Chapter 289 Assignment
Boom... After saying that, Diko blasted Diya's head with one punch, and with a wave of his hand, he put the radiant wind-type upper godhead and the huge condor corpse into his body into a space with the largest space. inside the space ring.

Dia is a divine beast, and it is not an ordinary divine beast.His huge corpse can completely extract a lot of blood essence, which is enough to easily create a powerful family with the blood of divine beasts. Naturally, it should not be wasted.

"Okay, come here." After killing Diya, Diko greeted the three rule masters and the remaining four rule masters.

However, what he didn't expect was that maybe he killed too hard and made the masters too wary of him. When they heard his voice greeting, the four law masters, including the three rule masters, were hesitating, and suddenly Two of them actually turned into two streams of light and headed towards the nearest teleportation array.

"Huh? Are you afraid that I will kill them all?" Diko was stunned for a moment, and could not help but frown slightly. Then he felt a little bored and turned into a stream of light and flew towards the closer teleportation array in the other direction. , too lazy to pay attention to these masters who are like frightened birds.

Anyway, looking at their courage, they will not dare to be his enemy again in the future.Moreover, with Diko's strength and means, there is no need to pay too much attention to them.

Moreover, Diko, who holds several main godheads in his hand, and even three of them are high-level main godheads, is fully capable of cultivating several more main gods and even powerful masters.The main gods of the Magnolia lineage are even more powerful. Even without Diko, they are still able to gain a foothold in all major planes.

On the Magnolia plane, on the top of the tallest iceberg deep in the Arctic ice sheet, Beirut and Qing Huo, who were waiting here, noticed that the teleportation array leading to the wind god plane was lit up, and Dico's figure emerged, and they couldn't help but be a little surprised. The rush came up.

"How is it?" Beirut couldn't help asking. Under the expectant gazes of him and Qing Huo, Diko, who smiled and said nothing, turned over his hands and took out a few main godheads, which immediately made Beirut and Qing Huo look... Everyone's eyes widened in surprise: "Five main gods?"

"That's right! Except Theresa, who was killed by me at the beginning, among the masters, Huerlei was the first to attack me, so I used the fusion talent of the four divine beasts to directly destroy his thunder master clone, and After refining the thunder element, the Lord Godhead. And his Earth Lord God clone naturally had no chance to escape," Di Ke said continuously: "Then, I took action to kill Augusta... But I didn't expect that. Auf, the master of fate, is actually the same person as Augusta. Therefore, I can only kill him."

"Auf, the Master of Destiny? He and August are the same person? How is this possible? And, you actually killed the Master of Destiny?" Beirut became more and more surprised.With his temperament, there are not many things in this world that can shock him and make him lose his temper, but whether it is the relationship between Auf and Augusta, or the death of Augusta, the master of destiny, it is really shocking news. .

After all, since the birth of heaven and earth, the four masters of rules have never fallen. Their power is well known to everyone, and no one among the main gods can threaten them.What's more, if Auf and Augusta are the same person, it means that Auf has a clone of the main god, with an additional power of will, plus the destiny system that all the main gods have gained due to ten consecutive victories in the plane battlefield. It is undoubtedly more difficult to kill the Master of Destiny with two more Willpower rewards.

"Off is very strong! Moreover, in addition to the Supreme Divine Sword of Destiny in Augusta's hands, and the supreme soul defense artifact that Off gave Augusta, there is also a supreme artifact for material defense," Di Ke continued.

"Three supreme artifacts? No wonder, even the four divine beasts working together to use the fusion talent magical power can't do anything to Augusta. It turns out that it's because of the soul's defense against the supreme artifact." Beirut was surprised again, but then he couldn't help but frown. He raised his eyebrows and said, "That's not right! If he has both the supreme artifact for soul defense and the supreme artifact for material defense, how could you possibly kill him?"

