Its level of prosperity, the number of people coming and going every day, and the number of powerful people gathered there are no less than the ten cities in Yinlan Mansion, or even better.

To be able to occupy such a treasured land and develop Miluo Island so well, and no one dares to covet it, one can imagine the strong backing and foundation behind Miluo Island.

On Miluo Island, there are two very famous places, one is the 'Freedom Castle' and the other is the 'Fighting Arena', which are places for business and combat.

It is said that the entire Miluo Island is controlled by several big families.They earned a huge amount of wealth by relying on trade in the Free Castle.As for the fighting arena, if you want to enter and watch the battle, you have to pay a ticket. The income from the tickets alone is another cornucopia for Miluo Island.

No matter whether it is in the Free Castle or the audience in the fighting arena, fighting and fighting are not allowed.In order to ensure that these two cornucopias did not go wrong, Miluo Island also raised an army composed entirely of powerful gods.To maintain such an army, the salary of the sergeants alone is a huge expense.If it weren't for having a free castle and a fighting arena to earn wealth, I might not be able to support such an elite army.

In fact, the so-called army is nothing more than an external force. For some truly strong men, the threat is actually very limited.If you want to maintain Miluo Island as a special trading place, you will naturally need to rely on powerful force, such as powerful six-star, seven-star demons, or even the Shura-level combat power of the palace lord.

Therefore, the significance of the existence of the fighting arena, in addition to attracting people to watch the battle and collect tickets, is mainly to discover and screen powerful people, such as some powerful six-star and seven-star demons, powerful beasts or soul mutants.

But even if you find these powerful people with strength or potential, how to win them over and let them be used by the forces behind Miluo Island?Strong people are rebellious and independent, and they will not sacrifice their lives for others casually.

In fact, there is no need to win over at all, because the real controller behind Miluo Island, the strongest member of the Bagshaw family, Mo Si, is a peerless strongman who practices the rules of death and destruction, and has practiced them to a very high level, among which the rules of death are even more powerful. It is close to Dzogchen.

Mo Si can even control some seven-star demons through soul seeds. With such terrifying methods, there are more and more powerful seven-star demons in the Bagshaw family, and the foundation of Miluo Island will naturally become deeper and deeper.Unless a powerful person from Dzogchen takes action, no one under the Lord God can truly shake Miluo Island.

And when Di Ke came to Miluo Island, he actually came for Mo Si.After all, it’s hard to find an opponent!Di Ke also wanted to know how strong Mo Si could be after practicing the rules of death to that level.

At the same time, Dicko was also somewhat interested in the legendary purgatory in hell.Diko, who knew that Mo Si was the lord of Purgatory, naturally wanted to learn more about Purgatory through him, and even wanted to visit the plane battlefield if he had the opportunity in the future.

On the one hand, there are many powerful people in the plane battlefield, not only the Shura-level powerhouses from the major divine planes and the highest planes, but also top Shura figures like Mo Si, and even Dzogchen powerhouses.

Fighting against them is the real training for Dicko, which can make him realize the mystery of the fusion law faster.It would be good to kill some Shura-level leaders on the battlefield in exchange for the main artifact. Even if Diko doesn't use it, it's still good to leave it to his wife and children.

(End of this chapter)

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