Chapter 268 Make a friend?

Beirut, who reacted immediately, looked slightly more solemn. He looked at Dicko, who also frowned slightly, and couldn't help but said: "It seems that you can't do anything this time. Aiken has broken through and become a big player." Perfect God, even if I take action personally, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do anything to him.”

He glanced at Dicko in Beirut, but he was noncommittal.Nothing can be done?Beirut is the main god. Even if it is just his dark god clone who is the Lord of Youlan Mansion in Hell, the power of his will should be about [-]% of that of the Great Perfection God. Plus, with his powerful talent of the God-Eating Rat, even if it is There is nothing you can do about Aiken, and there is no need to worry about him at all.

But obviously, Beirut is deliberately hiding itself and does not want to expose some of its trump cards so early.He is also used to keeping a low profile. He has been the main god for more than 1 years, but except for the well-informed main god, even some high-level gods of Dzogchen do not know his details.

"Congratulations to Mr. Aiken!" The seven patriarchs of the eight major families rushed forward to congratulate Aiken in surprise and joy. While they were secretly envious and jealous in their hearts, they also breathed a sigh of relief.Now that Aiken has broken through and become the Great Perfection God, no matter how powerful Romon is, he is probably dead today.

"Lord Aiken, please take action to kill this Romon, so as to avoid future troubles!" The head of the Renners family, one of the eight major families, couldn't help but urge Aiken.

However, after listening to his words, the excitement on Aiken's face slowly faded away. He squinted at Luo Meng who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but was not too panicked and surprised. He just frowned and looked at him, but he suddenly laughed loudly. : "Kill him? Renals, when did I say I was going to kill him?"

"Lord Aiken, you..." Upon hearing Aiken's words, Renards and the other patriarchs of the big family changed their expressions, and for a moment they became frightened and angry.They spent a lot of money to invite Aiken, but they didn't expect that at the critical moment Aiken would slip up. Although he had the strength to kill Luo Meng, he suddenly refused to take action.

At the same time, Aiken's expression suddenly froze, and the smile on his face froze again. Then he looked at Romon in surprise, who was also slightly surprised by what he just said, and said with a twinkling smile: "This guy is an assistant." I broke through and became the Great Perfection High God. I basically owe him a favor, so how can I kill him? I, Aiken, am not an unreasonable person who doesn't distinguish between grudges and grudges!"

Are you reasonable?Renals and others couldn't help but became speechless after hearing this. It was a joke to say that Lord Aiken was a person who was very clear about grievances and grievances!In this hell, who doesn’t know that Lord Aiken, No. 1 among the main gods of the Bauhinia Continent, is a pervert with an eccentric personality and ruthless attacks!

"Romon, right? We have never known each other before fighting. It is rare to meet an opponent like you in the Blood Peak Continent. How about making a friend?" Aiken then looked at Romon with a smile.

"Making friends? Helping the eight major families to destroy my family of four divine beasts, is this how Lord Aiken makes friends?" Romon asked with a frown.

Aiken said with a noncommittal smile: "Misunderstandings, just some misunderstandings! The four divine beast families and the eight major families have been fighting for thousands of years, and there have been enough casualties. There is no point in continuing to fight like this. In this way, I will let you go What do you think of them retreating and no longer being enemies of the four divine beast families?"

"What?" As soon as Aiken said this, Romon and the people of the four divine beast families were stunned for a moment, and the people of the eight major families were also a little confused. Then the leader of the Ashcroft family among the eight major families, Dark Snake, He couldn't help but said eagerly: "Lord Aiken..."

"Okay, get back!" Before he could say more, Aiken turned around and looked at him with sharp eyes and shouted coldly. At the same time, he secretly sent a soul message to him and the other six patriarchs of the eight major families: "Romon is Bauhinia. The messenger of the main god, the main god personally sent a message to me. Do you think I dare to disobey the main god and kill the messenger she values?" "What? He is actually the messenger of the main god Bauhinia?" Ming Snake and the other six looked slightly changed. The clan leaders looked at each other, and they couldn't help but frown in confusion.

"Hmph, if you have the ability, kill him yourself! If you don't have the ability, you still want to fight with the four divine beast families? Do you think your life is too long?" Aiken sneered when he saw this, but his eyes were cold and he was secretly angry: "This Luo Meng, although I don’t know why he hid his strength, he clearly carried the power of will when he took action, and he should be a Dzogchen high-level god. If I had not broken through and entered the Dzogchen level at the critical moment, I am afraid that it would be very possible today. It fell here."

After saying that, he ignored the expressions of Hell Snake and other clan leaders, and turned to look at Romon. Aiken smiled again: "Brother Romon, if you go to Bauhinia Continent in the future, you must come to my place. Sit down for a while. I have offended you many times before, so say goodbye!"

After saying that, Aiken turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the distance without hesitation. He disappeared into the distant sky in a blink of an eye, which immediately made the people of the eight major families feel as if they were sitting on wax.

"What, do you still want to destroy my four-god beast family and fight to the death with the four-god beast family?" Luo Meng's cold inquiry immediately made the faces of Ming Snake and others look ugly, but they didn't say anything tough and ruthless. Then he quickly led people away in despair.

This anticlimactic result made Dico frown slightly, while Beirut on the side smiled and said: "It was the Redbud God who sent a message asking Aiken to leave. He will not embarrass the Four Divine Beasts family again in the future. And no more With Aiken’s support and Luo Meng’s presence, the eight major families should no longer be enemies of the four divine beast families.”

"It turns out that the main god has intervened." Diko, who was slightly stunned, turned around and was about to leave. Beirut was also stunned when he saw this and followed him: "Aren't you going to go back to the Four Divine Beasts family? They are all here. !”

"Why are you going back? I don't have any deep connections with the Four Divine Beasts family. The so-called bloodline... There are so many children of the Four Divine Beasts family, and their strength is respected, so what kind of blood ties can there be?" Diko shook his head. Said: "Besides, I have already asked Luo Meng to return to the Four Divine Beasts family, and I have also helped the Four Divine Beasts family solve the crisis. Why do I have to go back to that strange family and accept their gratitude again?"

"This" Beirut was speechless for a moment. He was silent for a while before he couldn't help but said: "Diko, in Magnolia Continent, you also attach great importance to blood and family ties. Why are you now..."

"If the relationship is too far, how can we talk about family ties? Moreover, Mr. Beirut, who do you think is right and who is wrong in the enmity between the four divine beast families and the eight major families? Why did you protect the four divine beast families? To be honest, I have some I don’t understand, because this is not in line with your character. The people of the Four Divine Beasts family are very proud. In the past, they had four ancestors behind them, and they did have the capital to be proud, but now their pride seems a bit ridiculous," Diko said He shook his head slightly and said:

"I think you don't have any good impressions of such a family of four divine beasts, right? However, you are protecting the family of four divine beasts. Why? Is it because the four divine beasts are born from divine beasts like you? But those eight great beasts The Nether Snake lineage in the family is also the bloodline of divine beasts! Or... is it because of the four divine beasts? I remember that there are statues of the four divine beasts in the cemetery of the gods."

"Dico, you guessed it right. I do have some connections with the four divine beasts." Beruit interrupted Diko with a nod and a smile: "As for the reason for this, if you want to know, you should cultivate and become a high-level god as soon as possible. ! After your fire god avatar has cultivated to the realm of higher gods, return to the Yulan Continent and I will let you know everything."

(End of this chapter)

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