Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 263 Dicko’s Ambition

Chapter 263 Dicko’s Ambition

Romon, who did not answer directly, smiled and thought, and a set of dark purple translucent crystal-like armor suddenly appeared on his body. An invisible surging aura instantly filled the air, making the surrounding space a little unbearable. It trembled slightly like pressure and twisted.

"The main artifact armor?" Diko raised a brow, and Romon also smiled and said: "Grandpa, this main artifact armor has invincible material defense, plus there is a pair of gloves, it can be used as the main artifact to attack. , it can be said to be an integrated attack and defense, so powerful!"

As he spoke, Luo Meng swung his fist seemingly casually, and easily penetrated the solid space in this hell, creating a twisted black hole.If it hits a person, the power can be imagined, and even a strong person at the level of Ordinary Palace Master Shura would not dare to resist.

"You are really good at choosing," Diko said with a slight nod, and couldn't help sighing: "The Redbud Lord God really knows how to choose the right time! However, the Redbud Lord God is considered to have a good temper among the main gods, and the four divine beast families There are also some connections. It would not be bad for you to be her messenger of the main god!"

"Grandpa, you have been in hell for so long, why didn't you go to the Four Divine Beast Clan? Don't you want to go back to your family and meet the ancestors of our four ultimate warrior families?" Romon heard Dico mention the Four Divine Beast Clan. I couldn't help but asked in confusion.

The noncommittal Diko's eyes flickered and said: "Do you want to visit the Four Divine Beasts Family?"

"I'm a little curious. Since I've come to hell, of course I thought about stopping by." Romon nodded slightly, and Diko also said: "Then go! Start from Miluo Island and go to Blood Peak Continent Youlan The Four Divine Beast Clan in the Mansion is not too far away. If you hurry up, you should be able to get there in a few decades. It just so happens that Lin Lei passed by here more than a hundred years ago and went to the Blood Peak Continent. Once you reach the Four Divine Beast Clan, there is Opportunity to meet him.”

"Lord Linley?" Hearing Dico mention Linley, Luo Meng's eyes suddenly lit up. In the Yulan Continent, the four ultimate warrior families now have many powerful people, including a bunch of god-level warriors. Dicko and Linley, whose warrior families have once again risen to glory, are definitely legendary figures in the minds of the descendants of the four ultimate warriors.

Although Lin Lei's light was almost blocked by Diko, he had been cultivating for less than a hundred years and without stimulating the energy of his bloodline talent. He was able to break through and become a god by his own cultivation. He also cultivated two great god clones one after another. Lin Lei's Talent is unquestionable.

It is true that Luo Meng's talent and understanding are not bad, and his potential is even much greater than Lin Lei's for the time being. However, his current strength is due to too many coincidences and luck.

"This is a soul defense artifact ring that I spent more than a hundred years refining," Diko said, turning over his hand and taking out an inconspicuous dark red ring, and handed it to Romon: "Although you have the power of will, after all, your soul is still at the middle god level. Although the soul defense is also very strong with the blessing of the power of will, if you go up against the high-level god of Dzogchen, you will still suffer some disadvantages in terms of soul defense. "

"My soul defense artifact, although its defensive power is far inferior to the main artifact, is definitely of excellent quality among soul defense artifacts. Even the Great Perfection God may not be able to refine such a good soul defense artifact. . With it, and with the blessing of the power of will, even the most powerful soul attack method of the Great Perfection God cannot do anything to you," Diko looked confident.

After hearing this, Luo Meng's eyes lit up, and he was surprised and accepted the offer: "Thank you, Grandpa! In fact, Lord Bauhinia wants me to choose the main artifact of soul defense. But because I insist on wanting the main weapon of material defense, In addition, she also thinks that my soul defense is very powerful with the blessing of the power of will, so she did not give me the main soul defense artifact." "Well! Basically speaking, you don't need the soul defense artifact. . The reason why I gave it to you is to save your life at critical moments. It is also just in case. After all, some of the higher gods of Dzogchen are also good at soul attacks. With the blessing of the power of Dzogchen will, the power cannot be underestimated. "Diko nodded slightly.

And then Diko thought of something, and couldn't help but said solemnly: "In addition, I want to remind you that the innate magical power of the fusion of the four divine beasts is not trivial. Don't use it lightly until the moment of life and death. Otherwise, I want to remind you. , it may cause big trouble, and even bring you a fatal crisis, you know?"

"Yes, Grandpa Zu, I remember it!" Luo Meng also nodded slightly seriously. In fact, Diko had already warned him about this before leaving the Magnolia Continent.Dico said it so seriously, although he also had some doubts in his heart, but Dico refused to say more, and he couldn't ask more questions.

"Actually, the reason why I specially refined a soul defense artifact ring for you is to prevent you from using the fusion talent of the four divine beasts in a critical moment," Diko continued: "So even if you encounter big trouble, unless You must die, otherwise even if you try to destroy this soul defense artifact ring by being attacked, you will not be able to use the fusion talents of the four divine beasts."

"Then Grandpa, when can I use the fusion talents of the four divine beasts? When I truly reach the level of Dzogchen?" Romon couldn't help but ask with a slight hesitation.

Dico shook his head slightly: "I hope you will never need it. short, you will understand why I told you this in the future."

After speaking, Dico waved his hand for Romon to go first. After Romon turned around and left, he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "I know the fusion talents of the four divine beasts, but I can't use them because I only have the blood of the white tiger in my body." , but this kid Romon can use it but can't use it easily. To put it bluntly, our strength is still too weak! If we are all Lord Gods, these methods can actually threaten other Lord Gods and make other Lord Gods fear us. The ultimate trick."

"However, even if the original four divine beasts joined forces, they would not be able to defeat the Lord of Light. I am afraid that I will have to become the main god of fusion and refine some of the essence and blood of the four divine beasts before I can compete with the Lord of Light. It's just that the Lord of Light has the supreme soul defense artifact. Even if I in the future After refining the essence and blood of the four divine beasts, he can use the fusion talents of the four divine beasts, and his soul attack methods are still unable to do anything to him," Di Ke frowned and said secretly:
"Furthermore, the Lord of Light and the Lord of Destiny are the same person. They have both the supreme artifact of soul defense and the supreme artifact of material defense. The only way to deal with them is to take them by surprise and take advantage of them not wearing the supreme artifact of material defense on their bodies. Attack means kill them."

"Thinking too far! If I want to threaten the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Light, I must at least become the Lord God first. Otherwise, I won't even be qualified to let them face them. And if I want to become the Lord God, the only way is to refine the Lord Godhead. Only by becoming the main god first can I have the opportunity to kill other main gods, refine one or more main gods, become a fusion main god, and quickly improve my strength." Diko shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but light up his eyes when he thought of this. Narrowed: "But, will Beirut really let me become the main god? Qing Huo should have become the main god of the fire system now, right?"

"Even if you want to refine the main godhead, you must first break through and become a high-level god. Otherwise, you won't even be qualified to refine the main godhead." Diko, with twinkling eyes, couldn't help but secretly said with a changing expression: "It seems that next, besides There is no need to waste too much time on the mysterious fusion of different laws and rules, and the mysterious fusion of various elemental laws. The most important thing is to understand all the mysteries early and step into the realm of higher gods."

(End of this chapter)

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