Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 278 Divine Plane, Crown

Chapter 278 Divine Plane, Crown
After becoming the main god, Diko asked him to refine the essence and blood of the four divine beasts and study the innate magical powers of the four divine beasts. The fire and water main god clones entered the space turbulence near the Magnolia plane and began to try to use the power contained in the main godhead. The rules of heaven and earth opened up the divine plane.

This opens up the divine plane and enables one to better understand the mysterious laws of fusion. It is an auxiliary cultivation method that only the Lord God can use.The process of creating a god plane. The birth of a plane naturally contains many mysterious fusion and clever application methods. Once a god plane is created, the soul is completely integrated with the god plane, and naturally it can be understood more clearly.

Although Diko has reached the Great Perfection level in the fire system, what he wants to understand more because of his mutated soul is the mysterious fusion of different laws and rules. Therefore, it is natural to create two divine planes together, and even learn from the original work. Lin Lei opened up the fusion god plane like that.

Similarly, Qing Huo, who has not yet cultivated the laws of the earth to the level of Dzogchen, naturally tried to open up a divine plane, immersed himself in it and seriously understood the mysteries of the laws of the earth...
When Diko and Qinghuo made a lot of noise in the turbulence of space, gathering the power of the Lord God to open up the divine plane, the Magnolia plane not far away was as calm as ever. Naturally, no one would have thought Two more main gods were born in the Magnolia plane, and there is also a fusion main god whose strength is not weaker than the rule master, and can even rival the rule master.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years passed, and Diko, who had gathered enough power of the main god, opened up the divine plane with two clones of the main god at the same time. During the formation of the divine plane, Diko also clearly felt the laws of the fire element and the water element. Various mysteries, as well as the clever integration and application of different mysteries
In the process of creating the divine plane, the natural fusion of the mysterious laws and the mysterious appearance naturally touched Diko greatly. It almost told Diko how to integrate the mysterious laws, which made him in the water element. The fusion understanding of the mysterious laws is constantly improving.

The speed at which one's understanding improves is even far faster than the speed at which one can practice with the help of massive faith. It's just like cheating.Therefore, this can also explain why the main gods can easily integrate the five mysterious laws one by one.

At the same time, with the help of the massive power of faith, Diko understood the mysteries of the law more clearly. Naturally, other god clones improved very quickly. Over hundreds of years, the Earth God clone and the God of Destruction clone also practiced. Reaching the realm of upper gods, it is easier to integrate the mysteries of laws, reaching the level of seven-star demon, and even approaching the level of Shura.

The Water God Clone, whose cultivation speed was not very fast at first, has also experienced a surge in the speed of cultivation with the opening of the God Plane, almost approaching the Wind Element Law, whose cultivation speed is second only to the Fire Element Law.

On the plane battlefield, apart from the intense fighting at the beginning, Diko and the others secretly attacked and killed some powerful leaders, and Beibei, who came to the plane battlefield with Lin Lei, used his talent to devour the gods several times, leading to many powerful leaders. Either they returned to their own military camp, or they hid one by one and did not dare to show up.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed, and as this plane war has entered its later stages, the entire plane battlefield has fallen into a long period of strange silence. Only occasionally will a fight and killing break out, and most of them are accidental fights.

In this atmosphere, those who feel they are not strong enough are basically hiding, waiting for the final battle.Those who still dare to wander around on the plane battlefield are mostly powerful teams, or powerful people like Beirut, Hemus, and Benfield who can't even defeat them in the Great Perfection.

Even Diko's wind god clones, Mo Si, and Hemos, after killing many powerful leaders, returned to the cave to rest and wait. They didn't even bother to control the Death God puppet to attract some outside. Lead the strong.

If you really want to fight, with the powerful soul power of Dicko's soul after mutation, you can use your spiritual consciousness to find traces of some powerful leaders, which will be much more efficient.

"Huh?" On this day, Diko, who was immersed in practice, suddenly opened his eyes in response: "Did the Dzogchen High God take action in this movement?" "Is it the wind-type Dzogchen Beyer?" His mind moved and he was released. Diko, who was out of his mind to investigate for a while, then frowned slightly: "Lin Lei and Beibei are really capable of causing trouble. Although they met Lei Jing, the son of the Bauhinia Lord God, and Lei Jing and Lei Hong, the envoy of the Lord Bauhinia, has formed a small team. Their overall strength is quite powerful on the plane battlefield, but they still have no power to resist when encountering the Great Perfection! The gap is too big!"

But soon, just when Diko hesitated a little, hesitating whether to help Lin Lei and the others, he raised his eyebrows slightly as if he was aware of it: "Huh? It's Luo Meng and Aiken. They also discovered that Lin Lei and Lei Is Si Jing in trouble?"

After Aiken entered the realm of Dzogchen, he was always visited by people in hell, so he was so annoyed that he took Romon, who was curious about plane wars, to come to the plane battlefield with him.

Moreover, after coming to the plane battlefield, Aiken also restrained his aura and changed his appearance very insidiously, and decisively killed some powerful leaders when he encountered them.Often, many of the powerful leaders who died in his hands did not even know who killed them when they died!
However, Aiken is also a strong man in the Bauhinia Continent, and he must be respected by the Lord Bauhinia in hell.And Romon was also the messenger of the Redbud God. When he discovered that Lei Jing, Lei Hong, Lin Lei, and Beibei were in danger, he naturally could not stand by and watch. Aiken even did not hesitate to reveal his identity and fought a battle with Baier, forcing Baier to I can only grit my teeth and choose to retreat.

The Law of Wind Element and the Law of Destruction both have strong physical attacks. Aiken is a match against Beyer.Facing Aiken, the new perverted guy in Dzogchen, even Baier couldn't help but feel a little headache.

"What?" Diko, who used the fire and water main god clones to merge with the power of the main god to secretly investigate and watch the battle, suddenly showed a look of shock during the fight between Aiken and Baier, because during the fierce battle between the two, one Something like a tattered crown suddenly flew out of the torn space crack.

The two people in the fight did not pay too much attention to it. Instead, Romon, who was watching the battle from a closer distance, subconsciously reached out and caught the tattered crown. It was one of the three parts of the Crown of Life in the mission issued by the Supreme God of Life. It is one of the supreme god’s tokens.

"I didn't expect that the crown obtained by Lin Lei in the original work would fall into the hands of Luo Meng by such a coincidence, so..." When he found out that Luo Meng had obtained the crown token, Dico couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. What does it mean that Luo Meng got it and he got it? the difference?It seems that this mission issued by the Supreme God of Life is destined to be completed by him.

After sending Baie away, Aiken and Luo Meng did not join Lin Lei and Lei Jing.After all, the strength gap between the two sides is relatively large. Neither Aiken nor Luo Meng has any interest in being a nanny.

And not long after they separated, Lin Lei and Lei Jing met a team led by Montero, the grandson of Augusta, the Lord of Light. In their first encounter, due to the large number of people on the other side, Lin Lei and the others Caught off guard, they were forced to flee for their lives.

After they were able to escape, Linley and Beibei met Qinghuo. Under Qinghuo's guidance, they reunited with Lei Jing and Leihong, and with the help of Beibei's magical powers, they killed three of their opponents in one fell swoop. Commander.

But it was precisely because of this battle that Magnus, the Great Perfection of Destiny, came to take revenge, and it also brought a fatal life-and-death crisis to Linley...
(End of this chapter)

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