Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 291 Cosmic Level Mentalist

Chapter 291 Cosmic Level Mentalist

The red-scaled horned giant then reminded him sternly: "Those aliens have more than 1000 star-level experts and more than 1 planet-level experts, and the planet-level ones have all reached the peak of planet-level. There are more than 40 people in the stellar level who have reached the ninth level of the stellar level. Even if you are a ninth-level warrior of the stellar level and also a ninth-level spiritual master of the stellar level, you will face so many powerful men of the stellar level and planetary level. , I’m afraid it won’t be easy to resist.”

"It seems that I have to break through to the cosmic level first. Otherwise, facing so many warriors and spiritual masters sent by the Nuolanshan family, even if I can withstand it, I am afraid that I will inevitably be hurt. There are many innocent ordinary people on the earth," Dicko said with a frown.

Now that the Nuo Lanshan family's army has arrived on Earth, it is inevitable that he will resort to deadly weapons when he takes action.After all, even if his strength is not weak and his level is high enough to crush the disciples of the patriarch of the Nuolanshan family and the elite Nuolan guards, he will still be unable to defeat four hands with two fists.

"Are you sure you can break through to the cosmic level in a short period of time?" The red-scaled bull-horned giant's eyes suddenly lit up in surprise when he heard this.Going from stellar level to cosmic level is not only a breakthrough in a great realm, but also a watershed for the strongest in the universe.Once you reach the cosmic level, you can barely be considered a truly strong person in the universe, and you are qualified to take risks in the universe.

Although Diko's talent and understanding are good, his genetic and bloodline foundation is a bit poor after all. Being able to step into the cosmic level so quickly is undoubtedly beyond the expectations of the red-scaled horned giant.

"I feel that my mental power should be able to break through," Diko nodded, then closed his eyes directly, and his consciousness entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and then with the help of the secret method of breaking through the mental power of the Yuanmo Star lineage, invisible His powerful will began to mobilize the pure and surging spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly, as if the sea of ​​consciousness was boiling, the nine stars that had grown to the limit suddenly absorbed energy crazily and began to tremble and expand. At the same time, the rich flame energy in the entire quiet room poured into Dicko's body at a faster speed, and was like a bottomless pit. Swallowing like crazy.

In the blink of an eye, there were nine huge star-like fireballs that had expanded to more than ten times in size. The largest one reached its limit and exploded suddenly... Immediately afterwards, the other eight fireballs also exploded one after another, turning into countless Star fragments and nebulae.

Then, a large number of star fragments and nebulae produced after the big bang began to form a huge spiral galaxy, filled with countless tiny stars.The entire galaxy has eight spiral arms, and a tiny black hole is formed in the core area.

The black hole slowly swallowed up the surrounding star fragments and nebulae, producing a stream of pure mist-like telepathy. It was the telepathy of a cosmic-level spiritual master, which was more than ten times more powerful than the peak star-level telescope.

"It's unbelievable that the cosmic level, which I thought was a bit far away before, has been reached so quickly. The cosmic level is already considered the top powerhouse in a galaxy. Some weaker elementary civilizations in the universe may not be as strong as the cosmic level. There are only a handful of them. In the eyes of Luo Feng and the others, Nuo Lanshan, the founder of the Nuo Lanshan family, who is temporarily difficult to fight against, is only at the ninth level of the universe level." After stepping into the universe level, Di Ke's heart I am both happy and a little emotional.

By becoming a cosmic powerhouse, at least he can protect the earth, which is enough for the earthlings to gain a foothold in the Silver-Blue Empire, the primary civilization in the universe.

"Cosmic level first-level spiritual master, good! It seems that your talent as a spiritual master is not weaker than that of a warrior." Feeling the suddenly much stronger soul aura on Diko's body, seeing him complete the breakthrough, he opened his eyes. With both eyes, the red-scaled horned giant suddenly said in surprise.

