Chapter 279 Magnus
When Magnus led the two main messengers of the Lord of Light, Uman and Chegwen, to chase Linley and the others, Dico sensed it as soon as he took action.

Although he knew that this was both a danger and a great opportunity for Lin Lei, Di Ke still informed Mo Si and He Mo Si and rushed over as quickly as possible.Because at this moment, both Qing Huo, Aiken, and Luo Meng were relatively far away from Lin Lei.

Even after he noticed it, Dico understood that maybe if he rushed over as quickly as possible, he might not be able to stop Magnus in time, but first it was Baier, and now Magnus was going to kill Linley and the others. If Dico hadn't already Taking action is somewhat unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally.

Moreover, each of these Dzogchen is too arrogant and confident. Do you really think that you can run rampant in the battlefield of the plane and kill whoever you want?

At the same time, Qing Huo, who was white-robed, black-haired and red-browed, also surged to the extreme speed with some eagerness, rushing towards Lin Lei's direction.

Qing Huo came to this battlefield, partly to see it, and partly because he was entrusted by Beirut to secretly protect Lin Lei.

However, because Aiken and Luo Meng were also on the plane battlefield, and Dico was also hiding in the dark, Qing Huo did not always pay attention to Lin Lei's situation, and even unknowingly distanced himself from Lin Lei and the others.Now that Lin Lei is found to be in danger, even if he rushes over in a hurry, is it still too late?
It was too late, so Qing Huo could only send a message to Magnus, hoping that Magnus would let Lin Lei go.But as a Dzogchen strongman, Magnus was naturally not afraid of Qing Huo, and he would not spare Lin Lei just because of his words.

And just when Magnus rejected Qinghuo and quickly approached Linley, Dico's cold voice sounded in his ears: "Magnus, stop!"

"Dico?" Qing Huo's eyes suddenly brightened when he discovered Dico at the same time, while Magnus, who also discovered Dico, changed his expression slightly.

He didn't care about one Dzogchen, but two Dzogchen together, even if they couldn't kill him, were enough to banish him into the turbulence of space.What's more, Dico's previous battle with the fire-type Dzogchen Balmer and his banishment had quietly spread. Magnus was naturally a little wary of Dico.

But if he stopped because of Dico's words, then where would he put Magnus's face?Moreover, Dicko's cold and commanding tone just now also made Magnus feel very unhappy. Do you really think that if you can get away with being one step ahead of Balmer, you will not take other Dzogchen in your eyes?

Therefore, Magnus, with a cold look in his eyes, directly used his soul attack to deal with Lin Lei who had gone deep underground and escaped to the depths of the plane battlefield near the space crack area.
Magnus has a perfect destiny, so one can imagine how terrifying the soul attack is.Although he did not attack with all his strength, the attack he unleashed was enough to kill some powerful leaders whose soul defenses were not too strong. Linley was naturally unable to resist.

Just after Lin Lei was attacked, Qing Huo finally arrived, rescued Lin Lei who was seriously injured and unconscious and dying, and then quickly brought him back to the ground.

And just when Lei Jing, who was catching up, couldn't believe that Lin Lei was dead, and Beibei was staring at Magnus with red eyes angrily, threatening to kill him, Dico finally came closer quickly.

"Let's go!" Magnus, who didn't care at all about Beibei's cruel words, called out to Uman and Chegwen who were also chasing after him, and then turned to look at Qing Huo as if he thought of something: "what's your name?"

"You don't deserve to know," Qing Huo said indifferently. Magnus raised his brows and snorted coldly before taking Uman and the two away.

"Want to leave? Do you want the person who killed me to just walk away like this?" Amidst the cold shouts, Diko's wind god clone, dressed in a green robe and blue hair, approached like a gust of wind, and the sharp aura exuding from his body made The surrounding space was slightly distorted, and at the same time, the invisible and terrifying binding force made the space fluctuations seem to be stagnant.

Magnus couldn't help but frown when he saw Dico: "Why, do you still want to keep me? I'm not Balmer!" "Really? Do you think you can be stronger than him?" Dico sneered, and looked at the strong silver-haired man in gold robe Uman and the tall and thin man in green robe Che Gwen behind Magnus with indifferent eyes: "You are Dzogchen, it is difficult for me to kill You. However, it is not difficult to kill the two of them."

Uman and Chegwen's expressions changed after hearing this, and they immediately looked at Dico with some vigilance and nervousness. Magnus's expression even changed slightly. At the same time, Dico, who had disappeared, instantly transformed into a dense crowd of countless figures. Magnus was dazzled for a moment and couldn't tell which one was Dicko's true identity.

"Not good..." At the same time, Magnus, who felt the invisible and terrifying binding force on his body and realized that something was wrong, heard only a short scream, followed by an explosion and a low sound. With the sound of collision, after a large number of Dicko's clones dissipated, only Chigwen, who flew out in embarrassment, had flown directly into the huge crack in the space, and Uman's headless body also fell to the ground. on the ground.

"Hmph, you're giving him an advantage!" Dico snorted coldly as he watched Chi Gwen enter the turbulent space and disappear in an instant, then turned to look at Magnus with a look of shock and anger on his face, and couldn't help but say: "What? You are not convinced and want to fight with me? Do you also want to play in the turbulence of space?"

As soon as he heard what Dico said, Magnus's face suddenly became more and more ugly, and his chest heaved with anger.If he wasn't afraid of Di Ke's strength and methods, and there was Qing Huo watching eagerly next to him, I'm afraid he couldn't help but take action.

"Okay, I don't want to kill you just yet, go away!" Dico shouted impatiently, and Magnus turned and left with a dark face.

After Magnus left, Dico quickly came to Qing Huo's side, glanced at Lin Lei who was placed on the ground by Qing Huo and frowned: "How is it?"

"It's very bad!" Qing Huo shook his head and sighed: "I checked, Lin Lei is indeed not dead yet, but his soul is like a flame in the cold wind, which may be extinguished at any time. There are still soul stones that are constantly being consumed. The energy holds his last bit of life, otherwise he would have died long ago."

"Is it so serious?" Diko sighed helplessly after hearing this: "I didn't expect that Linley would provoke Magnus to deal with him personally. What did you do before?"

Lei Jing, who was on the side, felt a little ashamed and regretful when he heard this: "We worked together to kill Montero of the Augusta family before. I guess this Magnus came to avenge Montero. People from the Augusta family , it’s really too protective of one’s shortcomings.”

"Dico, why didn't you keep Magnus and kill him?" Beibei couldn't help but said with red eyes.

"Beibei, are you confused? What nonsense are you talking about? Magnus is the Great Perfection God. Who can kill him except the Lord God?" Lei Jing couldn't help but ask.

Beibei gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "Even if we can't kill him, we should banish him to the turbulent space and let him suffer some pain! Boss, he is so cruel, can he still survive?"

"We can only resign ourselves to fate," Diko said while shaking his head. He sensed the auras of Mo Si and He Mo Si approaching quickly, and couldn't help but said: "Find a place to rest first, and then we will discuss together to see if there is any other way to save him. Living lei.”

(End of this chapter)

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