Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 273 The Lord Godhead

Chapter 273 The Lord Godhead

After Diko broke through and entered the realm of Dzogchen, Beirut's hearty laughter, which was somewhat surprising, echoed in his ears: "Haha...Diko, I didn't expect you to become a Dzogchen high god so quickly. Not enough cultivation. You entered Dzogchen in 2000 and you are still so good at creating miracles!"

"Dzogchen, great! Dicko, come to my place quickly," a somewhat excited Beirut urged.

After hearing the message from Beirut, Dico took a deep breath and rushed towards the dark forest in the northeast of Magnolia Continent with great expectations.With his current strength, his speed in the material plane is simply terrifying. In just a cup of tea, he has flown thousands of miles away and arrived in the dark forest.

In the metal castle located deep in the dark forest, Beirut in black robes and Qinghuo in white robes were already waiting for Dico. When they saw Dico falling from the sky, they all looked happy with shining eyes.

"Mr. Beirut, Mr. Qinghuo," after floating down, Diko also smiled and greeted Beirut and Qinghuo.Before leaving the Magnolia Continent to venture into hell, Diko and Qing Huo had little interaction.But his god clone stayed in the Yulan Continent and occasionally came to the Forest of Darkness. After Beirut's introduction, he naturally got to know Qing Huo.

As the three most powerful men in the Yulan Continent, Diko, who often communicates with Beirut and Qinghuo, naturally has a closer relationship with them.

"Huh? Qinghuo, have you also broken through and entered the realm of Dzogchen?" Diko, who was looking at Qinghuo, suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, because he had keenly sensed the invisible power of will on Qinghuo.On the contrary, Beirut, as the main god, deliberately restrained his aura so that he could not perceive it clearly.

As he said that, Diko couldn't help but frowned and looked at Beirut and said: "Mr. Beirut, didn't you tell me outside the Tianji Mountains before that Qing Huo has not yet entered the level of Dzogchen? Could it be that he has been here for hundreds of years? Did you just break through?"

"That's right! In fact, not long after the final battle between the four divine beast families and the eight major families, Qing Huo broke through." Beirut smiled and nodded: "Now, you have also broken through and entered the level of Dzogchen. It seems that the Supreme God is still there. They really favor our Magnolia Continent lineage!"

"Speaking of which, I was able to break through and enter the level of Dzogchen, thanks to the body refining method you created, Dicko. If it hadn't been for the body refining method that made me have a higher affinity for the law of the fire element, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so easy. "The breakthrough you touched," Qing Huo also laughed and said, "It's just that you were able to enter the Great Perfection so quickly, I really didn't expect it. To reach the Great Perfection level on your own in less than 2000 years is simply unbelievable!"

"Haha.. I can't help but admire you so much, Qing Huo. Dike is indeed the most amazing genius in our Magnolia Continent. Although there are a large number of material planes, seven god planes and four supreme planes Many genius monsters have been born in China, but none of them can compare with Dico. Dico's future will definitely exceed our expectations," Beirut said with a loud laugh.

Diko shook his head and smiled: "So what if I become a Dzogchen? Even if I am now confident that I can defeat any Dzogchen, in front of the Lord God, I, the strongest Dzogchen in the history of countless planes, is still just a slight They're just stronger ants."

Hearing what Dico said, Beirut and Qinghuo looked at each other with slightly weird expressions on their faces. Then Beirut, who was smiling, suddenly had a hazy green light on his body, and at the same time a terrifying A coercive aura filled the air, causing the surrounding space to tremble.

"Lord God?" Dicko suddenly stared at Beirut with a look of surprise: "Lord Beirut, you are actually the Lord God? How is this possible?"

Seeing Dicko's shocked and unbelievable look, Beirut smiled and said: "Why is it impossible? Why can't I be the main god?"

"But it seems that you have been staying in the Yulan Continent before, and it is relatively normal to practice to the realm of upper gods. How did you suddenly become the main god? Could it be obtained the main godhead left behind by the four divine beasts after their death?" Still Dicko said, "I can't believe it."This time, Beirut looked at Dicko in surprise and couldn't help but said: "How do you know?"

"It's just a guess! More than ten thousand years ago, the four divine beasts fell, and at that time, a world-destroying war broke out in the Magnolia Continent. So many powerful god-level experts from other planes came to this small plane of the Magnolia Continent. There must be a special reason in the small material plane. Moreover, the cemetery of the gods is also related to the four divine beasts..." Di Ke continued.

Beirut nodded and smiled: "Dico, you are indeed very smart! Your guess is not bad at all. I did get the four lower main gods left after the death of the four divine beasts, and refined the one belonging to the white tiger. The lower main godhead of the wind element has become the main god. Moreover, I also hold the three lower main godheads of earth, fire and water left behind after the death of Xuanwu, Suzaku and Qinglong."

"Do you still have three of the four main gods in your hand?" Dicko looked breathless in shock. At the same time, he couldn't help but look at Beirut with burning eyes: "Mr. Beirut"

"I think you have guessed it, yes, I asked your fire god clone to come back after entering the upper god realm, just to prepare you to refine the main godhead and become the main god," Beirut said with a smile, and looked at Qing Huo glanced at the side and said: "Actually, I originally planned to give Qing Huo the fire element lower level main godhead. However, your talent is so good, your cultivation speed is so fast, and your soul mutates. He is also good at the law of fire element. Therefore, after much consideration, I decided to leave the lower fire element main godhead to you."

Although he had already guessed, when he heard Beirut's words, Dico still couldn't help but glance at Qing Huo, who smiled nonchalantly and said: "Dico, don't feel sorry for me. After all, the main godhead was obtained by Beirut with all his life. Who he wants to give it to should naturally be decided by himself. Moreover, after all, the four main godheads were left behind after the death of the four divine beasts. It is up to you, the white tiger, to It is also appropriate for bloodline descendants to inherit.”

"Okay, don't be too long-winded. I think Dico can't wait too much. Let's take him to refine the main godhead first!" Beirut said.

With that said, Beirut took Diko and Qing Huo out of the metal castle, flew towards the south of the Magnolia Continent, and soon arrived over the South China Sea.

In the deep sea, at the bottom of a deep cave not far from the space gate leading to the cemetery of the gods, Beirut destroyed the complex sealing magic array on the stone wall of the empty cave in front of him, and took out one of the palm-sized black boxes.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Cemetery of the Gods." Turning his hands to put away the black box, Beirut took Diko and Qinghuo and quickly passed through the space gate to the plane where the Cemetery of the Gods is located.

Feeling the binding force that was obviously much stronger than the material plane, but not as good as the supreme plane, Diko couldn't help but said: "Mr. Beirut, this plane is connected to the Magnolia Continent plane, but it is obviously higher than the material plane. Could it be that you created a divine plane specifically after you became the Lord God?"

"That's right! The process of opening up the divine plane can help you better understand the mysterious laws. After you become the main god, you can also try it. This is also a method that can help you understand the mysterious laws of fusion faster," Beirut nodded and smiled. .

When Diko heard this, his heart moved. Opening up a divine plane?His fire element law has reached the Great Perfection, so there is no point in opening up the divine plane.Could it be that Beirut is planning to let him directly refine two or three main gods to become an unprecedented fusion of main gods?
Although I had already guessed it, thinking about Diko here, I still couldn't help but feel a little hot expectation in my heart.Refining three main gods at once, even if they are all lower main gods, with the soul mutation, the superimposed willpower and the power of the fused main god, it is enough to directly increase Diko's strength from the lower main god to the upper main god level. .

(End of this chapter)

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