Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 262 Romon’s opportunity

Chapter 262 Romon’s opportunity

Lin Lei and the three people who came to Miluo Island also met O'Brien by chance, and then had a lively gathering with Di Lin, Olivia, Xi Sai and other old friends who also came from the Yulan Continent. .

Because of Dico, there will naturally be no more bloody incidents like the one in the original work where Xisai provoked the Bagshaw family's Young Master Sekera to kill him because of a woman, so Linley was no longer on Miluo Island. An opportunity to show off your strength and kill everyone.

In fact, Xisai did meet Cexili, the fiancée of Master Szekeli on Miluo Island.However, after the Bagshaw family learned about this, considering the unusual relationship between Xisai and Diko, they quickly terminated the engagement and allowed Xisai and Nasi Xili to be together.

However, Xisai did not feel so happy or surprised, because Rosalie was also on Miluo Island!Although the romantic Xisai won Cecily's heart, it also made Rosalie jealous.Caught between two women, Xisai is undoubtedly a big one.

If he was still in the Yulan Continent, the worst he could do was disappear and find a place to hide.Xisai, who has always been afraid of trouble, avoided Rosalie like this when she was in the Magnolia Continent!
But in Hell, with the strength of his mid-level god, Miluo Island is naturally very safe, but once he leaves Miluo Island and ventures outside, it will be very dangerous.

Just when Xisai couldn't help but want to risk leaving Miluo Island, he suddenly learned the news that Cexili was pregnant. He Xisai was going to have a child. He was always a free and uninhibited killer who liked women but was a bit afraid of marriage. King', is going to be a father.

Xisai was undoubtedly a little confused when he heard the news.Naturally, he could no longer irresponsibly leave directly.What was even more unexpected to Xisai and everyone was that Rosalie also showed signs of pregnancy.You must know that Rosalie followed Xisei to hell, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye, and her stomach had not moved. Suddenly she had a child, and it smelled like an old tree blooming. It was really surprising.

But for Xisay, this was a turnaround, and it suddenly solved the troublesome dilemma he was facing.Even under the instigating suggestions of Desili and others, Xisai, who is afraid of marriage, decisively chose to get married for the sake of her two children, and married two of them at once.

Xisai married two wives at once. While enjoying the blessing of being together, he was also about to have two children. Naturally, he was excited and anxious. He had not yet become a father!

For Di Lin and others, this is also a great event to be happy about. They left their hometown together and came to the hell where there are many powerful people and dangers. It is rare to see the birth of two new lives, and they are all like... With sustenance, I look forward to surprises one after another.

It was rare for fellow villagers to gather together. After Lin Lei attended Xisai's wedding, he was not in a hurry to leave. He stayed on Miluo Island for more than a year, waiting for Xisai's son and daughter to be born one after another before leaving. .

During this period, Linley also received warm hospitality from the Bagshaw family, and even Mo Si met him in person.When he left, Xisai and others, as well as Bao Kewei, the patriarch of the Bagshaw family, even sent him to the seaside...
However, Dicko, who was in purgatory, did not return to Miluo Island. After all, Lin Lei did not stay on Miluo Island for a long time. There was no important matter and Dicko did not need to go back to Miluo Island to see Lin Lei.

And after learning that Diko went to purgatory, Lin Lei, who had heard about purgatory now, couldn't help but secretly lamented that the gap in strength between himself and Diko was getting bigger and bigger, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to catch up with Diko in the future. What about the chances?

In the blink of an eye, more than 100 years have passed. When Luo Meng finally arrived at Miluo Island after entering hell, Dico, who was calculating the approximate time, finally returned to Miluo Island in advance.

On Miluo Island, in the large and luxurious castle complex where Xisai, Dilin and other people live, in the back garden of a dark red castle, a man wearing a green robe and a sword-like brow looked in front of him. A handsome young man with a sharp and sharp aura, Diko couldn't help but nodded and said with a smile: "It's really different to come to hell and have a try!" "Before coming to hell, although I had a little understanding of hell, but when I came to hell, I couldn't help but smile. Hell, after a lot of wandering, I realized how exciting and exciting life in hell is. Along the way, I met many high-level gods, fought dozens of large and small fights, and even fought with a seven-star demon. This is the world of the truly strong! In comparison, the plane of Magnolia Continent is too peaceful and monotonous," the handsome young man couldn't help but his eyes twinkling as he talked about his experiences along the way. Liang was a little excited.

But then, the handsome young man couldn't help but shook his head and said with a little regret: "It's just that I am too strong now. I am wandering in hell and encountering some troubles along the way. It is not challenging. If I were still weak Come to hell when you have time, I think it will be more exciting and more interesting.”

"Coming to hell when you are weak is exciting, but the possibility of losing your life is also very high." When Diko heard this, he immediately said angrily: "You kid, don't be so good at taking advantage. Your chance and luck, But many people can’t get it even if they ask for it. I still think that I am too strong. If I directly kill the three god clones you left in Yulan Continent, I will be weak immediately."

Hearing this, the handsome young man smiled awkwardly and couldn't help but laugh and said quickly: "Grandpa, I'm just saying that. I am the most outstanding and potential genius of the four ultimate warrior families. I will be able to grow to be as good as Dzogchen in the future. The level of an upper god is even stronger than that of the Dzogchen upper god. How can you be willing to ruin my future?"

"You, if you have such a good talent and opportunity, you should work hard to practice, strive to integrate more mysterious laws, and cultivate all four god clones to the realm of upper gods as soon as possible. In this way, your strength can be comparable to or even surpass the upper gods of Dzogchen. , to become the truly top existence among gods," Di Kelian said.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Luo Meng will definitely understand and practice with his heart, and strive to catch up with or even surpass grandpa as soon as possible," Luo Meng, a handsome young man, nodded and said with a smile.

Seeing his confident look, Dico couldn't help but smile and shook his head.Sometimes, Diko really admires this little guy's good attitude!

"By the way, Grandpa, when I came to hell this time, wasn't it that I was teleported to the Bauhinia Continent? When I was wandering around in the Bauhinia Continent, I accidentally entered the Amethyst Mountains..." Luo Meng continued with a slightly serious tone.

"Are you not careful? I think you are too curious. You know that there are tigers in the mountains, but you still don't believe in evil, right?" Before Romon could finish speaking, Diko, who spoke angrily, frowned and said: "You What did you encounter in the Amethyst Mountains? Could it be that you met the Lord God of Bauhinia?"

"Grandpa, how do you know?" Luo Meng was a little surprised when he heard this, and Diko asked continuously: "Then how did you leave? Did the Lord Redbud accept you as her messenger?"

"Uh, Grandpa Zu, you actually guessed this?" Luo Meng, who was a little surprised, then said awkwardly: "Grandpa Zu, I also think that the Redbud Goddess is quite sincere, but she has such an attitude towards me. Okay, plus, just by agreeing to be the messenger of the Lord God, you can get a main artifact. I think it’s quite a deal, so..."

"So you agreed to be the messenger of her main god?" Diko, who looked at Romon helplessly, asked with a frown: "What main artifact did you ask for from the main god Bauhinia?"

(End of this chapter)

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