Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 266 Battle Escalation

Chapter 266 Battle Escalation
Diko, who also received the news, was a little confused as to why the volcano giant Pusluo did not appear. At the same time, he realized that the next battle between the four divine beast families and the eight major families would become more intense. The final battle was probably not far away. Some Worried that Luo Meng might not be able to handle it well, he finally couldn't help but set off for Youlan Mansion.
Diko, who had spent decades rushing from Miluo Island to Youlan Mansion, was not in a hurry to go to the Four Divine Beasts family, but visited Beirut first.

However, after meeting Beirut, Dicko soon regretted coming to see him.Because Beirut gave him the trouble of fighting between the four divine beast families and the eight major families to solve, saying that he would not care about it in the future.

Even Dico would be troubled by this big trouble.After all, the heads of the eight major families are all powerful Shura warriors, otherwise they would not be valued by the Lord God and accepted as His messengers.

Although Diko was not afraid of them, if he really wanted to take action, he would have to expose most of his strength and means.The battle between the Four Divine Beast Families and the Eight Great Families is a sensation throughout Hell. Once the final battle breaks out, even the Lord Gods will be curious and pay attention.When the time comes, once Dicko gets involved, he is bound to become a standout.

"What does this Beirut mean? You want to use the hands of the eight major families to train me?" Diko, who was a little confused, actually didn't mean to use the hands of the eight major families to train Romon!

After the tragic battle outside Myr City, and with a clearer understanding of the threat posed by Romon and Linley, the eight major families became even more crazy.In just over 100 years, the seven-star demon elders of the four divine beast families suffered a lot.

Finally, the four divine beast families couldn't hold on any longer, and the four clan leaders unanimously decided not to fight against the eight major families, and planned to let all family members return to the Tianji Mountains to recuperate.

But the strong men of the Four Divine Beast Clan are very proud at heart. Having experienced the glorious era of the Four Divine Beast Clan, they look down on the eight major families at all.If you want them to bow their heads and surrender, as arrogant as they are, naturally they are unwilling and unwilling.

Therefore, after the four clan leaders announced the decision to call a truce, some elders chose to fight madly regardless of their lives, which also escalated the fight between the four divine beast families and the eight major families.
In the crazy and somewhat tragic fighting, in less than 30 years, the Four Divine Beasts family lost more than 20 elders.Although many of them still have their god clones alive, the strongest god clones with the power of seven-star demons all died in the battle.

Even Luo Meng couldn't help but be affected by this atmosphere.Therefore, even though the leader of the White Tiger clan told him not to fight against the eight major families easily, Luo Meng still couldn't bear to stay in the Tianji Mountains.

Luo Meng, who secretly left the Tianji Mountains, witnessed two brutal and crazy fights between the four divine beast families and the seven-star demon elders of the eight major families. In one of them, an elder of the Suzaku clan desperately dragged a seven-star demon elder of the other party to death together. But the other fight was a completely unfair battle...
One of the two parties fighting was the genius elder Blue from the Qinglong clan of the four divine beast families, whose strength was close to the Shura level. The other party was several seven-star demons from the eight major families, including a clan leader.

The reason why one of the eight major families wanted to kill Bulu at all costs was mainly because Elder Bulu was too crazy before.He alone killed eight elders of the eight major families, which naturally angered the eight major families.

Romon, who was watching the battle in secret with his aura hidden, noticed that Blue had frantically killed an elder of the opponent, and was then restrained and trapped by the head of the Barbary family, one of the eight major families, with his main artifact long whip. He was about to be killed by other members of the eight major families. Several elders surrounded and killed them, but in the end they couldn't help but take action...
Facing the Barbary clan leader who possesses the main artifact, Romon can no longer hide his strength. After all, he still wants to save Blue.If he couldn't save Blue, then his action would be meaningless.

Therefore, after the explosion, Romon used the power of his will to directly push back the Barbary clan leader, and then used his soul attack to directly kill two of the eight elders who were crazy about killing Bru. He was also frightened. The other three elders of the eight major families.Although Romon used the power of the Lord God as soon as he took action, facing Blue who also used the power of the Lord God to fight for his life, several elders of the eight major families also used the power of the Lord God.

Under the same condition of using the power of the Lord God, Romon's soul attack method could kill two seven-star demon elders from the eight major families at once. It was definitely the top combat power among the strong men at the Shura level.

Next, Romon, who quickly and easily killed three other seven-star demon elders from the eight major families, started a fierce battle with the Barbary clan leader who was shocked and furious after reacting. Even Blue could watch this battle. Senseless.

Patriarch Barbary's strength was not weak, but he was still inferior to Romon's crazy outburst.When the somewhat stunned and embarrassed Barbary Patriarch was about to escape, Romon, who was eager to kill, used the innate magical power of the White Tiger clan, causing Patriarch Barbata to be restrained by a stagnant and twisted space, and finally died. In Romon's hands.

The result of this battle also completely shocked the eight major families, and even caused a huge sensation among the four divine beast families. Romon became famous in the first battle, but because of this battle, the four divine beast families and the eight major families quickly faced each other. Here comes the big showdown.

Romon is strong!He was able to kill the patriarch of the Barbary family, but would the eight major families be so afraid and choose to retreat?No, the death of Patriarch Barbary made the eight major families share the same hatred and become more determined to kill Romon.Otherwise, if Romon continues to grow, he may become a perverted existence like Beirut, which is the real threat to the eight major families.

The Eight Great Families and the Four Divine Beast Families have been fighting each other for so long, and their hatred has become so deep that they are already riding a tiger.As long as possible, I am afraid they will not let go of any opportunity to completely eliminate each other.

Therefore, the eight major families who were determined to destroy the four divine beast families, out of fear of Romon, and just in case, to ensure that they could kill Romon, they even hired the No. 1 under the main god of Bauhinia Continent at any cost. Aiken came to deal with Romon.

"Aiken..." In a hidden valley not far from the Tianji Mountains, Diko, who was standing side by side with Beirut in black robes, used his powerful and restrained soul power to explore the surrounding areas of the Tianji Mountains. The confrontation between the mythical beast family and the eight major families was about to break out. I noticed the dark purple robes in front of the eight major families. Aiken, who was handsome and feminine, could not help but frown and asked: "Mr. Beirut, this Aiken has such a big name. , how strong is he?"

"This Aiken is practicing the way of destruction. He is very perverted. But I have never fought with him, so I can't be sure what level he has reached. But I don't think his strength is necessarily as good as Miluo. The Mo Siqiang of the Bagshaw family on the island should not have reached the level of Dzogchen yet," Beirut said thoughtfully.

When Diko heard this, he suddenly looked slightly relieved and felt a little confident: "It seems that he is not your opponent, Mr. Beirut."

(End of this chapter)

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