Chapter 292 Dicko Returns
Buzz... The air shook, and almost instantly, the interstellar battleship that gathered most of the planet-level experts and a few star-level experts disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, about twenty or thirty stellar-level experts rushed out of another interstellar battleship with surging and chaotic internal energy. After a slight stalemate, the interstellar battleship was also attacked by Dico with the power of the world. Suppressed and included in the world of the Desert Realm Lord.

"As expected of the elite of the Nuolanshan family, many of these guys have probably been practicing for a long time and have never been able to reach the cosmic level. However, they have sharpened their willpower well. Unexpectedly, they can barely resist my mental power and willpower. "Impact," Dico was not too surprised when he saw the twenty or thirty stellar ninth-level warriors who luckily escaped from the battleship.

After all, Dike's cosmic-level first-level mental power is not much stronger than theirs, and he launched a large-scale attack all at once, not against a few elite ninth-level star-level Nuolanshan family elites, even if it is the will It is much stronger than them, and it is unrealistic to directly crush them without any resistance.

But it doesn't matter, because most of the Nuolanshan family members have been taken into the world ring by Dike. With their strength, they naturally cannot destroy the world ring and escape, so they are naturally lambs to be slaughtered.

Even these elite ninth-level stellar-level Nuolanshan family elites who escaped by chance and were not directly suppressed by Diko, a mere twenty or thirty stellar-level ninth-level powerful men, have now become cosmic-level first-level spiritual masters. How hard would it be for Dicko to deal with them?
"Cosmic-level powerhouse?" Pula, who was a little frightened and nervous, and several direct disciples of the Nolanshan family patriarch, as well as about twenty Nolan guards, sensed the oppressive aura on Dike's body, and they couldn't help but wonder. His expression changed.

Not to mention the method Diko used to suppress and take away two interstellar battleships and so many planet-level and star-level experts just now, the cosmic-level strength that Diko displayed alone made them unable to help themselves. Desperate.

Although Pula and others are elite experts at the ninth level of the stellar level, they have little hope of becoming cosmic level experts.Naturally, it is even more impossible to have the strength to leapfrog and fight or even kill the first-order cosmic-level powerhouses.After all, such a genius is considered the top genius among the entire human race, and is absolutely rare!
"Are you... Dicko, a mysterious genius on earth who is as powerful as Hong and Lei Shen? Two or three years ago, you were only as strong as a star. You obviously died together with the golden-horned giant beast. How could you... "Among the twenty or thirty stellar ninth-level powerhouses from the Nuolanshan family, Pula, the leader, suddenly became more shocked and disbelieving after he recognized Diko.

Also, it is indeed a bit incredible to reach the cosmic level from the star level in just two or three years.Such a talent is too monstrous.How could the strongest person on an indigenous planet grow so fast?Unless, there is some incredible opportunity!
Thinking of this, Pula couldn't feel any heat in her heart. Instead, she felt a burst of despair and powerlessness.There are many secrets and treasures on the earth, and they already know about them.But now with the appearance of Dico and the strength and methods he displayed, Pula has clearly realized that no matter what is on the earth, it has no chance of them.

No matter whether the Nuolanshan family will send cosmic-level experts to come in the future, whether they can get the real treasure on the earth, at least they will not be able to see it.Without the interstellar battleship, how could they escape with their lives when facing a cosmic-level powerhouse with only ninth-level star-level strength?

Diko, who was too lazy to talk to them, launched another mental attack under the frightened and nervous eyes of Pula and others. With the help of strong will, all the other ninth-level stellar powerhouses except Pula, including Some of the ninth-level astral-level spiritual masters also fell into coma for an instant, and were then taken into the World Lord's world without any resistance, along with Pula, who was also pale and struggling and confused.

After Dico solved them, the smart optical brain wristband he wore on his wrist soon began to tremble. It trembled again and again, and the screen displayed incoming call or message notifications one after another. Apparently many people were contacting him in a short period of time. .

Seeing those familiar calls, messages and call requests, Dico couldn't help but smile. These old acquaintances really hadn't been seen for a long time!

In the Huaxia Kingdom, in the north of Jiangnan Base City, there is a giant bunker-like building. It is the "Hope" survival base of the Huaxia Kingdom. It is also the largest and most defensive survival base among the major survival bases in the world.When Diko turned into a stream of flames and approached this huge survival base with a length and width of about 2000 meters and a height of nearly [-] meters, outside the largest gate of the entire survival base, senior officials of the Chinese Kingdom, some planet-level powerhouses and the God of War appeared. The strong men, as well as Dico's family and friends, are all waiting here.

Seeing Diko falling from the sky, his whole body bathed in the faint light of flames like a god of fire, everyone looked at Diko with excitement and admiration.After all, for the entire earth, Diko was like a savior after he solved the Nuolanshan family members that even Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen could not deal with.

For the people on earth, this crisis is no less than the threat posed by the Devouring Beast. Failure to deal with it may lead to an even more terrifying disaster!

Previously, Diko, Hong, Lei Shen and others went on to deal with the Devouring Beast. In the end, Luo Feng desperately killed the Devouring Beast and saved all mankind, which pushed his reputation to a peak.

But now, the strength displayed by Di Ke is undoubtedly more terrifying than Luo Feng and Hong.The powerful Nuolanshan family army, so many star-level and planet-level powerhouses, were all easily eliminated by Dike. Their strength and means were simply unbelievable.It is conceivable that when Dicko took action before, the images captured by the satellite caused a sensation and shock when the high-level people on the earth saw it.

"Dike..." Jiang Fang and Lan Ying couldn't help but turned into two phantoms and flew towards Dike, and threw themselves directly into Dike's arms. They both couldn't help crying with joy.

It had been more than two years since Dico disappeared after a desperate battle with the Devouring Beast. They all thought that Dico was dead and that there were no bones left, and they felt a little painful and desperate in their hearts.It is precisely because we have lost something that we understand how rare and precious it is to regain it.As long as Di Ke can come back alive, Jiang Fang no longer cares about the relationship between him and Lan Ying, and Lan Ying no longer wants to endure or hide her feelings for Di Ke.

Seeing his daughter desperately throwing herself into Dike's arms, Lan Ran, who had a somewhat complicated expression in the crowd at the entrance of the survival base, couldn't help but smile with relief on his face.

In the past, he had some grudges about the relationship between his daughter and Dicko, but now, he has figured it out. As long as his daughter thinks that his choice is right and she can be happy, nothing else is so important.

"Dad" the familiar shout of "Dad" also sounded trembling and excited. Di Ke, who was hugging Jiang Fang and Lan Ying with his arms respectively, saw the same flying over and looked at his son Di Xu with red eyes in excitement and surprise. , couldn't help but hurriedly let go of Jiang Fang and Lan Ying, smiled and stepped forward to touch Di Xu's head: "Xu'er, we haven't seen you for two years, you have grown up! You have actually entered the planetary level, okay!"

"Dad! I thought you were you." Di Xu couldn't help but threw himself into Diko's arms, tears streaming down his face. Even though he was the youngest planet-level genius on earth, he was still a mere idiot in front of Diko. child.

(End of this chapter)

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