Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 274 Beirut’s Courage

Chapter 274 Beirut’s Courage
The 18th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods is an extremely empty space. The ground is covered with silver-white rock floors that are ten meters long and wide and have no end at a glance. There is nothing.

But as soon as he arrived here, Dico's figure, who seemed to be aware of it, came to the center of this space like a dream, frowned and looked down, and then looked at Beirut, who flew over with green fire: " Lord Beirut, down here”

"It seems that you have sensed it," Beirut said, looking at the silver-white rock floors, and then saw countless silver-white rock floors moving in an orderly manner, and a huge object below protruded from the stone floor.

In the blink of an eye, those silver-white rock floors had been piled up to form a tall altar. On it lay a white tiger corpse that was several kilometers long. The faint evil aura and familiar and friendly atmosphere attracted Diko and made him feel... A feeling like the blood is boiling all over the body.

"Ancestor of the White Tiger Clan?" Looking at the huge white tiger corpse, Diko couldn't help but hold his breath.This white tiger is a unique and powerful divine beast in the world, and it once became the main god. Even though it has fallen now and only the corpse is left, the corpse that was nurtured and influenced by the power of the gods and the will of the main god is also extraordinary. .

Take the essence and blood of the four divine beasts as an example. One drop can create an ultimate warrior bloodline. Even after the descendants activate the bloodline's talent energy, they can directly become gods and even display their innate magical powers. This is a bloodline potential that is difficult for the descendants of ordinary mythical beasts to possess.

"Yes, the 18th floor of the Cemetery of the Gods is divided into four directions and four spaces, where the corpses of the four divine beasts are stored respectively," Beirut said with some regret.

"Mr. Beirut, how did the four divine beasts die? You can tell me now, right?" Diko pretended to be confused and curious: "Besides, at the beginning, Mr. Beirut, you were probably just a high-ranking god, so what? What about the ones who got the bodies of the four divine beasts and the main gods left behind after their deaths?"

"Speaking of this, we must mention the battle between the four divine beasts and the Lord of Light more than 1 years ago," Beirut sighed: "Back then, I practiced in the plane secret room... which was Lin Lei's Dragon Blood Castle. The plane secret room where Rose was planted. Unexpectedly, through the transparent membrane of the plane secret room, I unexpectedly saw a terrible battle in the turbulence of space in the distance. It was the battle between the four divine beasts and the Lord of Light, Augusta. "

"Although it is not clear why they were fighting, the battle at the dominance level was really terrifying. At that time, the four divine beasts were in a weak position. They all turned into the appearance of the divine beasts and worked together to display their innate magical powers," Beirut recalled Recalling the battle scene back then, I still couldn't help but feel a little shocked and palpitated: "It's scary and weird. The talents of the four divine beasts can be perfectly combined. It's like the world is turned upside down, and a misty circular light is completely submerged. Light dominates the body. I was sure at that time that the combined innate magical power of the four divine beasts should be aimed at the soul."

Dico nodded slightly, he already knew this.Generally speaking, all truly terrifying innate magical powers are aimed at the soul.After all, the soul is the foundation of a living being.Of course, being able to affect time and space like the innate magical powers of Qinglong and White Tiger is also very terrifying, not inferior to directly attacking the soul, and even more rare.

Of course, although the innate magical powers of Qinglong and White Tiger are powerful, they are only auxiliary innate magical powers. They are not as good as the God-Eating Rat that can directly devour the godhead, which is the strongest soul-attacking innate magical power.

"At that time, the four divine beasts seemed to be very confident, thinking that Augusta would be killed if he was hit by that move," Beirut said, frowning slightly: "But Augusta is really powerful, and after being hit, his body just... Trembling, he then held a huge lightsaber and easily killed the four divine beasts one by one."

