Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 264 Solemn Reminder

Chapter 264 Solemn Reminder
More than a month later, on the eve of Luo Meng's preparation to leave Miluo Island for Youlan Mansion on the Blood Peak Continent, Diko specially called him over.

In the study room of the castle where Dico lived on Miluo Island, when Romon walked in, Dico was flipping through a book that recorded more detailed intelligence information about the most powerful people in the four supreme planes and the seven god planes. books.

"Grandpa!" Romon saluted respectfully and shouted after he came in. Dico also casually closed the thick book, looked up at Romon and said with a smile: "Here? Are you so anxious to go to Blood Peak?" Mainland, it seems that you are really curious about the Four Divine Beasts family! You are not willing to stay on Miluo Island to stay with me for a while. Do you think that this old guy of mine is too nagging?"

When Luo Meng heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "How could it be possible? Grandpa, my other three divine clones are all staying in the Yulan Continent. I'm just worried that it will disturb Grandpa's cultivation, so I don't usually do it often." I just went to see you, Grandpa."

"You know how to talk," Diko shook his head and smiled, and then said seriously: "However, even if you think I am verbose, I have to remind you again. Now the Four Divine Beasts family is facing a lot of trouble. , after you go, you can help the four divine beast families to fight, and think of it as a way to hone yourself. But remember, don’t risk your life for them easily, and don’t expose your true strength casually.”

"Trouble? Fight? Grandpa, although I have not been in hell for a long time, I have heard about the reputation of the Four Divine Beasts family. As far as I know, the Four Divine Beasts family has a great reputation in hell, but it is a very powerful family. There are so many powerful people in the clan, how can we encounter big trouble?" Luo Meng was puzzled and said: "Moreover, Grandpa, you said you want me to hide my strength and not fight for the Four Divine Beasts family. I don't understand. Our four major Isn’t the Ultimate Warrior Family the Four Divine Beasts Family originating from hell? Why do you think so about the Four Divine Beasts Family..."

"Even if the blood of the four ultimate warrior families originates from the four divine beast families, so what? The blood relationship is unknown how many generations ago. It was only a few thousand years ago that the strong men of the four divine beast families came to the Yulan Continent. The ancestors of the four ultimate warriors were brought to hell. For the Four Divine Beasts family, a weak branch in the material plane is too insignificant. I am afraid that very few people in the entire Four Divine Beasts family know about the Magnolia Continent branch. ," Dico said, shaking his head and saying:

"Back then, when the powerful men from the four divine beast families went to the Yulan Continent to take the ancestors of the four ultimate warriors to hell, they didn't even leave a single sanctuary behind. As a result, the four ultimate warrior families declined rapidly. How could they care? A blood descendant of the four ultimate warriors?"

"Do you know why the Four Divine Beasts family is in such big trouble today?" Diko continued. Seeing Romon shaking his head, he continued: "It's because the Four Divine Beasts family is too powerful and has a deep foundation. Therefore, the Four Divine Beasts The children of the family are naturally arrogant and have offended too many forces and powerful people. Therefore, when the Four Divine Beasts family loses its strong support, trouble will naturally come. To put it bluntly, it is just your own fault, and it is not worth it. pity!"

"So that's it! Grandpa, you said the powerful support behind the Four Divine Beasts family? Could it be the Lord God? The Four Divine Beasts family has lost its support? Could it be that the Lord God abandoned the Four Divine Beasts family?" Romon asked curiously.

Diko, who was a little speechless after hearing this, shook his head and said: "I didn't want to tell you so early, but now that I've said it here, you have guessed a little, so I'll tell you. The so-called four divine beast families, their names The origin is because the ancestors of the Four Divine Beasts family are the four powerful divine beasts: Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Moreover, they are all the main gods!"

"Main God? The ancestor of the Four Divine Beasts family is the main god? The four main gods?" Upon hearing this, Luo Meng stared in shock and lost his voice. Then he reacted and murmured to himself suddenly: "So that's the case. No wonder the Four Divine Beasts family is so... Powerful, with such a resounding reputation." "Grandpa, you said... the four divine beast families have lost their strong support behind them. Could it be that the four ancestors..." Then he thought of something like Romon, and he couldn't help but feel even more uneasy in his heart. He looked at Dicolian in belief.

"Yes! The four main gods are all dead," Diko nodded slightly, looked at the shocked Romon, and continued solemnly: "It is impossible for the main gods to fall for no reason. Although the four ancestors of the four divine beast families are just The next Lord God, but when they join forces, the combination of the four divine beasts' natural talents can threaten the Lord. Therefore, the one who kills them must be a very powerful Lord."

"Master..." Romon held his breath a little. Master, existence at that level is really too far away from him.The power of the Lord was something that Romon could not imagine.

"Now, you should understand why I don't let you expose the fusion talent of the four divine beasts, right?" Diko's next words suddenly made Romon's face change: "Grandpa Zu, you mean, once I use the four divine beasts, Will the fusion talent of the divine beasts alert the powerful master who killed the four ancestors of the four divine beast families? Lord, you won’t personally deal with me, right? Could it be that the trouble of the four divine beast families is caused by that master? Instructing from behind?"

"To the Lord, the Four Divine Beasts family without the protection of the four main gods is simply insignificant. Even if a Great Perfection High God appears in the Four Divine Beasts family, the Lord may not care. Therefore, the troubles of the Four Divine Beasts family should not be The master instructs other forces to deal with them, but it is purely the enemies they have caused." Diko shook his head and said: "However, the fusion talents of the four divine beasts are extraordinary, and you are also a member of the major planes for countless years. The unique four-part soul mutation has the power of will and its potential is so high that once exposed, it will inevitably attract the attention of the Lord God."

"If you are too high-profile, and the potential you have shown is so high, the master will really instruct people to kill you before you have truly grown up. Even if the master doesn't If you care, it will inevitably arouse the fear of other powerful people, even the Great Perfection God. After all, your fusion of the four divine beasts and your magical power will be enough to threaten the Great Perfection God in the future," Diko said, his expression became serious.

Seeing the solemn expression on Diko's face, Luo Meng also nodded and said quickly: "Grandpa Zu, I understand! I will pay attention to it! And except for the Great Perfection God, even some of the top beings among the Lords of Shura Palace are not enough. Force me to use all my cards."

"Take this and take a look. It contains information about all the powerful Shura Palace Lords in the four supreme planes and the seven god planes," Diko said and handed the thick book on the table in front of him to Romon. : "If you learn more about it, you will be able to feel confident when you meet some powerful people at the peak level of the upper gods in the future."

"Thank you, Grandpa." Luo Meng took it with both hands and browsed through it casually. His eyes sparkled with joy, and he couldn't wait to browse the information about some powerful Shura masters in hell. Ke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and reminded: "Boy, the information I give you about these powerful people is not to make it easy for you to come and challenge them. What you have to do now is to understand the mystery of the fusion law with your heart, rather than giving it to yourself. Too much pressure, forcing myself to reveal more details."

(End of this chapter)

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