Diko smiled calmly and said: "It's just a matter of luck. I'm just one step ahead in terms of mental power. And the strength of the first level of the universe is not something to be proud of."

"What is the situation on Earth today? Are those aliens starting to kill?" Then, Dico asked with a slightly solemn expression. "They have not slaughtered the humans on the earth wantonly, but they have taken control of the entire earth, and have begun to kill some king-level monsters. They want to coerce and induce the high-level people on the earth who are hiding in the survival base to surrender," Red Scaled Horns The giant continued: "By the way, this survival base should have been obtained from the universe by the boy named Luo Feng. It has strong defense and is similar to a large fortress."

"That's not bad," Di Ke secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and slowly let go of his thoughts. At least with Jiang Fang and Lan Ying's status, they can definitely enter the survival base to escape, but there is no need to worry about being killed by Nuo Lan. People from the Shan family caught him and threatened him.

Although breaking through the Force should be easier than breaking through as a spiritual master, now that Dicko's Force has reached the peak of stellar level, he is completely sure that he can break through in a short time, but he is worried about the safety of his family and the entire earth, and he can't wait anymore Dico, who went back, couldn't care less about breaking through slowly.

With Dike's strength as a first-level spiritual master in the universe, coupled with his realm understanding, he is confident enough to defeat the stellar powerhouses of the Nuolanshan family.Even if the opponent had a large number of people, as long as Diko dealt with it carefully, he would still be able to defeat them without a head-on confrontation.

"Hey, by the way, I have forgotten the trump card of my side of the world. With the suppression of the power of the world, I can completely suppress some of the weaker star-level powerhouses and the planet-level Nuolanshan family first. People and horses, and then suppress them in batches. If we really want to kill, it will take a long time to kill so many people even if I am a universe-level spiritual master. It would be much faster to rely on one world to suppress them." After leaving the Fire Temple, he saw Looking at the desert world where the flame energy was much stronger outside, Dicko's eyes suddenly lit up.

A moment later, over the sea near South America, Dicko appeared out of thin air in a bloody battle suit. At the same time, the water below parted, and a dark red simple ring flew out and was directly placed on Dicko's finger.

After appearing, Dico did not act recklessly, because he already knew the general situation of the entire earth from the mouth of the red-scaled horn giant, and knew that all major base cities had appeared due to the appearance of aliens and the avoidance of the earth's high-level officials. There was some commotion.

Especially after those members of the Nuolanshan family showed their strength and killed some sea king-level monsters in some empty squares in the base city, almost everyone in the base city became frightened.

However, when huge three-dimensional virtual projections appeared in the sky above several major survival bases, and Luo Feng announced his ownership of the earth as the earth lord, the arrogant Nuolanshan family members were dumbfounded.

Over the Atlantic Ocean, two giant interstellar warships were parked in mid-air, and the Nuolanshan family members retreated back to the warships like a drumbeat.

With the help of the concealment of the power of the world that diffused in the world ring, Dico also took the opportunity to quietly approach the two giant interstellar battleships. The first-order cosmic-level mental power penetrated into the interstellar battleships to investigate, and then his mind moved. An invisible blazing energy spread from the world ring on his finger, instantly covering the two giant interstellar battleships.

At the same time, Diko, whose eyes were burning like stars, was instantly surging with mental power, blessed by a strong will, and swept towards the interior of the two interstellar battleships like a tide.
Almost instantly, all the ninth-level planet-level experts in one of the interstellar battleships fell into coma instantly, and most of the remaining stellar-level experts fell to the ground in pain with pale faces.Star-level experts whose strength is below the fifth level of the star-level and whose willpower is inferior have no power to resist at all.

Even some of the nearly two to three hundred star-level experts who are at the sixth level of the star level or even stronger are mostly affected by the first-level mental power of Dicko's cosmic level and the impact of the powerful will, and their strength is greatly reduced in an instant...
(End of this chapter)

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