Chapter 280

On the plane battlefield, in the space at the center of a barren mountain, in a temporary cave, Lin Lei was lying quietly on the bed, without a trace of breath.

In the hall nearby, Dico, Qing Huo, Beibei, Lei Jing, Lei Hong, Mo Si, He Mo Si and others, as well as Aiken and Romon who also discovered that Lin Lei was being hunted and were late to arrive. , all waiting anxiously and helplessly.

Several days have passed since Lin Lei was attacked and fell into coma. Although Lin Lei is not dead yet, he has not improved at all. The power of the God of Destiny exerted by Magnus and penetrated into Lin Lei's soul is exactly the same as the soul stone in Lin Lei's soul. Wearing each other out
Time passed quietly. Half a month passed in the blink of an eye. The remaining power of the God of Destiny in Lin Lei's soul was exhausted. However, unexpectedly, a sudden mutation in his soul appeared.
"Soul mutation?" Seeing Lin Lei in the room surrounded by the energy of the four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, everyone in silence made some guesses in their hearts. At the same time, they couldn't help but secretly sigh. With Lin Lei's current extremely weak soul, the four-part soul Is there any hope for mutation to succeed?
In the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and the soul stone energy in Lin Lei's mind was exhausted.Originally, everyone thought that Lin Lei might not be able to persist.However, no one expected that under such circumstances, Lin Lei, whose soul was always weakening slightly, could persist for 18 years. His terrifying resilience is really amazing!
Just when Qing Huo felt that Linley's soul was too weak and could not hold on for a few days, he never thought that the process of soul mutation seemed to be over and his soul started to become stronger.
This discovery naturally made everyone secretly relieved and looked forward to some surprises.In this way, everyone who was somewhat determined waited patiently for more than ten years. Lin Lei, who was still in a coma but whose soul had become stronger, finally woke up.

After Linley woke up, he soon discovered that he had the power of will much more powerful than the Great Perfection God, making his strength reach the level of Great Perfection in one fell swoop.

The unexpected surprise also amazed Aiken, Mo Si and Lei Jing.However, now that Lin Lei has the strength of Dzogchen, there is no need to worry about his safety. Everyone will leave and go about their own business.

As this plane war came to an end, both Dicko and Linley participated in the final battle, but they were in different camps.

In the decisive battle, except for Lin Lei who unleashed his might and banished Magnus into the space turbulence, Dicko, Aiken, and Romon kept a low profile and only took the opportunity to harvest the lives of a few powerful leaders. Qing Huo didn't even interfere in the final decisive battle.

Unknowingly, this plane war that lasted for thousands of years came to an end. Diko, who distributed all the leadership badges he obtained to Romon, Mosi and Heimus, quietly left the plane battlefield.

Dico, who has become the main god, can completely refine the main artifact himself, so naturally he will not care about the leadership badges.

What he cares about now is the three tokens introduced in the mission of the Supreme God issued by the Supreme God of Life. He has already obtained the crown from Luo Meng, only the nine spiritual beads and the red diamond are missing.

It’s still early for the Red Diamond Diamond to appear, and I don’t know where it is yet!But Diko still knew the whereabouts of the nine spirit beads.If nothing else, it should have been in the hands of the master of Tianshan Mansion.

However, when the Lord of the Mountain Mansion, Morde, received the nine spiritual beads that day, he also received the Supreme God's Mirror. Knowing the news about the Supreme God's mission, he would naturally be cautious and probably had the God's clone hiding just in case. , even if he kills his strongest god clone and gets the space ring, he probably won't be able to take out the nine spirit beads in it.

Therefore, Diko was not in a hurry to snatch the nine spiritual beads.Stealing the token of the Supreme God is like fishing, you have to be patient enough.If you are too anxious to eat hot tofu, you may even burn your mouth!If something goes wrong, it will be a big deal.Anyway, the red diamond hasn't appeared yet, so Dico is not in a hurry.After the wind god clone returned to hell, he went to the Muya continent in the south and waited quietly.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed. Romon has long since returned to hell and to the family of the Four Divine Beasts. At the request of Olivia who suddenly arrived, he helped him save his wife. Naturally, he was also the same as Lin Lei in the original work. He also faced and killed Molde, and obtained nine spiritual beads. In revenge for Molde's plot, he was threatened by Teresia, the lower god of the wind system, to hand over the token of the supreme god...
And Romon, who had long been advised by Diko, and who was indeed unclear about the mission of the Supreme God, solemnly swore to the Supreme God that he did not know the token of the Supreme God, and was blocked by the Lord God of the Blood Peak, and found out. After Luo Meng became the envoy of Redbud Lord God, he didn't make things difficult for him anymore.

Luo Meng, who had managed to get through, quickly returned to the Magnolia plane through the teleportation array on the Blood Peak Continent, and handed the nine spirit beads to Diko.

Having successfully obtained two of the three tokens of the Supreme God, Diko, who was determined, also asked his wind god clone to ride directly on the teleportation array on Muya Road to the material plane O'Kalon Plane, preparing to wait for the arrival. Brody, the lucky boy who got the red diamond by accident, took the initiative to deliver the red diamond to his door.

Next, in the calmness, more than 1000 years have passed without realizing it. Qinghuo has already created the divine plane, but Diko is still competing with the fused divine plane of water and fire, immersed in it, and carrying out different laws and regulations. Fusion of mystical insights...
The O'Callen Plane is similar to the Magnolia Plane in terms of size alone.However, more than [-]% of the area of ​​the Magnolia Plane is sea area, while most of the area of ​​O'Callen Plane is land.

In the Okaron plane, there are two vast continents with a radius of more than [-] million miles, namely the Mist Continent ruled by humans and the Beast God Continent ruled by orcs.

There are trillions of humans and orcs on both continents, and there are many large and small countries and forces.Although it is incomparable to the God Plane and the Supreme Plane, the population and prosperity of the Okaron Plane far exceed that of most material planes.

However, this is the material plane after all. Although the huge population base makes this place full of powerful people, and there are many powerful people in the holy realm, there are still very few god-level powerful people, and most of them are just lower gods. The strongest The goddess of light and the god of beasts are just intermediate gods.

In the middle of the Misty Continent, there is a terrifying forest with a radius of thousands of miles. The Misty Forest.In the vast forest, in addition to Warcraft, there are also many ancient races, including elves, goblins, dwarves, mountain giants, etc.

With a height of more than [-] meters, Whistle Mountain is the tallest mountain in the Misty Forest. It is also where the eleven teleportation arrays leading to the divine plane and the highest plane are located.

Therefore, after arriving in the O'Callen plane, Dicko naturally waited patiently near Weasel Mountain. He has been waiting for thousands of years...
Over the course of thousands of years, Diko inevitably came into contact with some races and strong men in the misty forest. In addition to practicing, he also taught some holy and even god-level little guys when he was bored.

Finally, after thousands of years of silent waiting, he finally arrived. Someone finally came to the Okaron plane through the teleportation array, and he came from hell...
(End of this chapter)

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