"It's just luck," Diko shook his head and smiled: "That Orv was too confident and kept transforming the supreme material defense artifact into an ancient garden and placed it in the heaven, without taking it with him. Therefore, I can kill him through material attacks. But by the time he summoned the supreme material defense artifact, it was already too late."

"This" Beirut, who looked at each other with Qing Huo on the side after hearing this, couldn't help but be shocked and speechless. At the same time, he couldn't help feeling that Dico's luck was indeed very good.If Auf is really allowed to combine the three supreme artifacts into one body, I am afraid that even if Diko is thousands of times stronger than him, it will be difficult to kill him.

"So, the three supreme artifacts of Auf and Augusta are also..." Then Beirut thought of something, and couldn't help but look at Dico with bright eyes.Diko also nodded slightly and smiled, turning his hands and taking out the restrained white lightsaber, silver-white ring and pure black ancient armor: "Of these three supreme artifacts, two have the attribute of destiny, and one has the attribute of destruction. of."

"Auf, the Master of Destiny, is lucky enough to be able to get three supreme artifacts, and he is really hidden deep enough. Unfortunately, he got the better of you in the end." Looking at the three supreme artifacts, Beirut couldn't help but sigh: " With the four supreme artifacts in hand, you are already invincible."

"Even without the supreme artifact, my current strength is enough to crush the other three rule masters including the Lord of Destruction," Diko said with a confident smile.

"That's true!" Beirut was stunned when he heard this, then nodded with a smile, and Diko then sent the Supreme Divine Armor of Destruction in front of him: "You gave me two main godheads, so that I can There is nothing I can do to repay you for becoming the Lord God, so this set of supreme divine armor is my gratitude."

"This is not possible, this is the supreme artifact, it is too precious, I can't have it!" Beirut immediately waved his hands and refused with a look of emotion upon hearing this.

"It's just a supreme divine weapon, I can still afford it. Moreover, I have two supreme divine armors!" Di Ke continued, but Beirut hesitated again and shook his head: "I am just a low-level god, guilty of harboring the treasure. Ah! If you have this set of supreme divine armor on you, you may not even dare to leave the Magnolia plane."

"Then don't take it out of the Magnolia Plane! It's still safe if it stays in the Magnolia Plane. Just think of it as keeping it for me!" Dico didn't allow Beirut to refuse: "Anyway, this supreme artifact is very important to me. It doesn’t mean much to me now.”

"By the way, Qinghuo, I said before that I would get you a fire-type main godhead. It's a coincidence that I just found one from the space ring of the Lord of Destiny," Diko turned to look at Qinghuo. , then turned over his hand and took out a crystal that exuded blazing red light: "Moreover, it is also a fire-based middle god. After you refine it, you will have the middle god of Dzogchen, plus an earth god." The clone of the Lord God has more power of will, and its strength is comparable to that of the Lord."

"The main god of the fire element?" Qing Huo's eyes lit up when he saw this. Although he was a little greedy, he still shook his head decisively and refused. He had no favors from Diko, so how could he receive such great benefits from Diko again?

"Diko, I am already the main god. This fire element mid-level godhead does not need to be wasted on me. Let's give it to Romon!" Qing Huo said.

"I have helped Romon prepare a wind-type upper godhead, and it is enough for him to become the master. Then I will give him the supreme divine sword of destiny, the master of the law of great perfection, plus four With his divine beast fusion talent and supernatural powers, he is strong enough in both material and soul attacks, and has almost no obvious weaknesses. He can fight even against the three major rule masters," Diko said.

Beirut on the side couldn't help but nodded slightly after hearing this: "In that case, Qinghuo, Diko has a lot of main godhead in his hands anyway, so just accept it!"

"Haha...there are indeed quite a few. I plan to let Elena refine the upper main godhead of light and the upper main godhead of destiny. There is also a lower main godhead of the earth system and a lower main godhead of the wind system, so I will give them to Lin Lei. Okay," Dicko said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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