Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 267 Aiken, Dzogchen?

Chapter 267 Aiken, Dzogchen?

Beirut smiled noncommittally, looking very calm and confident.He is a God-Eating Rat, with excellent physical defense and equally perverted physical attacks. He is not afraid at all even against the Great Perfection God.

Even Beirut's innate magical power 'God Eater' is more terrifying than the soul attack of the Great Perfection God.As long as the main high-level gods are not in the Great Perfection or do not have the main soul defense artifact, even strong men like Mo Si who are also good at the soul and have practiced the rules of death to an almost Great Perfection level, will not be able to withstand Beirut's innate magical power.

Therefore, compared to the Dzogchen High God, many Shura leaders are more afraid of Beirut, who has almost no weaknesses and is terrifyingly powerful in both material attacks and soul attacks.

Naturally, Beirut, who is not even afraid of the Great Perfection God, has almost no one under the Great Perfection that he can fear or even take seriously.

Aiken is very strong and very perverted, but among the large number of powerful people in countless planes, how many perverted existences like Beirut are there?Under the Lord God, there is really almost no strong person who is more perverted than Beirut.

"It's begun." Beirut, who also quietly used the power of the Lord God to investigate and watch the battle, suddenly said with a jolt of energy.And soon, along with violent energy fluctuations, the battle between Romon and Aiken also began.

The eight major families were very afraid of Beirut and did not dare to ignore Beirut's warning and rush into the Tianji Mountains.But Aiken has long been at the top level among Shura strong men, and he also has the main soul defense artifact, but he is not afraid of Beirut.

Aiken, who has practiced the Way of Destruction to an almost perfect level, even if his physical attack methods are not as good as Beirut's, they still surpass Mo Si's.With his strength, even if the four patriarchs of the four divine beast families have their main artifacts, they will never be his opponent.

Just like how Beirut easily seriously injured the patriarchs of the eight major families by himself, once Aiken takes action with all his strength, it will not be too difficult to kill the four patriarchs of the four divine beast families with Shura strength.

Therefore, after knowing Aiken's identity, Luo Meng, who saw Aiken injuring the White Tiger Clan Leader, the fastest among the four divine beast families, went up to fight Aiken without hesitation.

Among the four divine beast families today, only Romon has the strength to fight Aiken.At such a critical juncture of life and death, he had to take action.

For this battle, compared to the nervous worries of the four patriarchs and elders of the four divine beast families, Luo Meng was actually looking forward to it.Aiken, known as No. 1 among the main gods of the Bauhinia Continent, what a great name!However, apart from the Great Perfection God, Luo Meng really has nothing to fear.He can kill a powerful Shura strongman like the heads of the eight major families, but a top Shura strongman can just allow him to fight to his heart's content.

"Wonderful! This boy Romon is really making rapid progress!" Beirut, who was secretly watching the battle, saw that after a brief tentative fight at the beginning, Romon and Aiken quickly became more and more fierce and inextricable. , couldn't help but admired with shining eyes.

Diko on the side also smiled and nodded: "Romon has fused the speed secrets of the wind element law with the clone technique, the space of wind, and the mystery of the wind element. The dimensional attack has also been comprehended and fused. The mysterious fusion is already capable. Comparable to the Seven-Star Demon, combined with the main artifact and the power of will, it is indeed the highest level of combat power among Shura."

"However, this Aiken, his rules of destruction are indeed terrifying..." Then he noticed that Aiken's seemingly random attack contained a terrifying power of destruction, which easily caused the space to shatter and collapse. The destructive power also made Dico couldn't help but frown slightly and look a little more solemn.

Beirut also nodded and said: "It is very powerful! The way of destruction is very good at material attacks. If I were not a god-eating rat, I am afraid I would not be the opponent of Aiken! I can practice the way of destruction to this level. Levels, used so skillfully, he is worthy of being a guy who can extract the power of the Lord God with ink stone, he is indeed a pervert!" "This Aiken's strength is not inferior to Qing Huo. And he has been famous for longer, no wonder some people doubt that he has reached The level of Dzogchen. I think it is possible for him to break through and reach the level of Dzogchen," Beirut continued.

"Qinghuo?" Diko, who raised his brow slightly when Beirut mentioned Qinghuo, couldn't help but asked curiously: "Mr. Beirut, has Qinghuo achieved the Great Perfection?"

"How can it be so easy to achieve the Great Perfection?" Beirut shook his head, which made Diko more and more confused: "That's not right! In the original work, Qinghuo refined the main godhead of the fire system, and with the help of massive beliefs With the help of power, I have a clearer understanding of the law of the fire element. It should be almost time to break through and enter the level of Dzogchen. How come I haven't reached Dzogchen yet? Could it be?"

Just when Diko was startled, in mid-air outside the Tianji Mountains, under the intense attention of powerful men from the four divine beast families and the eight major families, as well as a large number of tribesmen, the battle between Romon and Aiken had also entered a fever pitch. General.

After a fight, except for the fusion of the four divine beasts, which was the biggest trump card, Romon almost used all the means, but he still couldn't suppress Aiken.

And Aiken, who had not put Romon in his eyes at first, never expected that this junior member of the Four Divine Beasts family would be so perverted and terrifying, actually overwhelming him. This undoubtedly made Aiken shocked and angry, and felt a little ashamed. Annoying.

Therefore, Aiken seemed to be a little crazy, trying his best to counterattack Romon... Under such pressure, in the fierce battle like an opponent, Aiken gradually felt like he was touched.
Boom... Amidst the terrifying energy explosion, after using the White Tiger clan's innate magical power to restrain Aiken, Diko made the space vibrate and tear with a palm, causing ripples like water, and directly knocked the slightly dazed Aiken away. Forced to vomit blood, he flew away in embarrassment.

"What?" Seeing this, just when the people of the eight major families were surprised and unbelievable, and the people of the four divine beast families cheered excitedly, the sudden fluctuations in the rules of heaven and earth came and enveloped Aiken, who was flying back in embarrassment. Aiken looked surprised as he came back to his senses.

Almost at the same time, Luo Meng, who was continuing to chase, felt the sudden fluctuation of the rules of heaven and earth. He stopped for a moment and was surprised in his heart. Aiken punched out and blasted a huge hole out of the hell space. The fist force containing invisible power directly shook Luo Meng away from the hole, making him look slightly embarrassed.

The sudden change also caused the atmosphere of the four divine beast families and the eight major families to change quietly. Everyone was stunned and stunned. What happened?Didn't this reversal come too fast?

"Great Perfection?" Luo Meng, who had stabilized his figure in embarrassment, couldn't help but stare at Aiken in disbelief. He was too familiar with the invisible power fluctuations of his will.

Aiken also laughed excitedly: "Haha...that's right! Boy, I want to thank you very much! You allowed me to finally take this last step and practice the Rule of Destruction to the level of Dzogchen."

"He broke through and became a Great Perfection High God?" Even Diko and Beirut, who were watching the battle secretly, were a little confused. They never expected that they would have the opportunity to see the birth of a Great Perfection High God with their own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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