Chapter 293 Dead
When Di Ke was holding his son Di Xu with a smile, Jiang Fang suddenly reached out and touched him, and Di Ke also noticed Enchanting who flew over afterward.

Enchanting, who was not wearing a mask and seemed not to hide her identity anymore, was holding a cute little girl of one or two years old in her arms. Diko was stunned for a moment and said, "Sister, what's going on? When did you get married?" Married and have children?"

"What are you talking about? This is your daughter!" Enchanting said angrily, which also made Diko stare in shock: "My daughter? Sister, I just came back from a narrow escape, don't joke with me! When did I have a daughter? "

Diko, who was shaking his head and talking, saw Lan Ying stepping forward to take the little girl from the hand of Enchantment, and couldn't help but said: "No, what on earth is going on?"

"See clearly, this child's features look so much like yours," Yaorao said, and Lan Ying quickly followed up: "Actually, during the crisis of the Devouring Beast, I had already discovered that I had your child. But, At that time, I didn’t even have time to tell you about that situation, so you just..."

"Our daughter?" Diko became more and more surprised, looking in disbelief at the little girl in her arms who was looking at her curiously with big black eyes. He had been in a coma for more than two years, and after he came back, he actually had an extra baby. daughter?You know, Lan Ying has been following him for some years, and there has been no movement in her stomach. The arrival of this child must have been too unexpected!

"Well," Lan Ying nodded with a smile, but Di Ke still subconsciously glanced at Jiang Fang, who still felt a little unreal, but this earned Jiang Fang a big eye roll and an annoyed yell: "Look. What am I doing? You have done such a good thing, but you still have the nerve to look at me!"

"Dico, do you want to be as irresponsible as Diat?" Enchanting also stared at Diko with a somewhat unkind expression, which made Diko dumbfounded. Looking aside, Lan Ying also looked at him nervously. Seemingly, he hurriedly stepped forward and reached out to pick up his daughter: "Come, let me hug you! By the way, has the child been named?"

"My nickname is Xixi, and I haven't chosen my real name yet!" Lan Ying continued, and Dike was slightly stunned when he heard this. Thinking of himself in the world of Panlong and Elena's daughter Linxi, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Looking down at her daughter Xixi in her arms with a hint of complexity, she said, "Let's call her Di Lin!"

After saying that, after landing with his daughter in his arms, Dike said hello to everyone. After his eyes glanced at Lan Ran, Li Yao and other planet-level powerhouses, Dike couldn't help frowning and said, "Where is Councilor Jia? "

"Congressman Jia has sacrificed his life to deal with the Devouring Beast," Lan Ran sighed softly. Several powerful congressmen and senior leaders on the side could not help but look sad.

"Not only Congressman Jia, but also Mohammed Henderson, India's Tripathi Singh, Soviet Union's Sokolov, and EU's Diat, they are all dead!" Li Yao stood aside! He also said quickly, and when he said it, his expression was also complicated and became a little sad.

Judging from Li Yao's complicated and sad expression when he mentioned Diat, it was obvious that he knew something about his own life experience.When Diko heard what Li Yao said, he couldn't help but feel slightly lost: "Diyat, is he dead?"

"Yes! He's dead!" Yaorao also stepped forward and said in a cold and heavy tone: "In order to deal with the Devouring Beast, you, Hong, and Thunder God fought hard one after another. Your whereabouts were unknown, and Hong and Thunder God were unconscious. Later, Luo Feng stood up. He wanted to deal with the Devouring Beast, but he needed five powerful MPs to sacrifice their souls to help him kill the Devouring Beast. Diat was the strongest, so naturally he couldn't escape. Moreover, he also asked to go there on his own initiative. .”

"Proactively request..." Diko frowned and murmured, while Yaorao also nodded slightly: "Yes! He said that since his son can deal with the Devouring Beast at all costs, how can he, as a father, not Are you greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Seeing the slightly reddened look in Enchanting's beautiful eyes as she spoke, the silent Diko couldn't help but feel increasingly complicated. "Diat, he has never been a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He doesn't care about power, status, or even reputation, but he has never evaded the responsibilities he should bear," Lan Ran also sighed: "In comparison, Said that East and Atkin, as the Speaker of the Palace of Mars, what they did was really disappointing. Especially Atkin, in the past, I really didn’t expect him to be so ambitious. After the Devouring Beast was killed, , when you and Luo Feng didn't come back, he actually united with some council members and took control of the HR Alliance. If he hadn't been worried about East, and the two hall owners Hong and Lei Shen were not really dead, I'm afraid his ambition would have been even greater. "

"Atkin? He's quite courageous," Dico frowned and said, "Where are the others? And that East, didn't he collude with Atkin? This guy has always been ambitious. It’s not small!”

"Atkin is dead, killed by Luo Feng," Jiang Fang continued: "This guy actually sent people to snatch the treasures left by Luo Feng. When Luo Feng came back, he killed him directly. As for Yi Ste, he seems to have been a little bit shocked! After the battle with the Devouring Beast, he felt a little decadent. Maybe he regretted not standing up at the critical moment. Now... how should I put it, he seems to have seen through the situation and doesn't care much about the EU countries. It’s about the HR alliance, so Atkin can successfully control the HR alliance.”

"Wasted? There is no use for such a person until he dies." Diko shook his head and said disdainfully, then asked: "By the way, where are Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng? Such a big thing happened on the earth. Where did they go? Are Hong and Lei Shen still awake?"

"They are all fine when they wake up. They just went to the universe to seek hope for our people on earth to fight against the Nuo Lanshan family," Lan Ran said.

"Contact them and ask them to come back as soon as possible!" Di Ke said, pretending not to understand and frowning: "Also, what is the origin of this Nuolanshan family? Why did they send so many people? To Earth?”

In fact, Lan Ran and others knew little about this. They only knew that space adventurers had come to the earth before, and it seemed that they had attracted the people of the Nuolanshan family to conquer the earth.

Dike returned and eliminated the Nuolanshan family. People in the five major countries and 23 base cities who were originally a little confused and frightened calmed down, and the entire earth soon returned to peace.

After receiving the news, Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng were surprised that Diko was able to deal with the Nuolanshan family. At the same time, they also took the spaceship and embarked on the return journey to the earth as quickly as possible.

In fact, not only them, but also the high-ranking officials and powerful council members of the entire earth were shocked and surprised, but also full of puzzlement when they learned that Dicko had entered the cosmic level.Even if Dico is a cosmic-level powerhouse, facing so many planet-level and star-level powerhouses, it will take some time even if the cosmic-level powerhouse kills them all, right?How could they be easily dealt with?

The speed of Luo Feng and the others was still very fast. In just over ten hours, they took a spaceship and flew through the dark universe back to the earth. They also invited Dike to come to Luo Feng's building from the universe in Yangzhou City, Jiangnan's base city. Meet at the castle you paid for.

"Dico..." In the castle, Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen were a little excited to see Diko again. Diko, who hugged them, smiled and looked at this beautiful elf castle in a fairy tale. The castle said: "Luo Feng, you really know how to enjoy it. You actually built such a castle. Unexpectedly, in just over two years, you have already come into contact with the civilization of the universe. There is an immortal teacher left behind. Intelligent life guidance is different!"

(End of this chapter)

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