Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 272 Hemus, breakthrough

Chapter 272 Hemus, breakthrough
Seeing Diko put away the leadership badges, Mo Si couldn't help but frowned and said: "Unfortunately, these leadership badges belonging to our side of the Dark God Realm, what is the use of giving them to us? We can't take them. Go back and do military exploits!"

"If you get the side of the Light God Realm, you will naturally be able to do military exploits," Diko smiled noncommittally. Mo Si couldn't help but look slightly moved after hearing this: "The side of the Light God Realm? You mean, on this battlefield, you still know Are you a friend of the leader of the Light God Realm?"

"You'll know soon," Diko, who pretended to smile mysteriously, took Mo Si back to the cave in the deserted mountain. Just a few days later, two people came to the cave in the mountain.After they entered the hall, Mo Si came out of the quiet room as if he was aware of it. When he saw the two of them, his face suddenly changed slightly and he looked at the blond man among them: "Black Mo Si?"

Black Mess is one of the few strong men in the Earth God Plane. Although he is not the Great Perfection God, and even only combines four kinds of mysterious laws, his strength is comparable to that of Beirut, and he is best at material attacks. It is enough to rival the Great Perfection God.

Although Mo Si's physical attack is strong, it is still inferior to perverted characters like Hemos and Beirut.Moreover, facing Heimosi, who has the main soul defense artifact, the soul attack method that Mosi is best at is useless.It can be said that in the face of Heimosi, Mosi was completely restrained.

"Oh, Mo Si, the leader of hell's purgatory, I know you," Hemus raised his eyebrows and grinned when he saw Mo Si. He had messy blond hair and an upturned nose. He looked very unruly, but he had a big mouth. It's a bit awkward, but it gives people a very generous feeling.

But Mo Si then looked at the handsome young man in a green robe next to Heimo Si, who also smiled like a spring breeze. Looking at the young man's appearance, which was not very similar to Dico's, but had a similar aura, Can't help but feel a little surprised: "You are..."

"Haha.. We've known each other for so long, but you can't even recognize me?" The handsome young man in green robe laughed loudly, and at the same time, Di Ke walked out of the quiet room on the side.

When "you" saw Dico, it was Hemus' turn to stare in surprise, and then he looked at the handsome young man in green robes aside: "You two are..."

The handsome young man in green robes who also looked like Diko couldn't help but smile and said: "Hemus, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you clearly before. In fact, when I was wandering in the earth god plane, I always used a pseudonym. My real name is Dicko, and I am the leader of Purgatory in Hell."

"Commander of Purgatory? That's it. I didn't expect that your two divine clones actually have the strength of Shura Commander!" Heimos, who was a little stunned, still couldn't help but exclaimed: "You kid, you lied to me before He said he came to meet some friends..."

"Mo Si is my friend, I'm not lying to you," Diko said with a smile: "Besides, you already knew that I have a mutated soul, and I can borrow and fuse the divine power of different god clones at will, so Is it any wonder that the two god clones are both strong?"

"Even if you don't use the law of fire element, your law of wind element is still very powerful," Hemus stared at Dike with golden eyes and rolled his eyes.

"By the way, why did your two god clones join the Light God Realm and the Dark God Realm with different identities?" Hemus, who then said doubtfully, suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but said: "Oh, No wonder you also killed the leader of the Light God Realm before! It turned out to be"

The fire god clone of Diko who smiled and said nothing turned over his hand and took out a total of eight black leadership badges of the Dark God Realm. His wind god clone also reached out to take it and took it out with a smile. Several golden badges were handed to the fire god clone.

"Here!" Dico's wind god clone then separated three of the eight black badges and handed them to Heimosi who was aside. Heimos, who took them with shining eyes, also said with a grin: "With these three, I still have two badges left, and I can get ten of them to ask the Lord God for a main artifact. This plane war will last for hundreds of years, so I should be able to get it together." Diko, who weighed several golden badges in his hand, handed them all to Mo Si beside him: "Take it! With these badges, you can exchange them for a main artifact from the Lord God."

"Give it all to me? Diko, you..." Mo Si was stunned for a moment when he saw this, while Diko smiled and said: "Take it! With my current strength, if I have one more main artifact, it will be of no use. Not much. But for you, the meaning of having one more main artifact is different. Moreover, my fire god clone will have to leave the plane battlefield for some reason, so holding these badges is of no use. . If you really feel sorry for him, then work with my wind god clone to help him get a few more black badges."

"You want to leave the plane battlefield?" Mo Si was a little surprised. Diko smiled noncommittally: "It doesn't count as leaving. After all, my wind god clone is still on the plane battlefield! After all, the strength of my fire god clone has been exposed. , even if we stay on the plane battlefield, we will no longer be able to wantonly kill the powerful leader. On the contrary, if the wind god clone disguises himself, it will be more convenient, and the efficiency of hunting down the leader will be higher."

"Dico, are you a little too insidious?" Hemus on the side couldn't help but glared and muttered: "The majestic Great Perfection God is actually pretending to be weak?"

"It's not a pretense, my wind god clone is indeed weaker," Diko's wind god clone in a green robe said with a smile.

Diko's words sound correct. His understanding and fusion of the wind element law is not as good as the fire element law. However, the wind element law has now reached the realm of high gods. Once the fusion of different laws and rules is used to perform mystical attacks, The strength is not weaker than that of the fire god clone.

In this way, after the two god clones quietly merged, Diko, who let the wind god clone continue to wander around the plane battlefield with Mo Si, Hemus and the others, let the original god and the fire god clone leave the plane battlefield, and He quickly rushed to the place with the plane teleportation array in the Sea of ​​Chaos of Hell, and returned to the Yulan Continent through the teleportation array.

In the plane of Magnolia Continent, on the Arctic ice sheet where the cold wind is howling, on the top of the tall iceberg, the new guardian of the plane, a blonde beauty, couldn't help but look surprised when she saw Diko coming out of the teleportation array leading to hell. He hurriedly saluted respectfully: "Sir!"

"Well," Diko glanced at her and responded calmly. Looking at the familiar Arctic ice sheet, he couldn't help but smile: "Sure enough, the feeling of returning to the Magnolia Continent is really good, and my soul is instantly They all seem very comfortable.”

At the same time, he noticed the sun in the distant sky. Its dazzling light shone on the cold Arctic ice sheet. The warmth seemed to be more restrained but obvious, which touched Dico's heart for a moment.
Noticing the way Diko was looking at the sun with a silly smile, the extremely respectful blonde beauty at the side couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong with this gentleman? Is he too happy to be back from hell?"

Buzz... Sudden fluctuations in the laws of heaven and earth came, and Diko came back to his senses with bright eyes and murmured in surprise: "The final fusion of the six mysteries of the law of fire element, it turns out to be like this! Dzogchen, this is Dzogchen. Feeling?"

As he said this, Diko closed his eyes and felt the power of will that suddenly increased in his soul under the fluctuations of the invisible laws of heaven and earth. He couldn't help but be filled with joy and a sense of satisfaction that he would die if he heard the truth in the morning: "No. I thought that I could really reach the state of Dzogchen! Moreover, I made a breakthrough right away! What an unexpected surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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