"At the same time, the corpses of the four divine beasts are floating in the turbulent flow of space, not too far away from the plane of Magnolia Continent..." Beirut's eyes sparkled as he spoke: "The opportunity was not to be missed, so I used my body to eat the tail of the divine rat. Penetrating into the space turbulence... My body is tempered by the essence of the godhead, and its strength is comparable to the main artifact. The tail lengthens and extends, directly wrapping the legs and feet of the four divine beasts, dragging them into the Yulan continent plane. "

Seeing that Beirut still couldn't help but get a little excited when talking about what happened back then, Dicko couldn't help but marvel in his heart, what a Beirut, he is indeed bold, careful and decisive!Have courage!After all, a high-level god dares to snatch food from the tiger's mouth in front of the Lord of Light. How can he do it without enough courage?
"I'm lucky... but Augusta was stunned and didn't react for a moment, so you should be able to imagine how angry he would be later. After all, he tried his best to kill the four divine beasts, but everything But I took it away, and he didn't get anything." Beirut said and laughed: "The four main gods, those represent the four main gods. Unfortunately, he cannot enter the material plane, so he can only get The energy projection clone entered the Magnolia plane, trying to kill me and regain the main godhead." Beirut couldn't help but sneered as he said: "It's just that his plane projection clone is too weak. He has not reached the Great Consummation after all. , the energy clone is only close to the strength of the average Shura strongman. And even if I have not become the Lord God, my strength exceeds that of the average palace master. Relying on the godhead weapon, I directly destroyed the energy projection clone of the Lord of Light."

"I was so tough that the Lord of Light threatened me and wanted me to hand over the main godhead. But I was too lazy to pay attention to him, so I directly refined the wind main godhead and became the main god in the blink of an eye," Beirut said and smiled proudly. He said: "Now that I have become the Lord God, even if the Lord of Light wants to send the Great Perfection God to deal with me, it is already too late."

"Is refining the main godhead so fast? Is it because you don't need to understand the mysterious laws? It seems that there are some differences between the main godhead and the godhead," Diko said thoughtfully.

Beirut smiled noncommittally: "What is the difference? You will naturally understand it after you refine the main godhead."

As he spoke, he took out the black box of Beirut and opened it. Suddenly three-color brilliance shot out in all directions. The heart-stopping aura radiated from the source of the brilliance. In the box, there were three translucent as if glass. The gray crystals are fiery red, thick earthy yellow and warm green.

"Is this the main godhead?" Looking at the three main godheads in the box and feeling the power contained in them, Dico couldn't help but hold his breath.

"I got four main godheads and refined one. The remaining three naturally have to find suitable owners," Beirut continued: "Originally, I was planning to let Qing Huo inherit the fire main godhead. Later, Lin Lei was very talented. , I also regarded him as the successor of the Great Landlord Godhead... But I didn't expect that you would have a soul mutation, and have the power of will that is about twice as high as the Great Perfection God. Now the fire system has reached the Great Perfection. The realm has added the power of will, which gave me too many surprises. Therefore, I decided to let you refine these three main gods..."

As he said that, Beirut looked at Diko with stern eyes, and solemnly handed the black box containing the three main godheads to Diko...Qing Huo on the side looked at the three main godheads, although they were also very... His eyes were greedy, but he was also looking at Diko with anticipation.

Qinghuo knows very well that even if he refines the two main gods of fire and earth, he can only be comparable to the mid-level main god. He will still be unable to fight against the Lord of Light. He will still be like Beirut, huddled in the plane of Magnolia Continent. Dare to go out.

But if Diko refines these three main gods, it will be different. The fusion of the power of the main gods and the superimposed power of will will make Diko directly become a being comparable to the master, with the strength to rival the master of light. .

And this is also the purpose of Beirut's training and selection of the successor to the Lord Godhead. He even did not dare to think that Diko could reach the level of the Lord at the beginning.

The soul mutated and became the main god, which never existed in the past.Therefore, after confirming that Diko's soul had mutated and possessed the power of will, Beirut decisively decided to leave all three main godheads to Diko, even though Diko had not yet become a high-level god.

(End of this chapter)

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