Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 275 Fusion of Lord Diko

Chapter 275 Fusion of Lord Diko
Under the expectant gazes of Beirut and Qinghuo, Diko reached out to take the black box, and first picked up the fire-type main godhead.

At the same time, Diko, who had a fiery red robe and a hair-haired fire god avatar, made the fire god avatar drip blood directly on the fire main godhead. Suddenly the fire main godhead levitated, and a blazing red light surrounded him. Come on..
For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the extremely rich fire-red elemental energy filled the entire silver-white space like flame mist. At the same time, a large amount of fire-red water was born around Diko, surrounding Diko, who was the liquefied fire god. Power.

And the fire-type main godhead gradually disappeared into the eyebrows of Diko's fire-type god clone, and at the same time, waves of coercive aura also emanated from his body.

"Huh? The power of will?" Diko's holy self clearly felt that through the connection between souls, after the fire god clone became the main god, invisible and intangible will power was being transmitted to This deity makes the power of will contained in this deity's soul increase.

However, the extent of this improvement is also very limited. Among them, the soul of the fire god's clone has improved the most, directly reaching the level of will power equivalent to the Great Perfection High God. However, the extremely powerful will power of the main god is almost all contained in the fire system. Among the main gods.

The increase in the power of the will of the soul of this deity is equivalent to about [-]% of that of the Great Perfection God, so even the divine clone of the main god is one level inferior to that of the Great Perfection God.

"Before I became the main god, I almost had three times the will power of the Dzogchen High God. Therefore, compared to other lower main gods who are not the Dzogchen High God, I directly have three times more will power than them. . Even the lower main god of Dzogchen has two more powers of will, which is comparable to the middle main god of Dzogchen." Diko was weighing his current strength in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty golden torrent suddenly poured into Diko's mind, blending into the soul ocean of the fire god's clone, and also into the soul itself. It was the power of massive faith.

Diko felt that his whole body was awake dozens of times in an instant, and his soul perception and deduction abilities were rapidly improved. He couldn't help but marvel in his heart: "No wonder the Lord God can easily integrate the mysteries of species. With such an advantage, even a pig can The law of fusion is mysterious. Besides, if someone can independently become a god and reach the realm of a higher god, how can his talent and understanding be so different?"

"How does it feel?" After Dico opened his eyes, Beirut couldn't help but asked with a smile, and Dico also grinned and said: "It feels great! It turns out that this is the power of the Lord God level, and it is indeed very powerful. ! It turns out that compared to the power of the Lord God, the most powerful thing about the Lord God is the power of will."

"That's right! If it weren't for the powerful will power contained in the main godhead, how could the main god have such powerful strength?" Beirut smiled and nodded, and then said: "Your water god clone has arrived. Hurry up and refine the main godhead of the water system first! I can't wait to know how powerful this unprecedented fusion of main gods can be."

While Beirut was speaking, a stream of light shot out and transformed into Dicko, who was dressed in a blue robe and with long green hair. It was the water god clone of Dicko who had just arrived from the Magnolia Continent.

In the soul ocean of Diko's water-type god clone, there are also thunder, destruction, and earth-type god clones sitting there.Similarly, under the invisible connection of the souls between the god clones, the fire main godhead in the mind of the fire god clone also affects each of Diko's god clones, giving all the god clones the power of will.

Diko's water god clone, who nodded slightly to Beirut and Qinghuo, stepped forward and picked up the main water godhead in the black box, and directly refining it with blood under the expectant eyes of the two.
Suddenly, a dazzling green light lit up, and the rich water element appeared again in the world. The liquefied power of the main water god entangled Diko's water god clone like water, began to integrate into his body, and transformed his body. Deco's water god clone quickly turned into a divine body condensed from the power of the water god.Similarly, in the process of refining the main godhead of the water system, the power of will contained in the souls of Diko's original body and god clone was once again enhanced.

After a while, after Dicko's water-type main god clone opened his eyes, Beirut couldn't help but asked nervously: "Dico? How are you?"

"Can the power of your fire-type main god and the water-type main god's power be integrated? What level has your current strength reached?" Qing Huo on the side couldn't help but asked curiously.

"The power of the Lord God can be fused, and the power of the fused Lord God's power is increased by ten times, which is equivalent to an increase in the power of will," Diko said and thought slightly: "As for my current strength, the fusion of divine power plus With the added power of will, it should be comparable to the high-ranking main god of Dzogchen."

"The superior god of Dzogchen?" Beirut's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this: "The Lord of Light is not the Dzogchen, but he has a supreme attack artifact, but he is the most powerful among the Lords of Law. And Di Keqian, now has the strength Perhaps it is not as good as the Lord of Light, but it is comparable to other Lords of Great Perfection. Even if it is against the Lord of Light, it should be able to fight. If the Great Landlord Godhead is refined again."

"With the addition of another will power, the power of the fused divine power can be increased by ten times. That is a hundred times more powerful than the Ruler of the Great Perfection. Wouldn't it be able to rival the four Rule Rulers?" Qing Huo said in amazement, Although he has not yet become the main god, he has communicated with Beirut a lot and has some understanding of the strength gap at the main god level.

However, Di Ke smiled helplessly after hearing this: "I'm afraid it won't be possible to refine the Earth God Godhead, because my Earth God clone has not yet entered the upper god level! Now, my six God clones are only Fire The avatars of the four great gods of , wind, water, thunder and lightning have become high-level gods, while the avatars of the earth god and the god of destruction are relatively slow to cultivate."

"Oh, look at me, I almost forgot! Dick, your cultivation time is still a little short. Naturally, it is impossible for every god clone to reach the upper god level so quickly," Beirut, whose expression was stagnant, couldn't help but slap his forehead and said .

But then, Beirut smiled and said: "In this way, you can take the remaining land lord godhead first. Now you have become the main god of the fire and water systems. With the assistance of a large amount of faith, you can practice and understand the laws. Mysterious speed will increase a lot. I believe that the clone of the Earth God will become a high-level god soon, and it will not be too late to refine the Godhead of the Earth Lord by then."

"No, I have no plans to refine this Great Landlord Godhead again," Diko shook his head slightly and said, "Mr. Beirut, Mr. Qinghuo, I now have two Lord God clones, both of which are at the level of domination of the Great Perfection Law. The strength is already strong enough. It is of little significance to refine one more Lord Godhead. Therefore, this Landlord Godhead should either be left to Lin Lei or let Mr. Qinghuo refine it!"

"Let Lin Lei or Qing Huo refine it?" Beirut was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously glanced at Qing Huo who was also a little shocked, and then he pondered for a while and smiled: "Dico, in the face of someone who can instantly rival the four in strength, You were able to resist the temptation of the big rule master. It seems that I did not misjudge you. In this way... Linley's strength is still a little weaker. Although this big land lord godhead is not the most suitable for the fire element of Qing Huo The main godhead, but Qinghuo has also reached the Shura level in terms of the laws of the earth, so let him refine it first."

(End of this chapter)

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