Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 276 Dicko’s true strength

Chapter 276 Dicko’s true strength

Faced with the opportunity to refine the main godhead and become the main god, and it was an opportunity that was lost and recovered, even with Qing Huo's determination and determination, he could not refuse.

Although it is not the most suitable fire element main godhead for Qing Huo, after refining the Earth Lord godhead and becoming the main god, Qing Huo can also be regarded as the lower main god of Dzogchen. After all, after the fire system reaches the level of Dzogchen, the soul has gained will through transformation. The power is more power of will than the ordinary lower lord god, and the strength is not much different from the real lower lord god of Dzogchen. At most, when using the fire element law to attack, the power of the lord god does not match.

After Qinghuo also refined the underground main god of the earth and became the main god, Beirut, who was in a good mood, waved his hand and let the altars stacked with stone slabs sink again to hide the white tiger's body, and then let Qinghuo He condensed a stone table and three stone benches with the elements of the earth, invited Di Ke and Qing Huo to sit down, took out some food and wine from the space ring, and started eating, drinking, chatting and laughing with them.

"Haha... In the past, I really didn't dare to think that one day I would be able to leave the Magnolia plane without fear of Augusta. After all, he is the master, and he is the most powerful after the four major rule masters. The strong law rules,” Beirut said while drinking happily.

Diko pretended to be curious and asked: "Mr. Beirut, you said before that although Augusta is not the Great Perfection, it possesses the supreme artifact, making him the strongest among the seven masters of the law. . Could this supreme artifact be related to the Supreme God? How powerful is it?"

"The Supreme God is an artifact that can only be created by the Supreme God. It is much more powerful than the main artifact. Every long time, the Supreme God will issue a Supreme God mission. In history, there are only four major rule masters and light masters. They have completed the mission of the Supreme God, and they all asked for the Supreme Artifact from the Supreme God," Beirut couldn't help but look a little hot as he said: "Among them, the four major rule masters all have the Supreme Artifact that matches their attributes, so their strength is It definitely surpasses that governed by other laws.”

"Among the seven masters of laws, there are also those who have reached the state of Great Perfection, and the Lord of Thunder also has a clone of the underground god. But even so, the Lord of Light with the supreme artifact is still one level stronger than the Lord of Thunder," Beirut said. Then he continued: "It can be seen that the amplitude of the strength given to him by the supreme artifact is definitely no less than a hundred times. After all, the Lord of Thunder and Lightning is a powerful person in the Great Perfection. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to have an extra will power because of the extra clone of the Great Landlord God. If you can, your strength exceeds the other five law masters."

"A hundred times the strength amplitude? It seems that even if I use the main artifact now, I am afraid I am still no match for the Lord of Light," Diko frowned slightly after hearing this.

Beirut couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Who told you not to directly refine the Great Landlord Godhead? If you refine three main Godheads, your strength will definitely surpass the Lord of Light, and even rival the four major Ruler Lords."

"It's not interesting to suddenly become invincible among the main gods," Diko shook his head and smiled indifferently: "Besides, I am not like other main gods, who are either in the Great Perfection or have almost no hope of stepping into the Great Perfection. At the perfect level, it is difficult to improve my strength. Even if I no longer refine the main godhead, my strength can still be continuously improved by relying on the mysterious fusion of different laws and rules, and the upper limit of this improvement will be very high. Even if I slowly practice the law of fusion Xuan Ao, I will also be able to match or even surpass the four rule masters in the future."

Upon hearing Dico's words, Beirut and Qing Huo's eyes suddenly brightened, and Qing Huo couldn't help but asked curiously: "Dico, how is the mysterious fusion of the different laws and rules of your six great god clones?"

"That's right! I haven't asked you before, but with your talent and understanding, you must have gained a lot after practicing for 2000 years, right?" Beirut also said with shining eyes.

"It's not small," Diko nodded and smiled: "My fusion of different laws and mysteries has already surpassed the fusion of six mysteries of the same kind of laws. The amplitude of my strength in the mysteries of laws should be almost equivalent to two more willpowers. ”

"Two more powers of will? Doesn't that mean that you have refined one more main godhead?" Beirut stared at him when he heard this, and then suddenly said: "No wonder you gave up that big landowner godhead to Qinghuo. I don't care at all whether to refine another main godhead." "So, your current strength should be enough to compete with the Lord of Light, isn't it stronger than him?" Beirut said, becoming more and more surprised.

"Well, in terms of attack, after I use the mysterious attack method of Fusion Law, it should be enough to fight against the Supreme Sword of Destiny in his hand," Diko nodded confidently.

Qinghuo next to him was also surprised and said: "It's not just an attack! Diko, you are the fusion law and the mysterious strength amplitude increase. It can be used for attack, and it can also be used for defense. Even the amplitude of soul attack and defense will be higher than The Lord of Laws is much stronger, even stronger than the Lord of Rules.”

"That's right! Although the Lord of Light and the Lord of the Four Rules possess the supreme artifact, their attack methods are terrible, but in terms of defense and soul, they cannot get amplitude improvements," Beirut continued with a glint in his eyes: "So in addition to possessing the supreme soul defense Except for the destiny master of the artifact, I am afraid that the other three rule masters may not be able to withstand the most powerful soul attack trick you have used, Dicko."

"Speaking of soul attacks, the fusion talents of the four divine beasts can actually threaten the Lord. The amplitude is indeed terrifying. The Lord of Light is not the Lord of Great Perfection, how can he resist it? Could it be that he also possesses a supreme soul defense Divine weapon?" Diko suddenly frowned.

Beirut was stunned when he heard this, then shook his head and said: "Impossible! The Lord of Light already possesses a Supreme Divine Sword of Destiny. It is said that he got it with the help of the Lord of Destiny. How could he get a second Supreme Sword? Artifact? After all, the four major rule masters only have one supreme artifact. How can a treasure like the supreme artifact be concealed? If the Lord of Light really got two pieces, it is impossible for the four major rule masters not to know about it. "

"That's not necessarily the case," Qing Huo couldn't help but frowned and said, "Beirut, I remember you said that this Supreme God mission is randomly released, and I'm afraid it may not necessarily cause an uproar every time. If someone is lucky, , secretly completed the mission of the Supreme God and obtained the Supreme Artifact, but never showed it actively. How would others know? Especially if it is really the Supreme Artifact for soul defense, it is only useful when being attacked by terrible souls. It is not used at all at ordinary times. Naturally, Then no one can find it.”

"The Supreme Soul Defense Artifact? Does Augusta really possess the Supreme Soul Defense Artifact?" Beirut's expression changed when he heard this, and he became suspicious.After all, he has also seen the terrifying power of the fusion of the four divine beasts.When he was secretly watching the battle, he was really confused as to why such a powerful soul attack trick seemed to have no effect on Augusta.

"If that's true, then this Augusta is really unfathomable," Dico continued: "I heard that he is very arrogant and domineering. Without enough means and strength, how can he do it?" Becoming arrogant? Moreover, he can ask the Lord of Destiny to help him seize a supreme artifact... I think his relationship with the Lord of Destiny is unusual. If we are to be enemies with him in the future, it is better to be more cautious."

Upon hearing Dico's words, Beirut and Qing Huo couldn't help but nodded slightly and looked a little solemn.

Diko suddenly shook his head and smiled confidently and said: "Haha... Actually, there is no need to be too nervous. After all, although the Lord of Destiny is powerful, he has not attacked the supreme artifact. Even if he really offends him in the future, he will not be able to defeat him, at least in the future. I won’t be slower than him in terms of speed, so self-protection and escape are no problem.”

(End of this chapter)

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