Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 290 Break open and wake up

Chapter 290 Break open and wake up

After determining the distribution plan for the main godhead, it didn't take long for Elena, Romon and Linley to refine the main godhead one after another and become the main god.

Next, they began the hard training to open up a divine plane in the space turbulence near the Magnolia plane. Diko's lightning master clone also opened up a divine plane to concentrate on comprehending the fusion of thunder and lightning. The mysterious laws are used to assist the fusion of different mysterious laws and rules.

After opening up the divine plane, Dico took Elena to travel to the highest plane and the divine plane. His divine clone even took Elena's holy body to visit some material planes. ..Time passed quietly, and tens of thousands of years passed before you knew it.

For many powerful upper gods, tens of thousands of years is not a long time. For the Lord God, it is a very short time in their long lives. However, for Diko, tens of thousands of years is really a very long time. Long.

In the space turbulence outside the Magnolia plane, Diko, who stood like a reef without being affected at all, looked at the colorful chaotic space turbulence in front of him, but his eyebrows were narrowed and his eyes were a little misty: "It has been tens of thousands of years in the blink of an eye. The fusion of the six mysteries of different laws and rules has been trapped in the final bottleneck for a long time and has been unable to break through. Apart from refining the godhead, I am afraid that after a long time, it will be difficult for my strength to make any progress."

"Are we just going to be trapped in the Coiling Dragon World and live for trillions of years?" Thinking about staying in the Coiling Dragon World for hundreds of millions of years, it will be difficult to improve your strength, and you will even feel bored with everything you are familiar with around you. , Dico resisted instinctively.

"Since my strength can no longer be improved, maybe I should try to see if I can break the shackles of this dragon world," I thought in my heart, looking at Diko with a burning gaze in front of me, and suddenly stepped forward with a sudden movement. The punch flew out, and the punch with restrained and terrifying power immediately caused the surrounding space to turbulence and retreat. It was enough to easily kill the rule master in an instant. The punch penetrated through the layers of space obstacles with a little difficulty, blasting open a hole with a diameter of about ten feet. The black hole, with misty gray energy pouring out from it, instantly spread hundreds of miles around it, causing the spatial turbulence that was about to resume gathering to retreat again.

Then, a swallowing force erupted from the black hole, sucking all of Dicko and the dissipated gray energy into it, and then the black hole quickly shrank and disappeared.

"Huh? Is this the Hongmeng space?" Diko, who was in a space filled with gray strange energy, was looking around curiously when he suddenly felt severe pain all over his body. Under the erosion of the gray energy, his whole body soon... Dicko, who was numb and unconscious, also turned into nothingness.

After Dico's figure disappeared into nothingness, a middle-aged man wearing a simple linen gown with his long hair casually disheveled walked up from a distance. Looking at the place where Dico disappeared, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly with regret. Said: "Hey, what a pity! Although he is powerful enough to break through the barrier of the universe and enter the Hongmeng space, he cannot control the power of the Hongmeng space. After all, he will not be able to survive in this Hongmeng space."

Looking at the space turbulence outside the space barrier not far ahead, the middle-aged man waved his hand and caused three main gods to appear in the space turbulence. Then he turned around and stepped into the depths of the Hongmeng space.

In the blazing desert world, raging red mist-like flame energy poured into a dark red palace in the desert like a tide, causing the entire palace to burn like a flame, constantly devouring and refining the surging energy. Fire energy.

In a quiet room filled with pure flame energy inside the palace, in the water of the magma-like flame energy pool, thorny bloody vines swim like spiritual snakes, absorbing the flame energy, causing the vines to glow like lightning. The dazzling flames flowed, and they also reflected Diko, who was sitting cross-legged and sleeping for an unknown length of time.

Even in a coma and deep sleep, there was still a surging and powerful aura permeating Dicko's body, causing the red and hot mist around him to vibrate.

"Huh?" Diko suddenly frowned, his whole body trembled slightly, and his soul aura quickly became stronger, even causing the surrounding red mist energy to boil and burn. In the blink of an eye, the entire quiet room was filled with hot rising energy. flame.Soon, Diko suddenly opened his eyes and felt the hot atmosphere around him. He couldn't help but frowned in surprise and murmured: "Is this the Fire Temple? I...did I actually return to the world that swallows the stars? Could it be me? He didn’t die after fighting the golden-horned giant beast, but just fell into a coma?”

"That's right! You have been in a coma for more than two years. Now everyone on the earth thinks that you are dead and there is no trace of your body. Even I did not expect that after burning your soul with all your strength, you could still be alive after sleeping for so long. It's good luck to wake up, and it's not in vain that I have consumed so much of the original energy of this world for you." With a thunderous sound, the red-scaled horned giant appeared aside.

"Senior Vulcan? It's been such a long time!" Diko couldn't help but sigh when he saw the red-scaled bull-horned giant. It really felt like a big dream, a strange yet familiar feeling of long absence.

"Eh? It's really rare that you would take the initiative to call me Vulcan!" The red-scaled bull-horned giant smiled in surprise, and then asked with serious concern: "How are you? How do you feel now? Are you fully recovered?"

"Well, it should be fine. My mental power seems to have become much stronger, and" Dicko nodded, his brows furrowed slightly as if he sensed something, and then he raised his hand and clenched his fist to punch out subconsciously, feeling the punch. Looking at the violent flame energy mist in front of him, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "My force..."

"Your warrior strength should have reached the peak level of the ninth level of the star level. In more than two years, you have absorbed so much energy, so it is normal to improve so much," said the red-scaled bull-horned giant.

"Is it the peak of the ninth level of the stellar level? Isn't it just one step away from reaching the cosmic level?" Diko's eyes lit up after hearing this, and then he thought of his own mental power: "My mental power should be the same. It has improved a lot, but I don’t know if it has caught up with the Force level.”

With his mind moved, Diko closed his eyes and sensed carefully, and immediately discovered a star-like planet in the sea of ​​​​consciousness filled with pure and rich flame mist-like energy, and eight other small stars surrounding it. Xingxing: "Ninth-level star level? It's actually the ninth-level star level? Moreover, it feels like it can break through at any time."

"Is it because my will has become stronger? I don't know what level my will has reached now, but it feels really strong! Could it be because I became the Lord God in the Panlong World and received the Lord's blessing? What is the reason for the influence of the power of will? Different worlds are like a big dream. Except for memory, the strength of the soul cannot affect each other, but the strength of the will is contained in the consciousness and should be connected. "Diko, who secretly guessed, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

On the one hand, it is that I can return to the world of Devouring Starry Sky again and make up for some of my previous regrets.On the other hand, having a strong will will inevitably give Diko greater confidence and be able to go further on the road of cultivation in the future.

"By the way, the earth seems to be in trouble today. Many planet-level and star-level aliens have descended on the earth. With the current strength and foundation of human beings on earth, they are simply unable to fight against it," said Di When Ke was immersed in surprises and expectations for the future, the red-scaled horned giant on the side suddenly said.

Diko's face changed slightly after hearing this, and then his expression changed: "Many planet-level and star-level aliens? Could it be that the space fleet of the Nolanshan family has arrived on Earth?"

(End of this chapter)

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