Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 281 Got it, put it all together

Chapter 281 Got it, put it all together

Deep in the vast and mysterious misty forest, on an ancient tree with a diameter of more than [-] meters, sits an inconspicuous and exquisite tree house.

On the tree house covered with vines and decorated with some flowers, on the rooftop-like terrace, beside the turquoise wooden table with a jade-like luster, a Dicko-style figure wearing a green robe and long blue hair hanging loosely looked unrestrained. The avatar of the God is sitting there tasting the delicious food.

There was also a pair of handsome men and beauties from the elves serving beside them. An elf girl with an almost enchanting appearance brought up a delicious meal with a smile. There was also a short and thin goblin busy in the kitchen not far away.
Tasting delicious food is a rare pleasure that Dicko has enjoyed in the Okaron plane for thousands of years.Coming here felt quite novel at first. Dicko even visited most of the misty forest, and even went to the human world outside, and even traveled to the Beast God Continent to experience it, but he still stayed in the misty forest most of the time. Inside this log cabin residence.

Naturally, as time goes by, we get tired of seeing the best scenery in the misty forest.If it weren't for several elves, goblins and goblins who had been mentored by him in the misty forest who often came to see him, Dico would probably be even more bored here.

After all, he didn't come to the O'Callen plane to play, but to wait patiently for Brody to send the red caltrop diamond... The allure of the supreme god's token is great even for Dicko, naturally It's even more annoying.

"Huh?" At the same time that the teleportation array leading to hell was activated on the top of Mount Whistle not far away, Dicko, who was aware of it, suddenly lost his past laziness and casualness, and did not care to taste the food that the elf girl had just served. After eating delicious food, my figure turned into a gust of wind and rushed to the top of Mount Whistle.

On the top of Mount Whistle, a tall, thin man with two green horns was born. The plane guardian saw the light of the teleportation array leading to hell light up. When he was about to send a message from his spiritual consciousness to inform Diko, he saw a figure standing aside. The solid Diko couldn't help but salute respectfully: "Master Diko!"

He was just a plane guardian with the power of a mid-level god. After arriving in the Okaron plane, Dicko used some power to subdue him.

However, at this time, Diko had no intention of paying attention to him. Instead, he looked at the two figures of a man and a woman who appeared in the teleportation array with burning eyes, and became more and more sure of their identities.

"Brody, right? Give me the ruby ​​​​diamond!" Dico said calmly and calmly. As soon as the words came out, the face of the man in black robe changed.

Diko continued: "I know you have a divine clone in hell, don't think about using this or threatening me by crushing the space ring. I just want the red caltrop diamond, and I don't want to kill you. As long as How about you obediently hand over the red diamond, and I can give you a large sum of wealth, and even the power of the Lord God?"

"Why should I trust you? If I hand over the Red Diamond to you, and you want to kill me again..." Brody, the man in black robe, couldn't help but hesitated as his face changed.When he found that he couldn't see through Diko or even sense Diko's aura, he knew that the opponent's strength was terrifying. He was waiting here just for the red diamond. It would definitely not be difficult to kill him. Maybe he could get it. After the red diamond is drilled, it will kill people and silence them.

Diko smiled noncommittally and said: "We can swear to the Supreme God, so that neither of us can break the agreement, and naturally I can't kill you."

Upon hearing what Dico said, Brody suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Okay, I want ten trillion ink stones. How much power of the Lord God can you give me?"

"I'll just give you a hundred drops, is that enough?" As soon as Dicko said this, Brody stared and took a breath.The power of the Lord God is beyond the reach of ordinary seven-star demons. One hundred drops, I am afraid that most Shura strong men do not have this ability.But for Diko, he can easily borrow the power of the main god from the fire and water main god clones. He can have as much of the main god's power as he wants.Let alone a hundred drops, even a thousand drops or ten thousand drops can be drawn from the depths of the ocean of law in just a blink of an eye.

Naturally, they reached an agreement and swore in the name of the Supreme God. After completing the transaction, Brody handed the Red Diamond to Dicko. He also swore in the name of the Supreme God that he would never leak information about the Red Diamond to the outside world. After hearing any news, he took his wife directly to the highest plane of life through the teleportation array.

After achieving his goal, Dicko said hello to several elves, goblins and goblin juniors, and left the Okaron plane through the teleportation array.Just in case, he didn't even go to hell, but transferred through the water god plane. After teleporting to the water god plane, he directly used the main god token to return to the Magnolia plane through the teleportation array of the water god plane. .

Over the South China Sea in the Magnolia plane, the black-robed old man Beirut and the white-robed red-browed man Qing Huo came in the form of two phantoms. When they saw the wind god clone of Diko standing in the air, they couldn't help but wonder: "Dico, Why are you calling us here in such a hurry?"

Romon, who was wearing a green brocade robe beside him, was also confused and looked curiously at Diko, who was smiling happily.As soon as Diko's wind god clone returned to the Magnolia plane, he pulled him to the sky above the South China Sea, which also left the somewhat tall monk Luo Meng confused.

"Haha... of course it's a good thing! You all know the news about the Supreme God's token, right?" Dico said with a loud laugh. Beirut and Qing Huo looked at each other and nodded subconsciously.Because of the revelation made by the Lord of Tianshan Mansion, Morde, this matter has already caused a stir in Hell and everyone knows about it.

"Grandpa, have you already gathered them all..." After hearing Dico mention the token of the supreme god, Romon stared at Dico in high spirits.Beirut and Qinghuo don't know, but he knows that he has already obtained two of the supreme god's tokens and handed them over to Diko. Now seeing how happy Diko is, could it be the last supreme god's token, Hongling? Crystal Diamond has also...
"That's right! I have gathered three tokens of the Supreme God," Diko nodded and smiled. As soon as these words came out, Beirut and Qinghuo were a little surprised and excited: "What? I have gathered three tokens of the Supreme God." ?So you have completed this mission of the Supreme God?"

"Yes," Diko said with a smile. He flipped his hand and took out the crown that had been fused with nine spiritual beads. Then he took out the red diamond from another space ring with a sudden thought: " I have obtained the crown, the nine spiritual beads, and the red diamond."

"Dico, how did you gather these three supreme god's tokens so quickly?" Beirut asked in surprise and joy upon seeing this.

"The crown was accidentally obtained by Romon on the plane battlefield. You must have guessed that the nine spiritual beads were obtained from Molde. As for the red diamond, I was lucky enough to get it," Diko smiled casually. explained.

As he spoke, the red diamond was fused with the crown. The green crown of life was suspended in mid-air, emitting thousands of green rays of light, which even made the sun eclipse for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Beirut couldn't help but excitedly said: "The Supreme God of Life is about to show up. Dick, remember, ask for the supreme artifact, preferably the supreme material defense artifact or the supreme attack artifact. These two are auxiliary for you." The effect of improving strength is the best.”

"Well, I've already made up my mind." Diko nodded slightly. Seeing the blurry figure that emerged as the ground shook, and feeling the terrifying aura that could make even the Lord God palpitate, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: "Life is supreme. God is actually in the form of a woman, and she looks so perfect, with her noble and noble temperament... she is indeed the embodiment of rules!"

(End of this chapter)

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