Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 295 Squeeze it clean

Chapter 295 Squeeze it clean
In the desert world, two huge interstellar battleships were faintly restrained and suppressed in the fiery and violent energy storm.

Over the desert beside him, Diko was standing in the air. In front of him were two to three hundred star-level experts headed by Pula.In addition to more than 30 stellar ninth-level powerhouses, the rest are also stellar seventh- and eighth-level powerhouses. They are the real elites among the thousands of star-level powerhouses in the Nuolanshan family army.

Moreover, they are all equipped with force suits and weapons, and at worst they are all first-order force suits and weapons. A few elites are equipped with second-order force suits, weapons or telekinesis weapons. The leader Pula even has Third-level force suits and weapons.

However, facing the smiling Diko, they felt a little depressed, angry and desperate.In fact, they knew they were finished when they were easily suppressed by Dico and trapped in this world.

But I didn't expect that Di Ke, a powerful man in the universe, would use them to practice. It was just adding salt to the wound, killing people and hurting people's hearts. It was too bullying.

"Come on! Use your strongest strength and means, and let's do it together! You are all strong men at the seventh, eighth or even ninth level of the star level, and you can barely be considered strong in the universe. Why, Don’t you even have the courage to fight me?” Diko looked at them with a smile and shouted coldly.

"Kill!" Faced with Dico's verbal stimulation, Pula let out a low cry, and a total of two to three hundred elite Nolan Guards suddenly swarmed toward Dico in shame and anger.

As the saying goes, warriors can be killed but not humiliated. They can cultivate to the star level, and most of them will live for a long time. As the elite and strong people in the star level, they are not lambs to be slaughtered, and there is no shortage of people who will fight to the death. courage.What's more, rabbits bite people when they are anxious. Even if they know they are outmatched, they cannot just sit back and die.

"Very good!" Seeing those star-level experts who were surrounding and attacking, Diko's eyes flickered with a slight curl of his lips. When his figure flashed forward to meet him, there were suddenly red-colored stars all around him like beans. Beads of light shot out, and with a crisp impact, they knocked away some of the telepathy weapons that were attacking him first.

Bang... At the same time, Dicko, who was forcing Pula back with a slash of his sword, followed by a phantom-like figure, the flame field unfolded, and the fierce and violent sword light lashed out at the star-level warriors who came up one after another like a sparring match. , or hit them directly, or threw them away, and blood suddenly flowed, accompanied by suppressed screams of pain. Those who were slightly weaker or had poor dodge skills were able to hold on under Dike's hands. But he was seriously injured in one move.

Diko did not kill directly. After all, every warrior of the sixth level of the stellar level or above was very valuable. Killing one of them was as painful as cutting off flesh for Diko.

Stimulated by the blood, those star-level experts also rushed to attack Diko like one after another. Dike did not use all his strength and only used swordsmanship and body skills to fight against them. He did not use telepathy to attack. Even if he controlled those The dark red beads are only telepathy weapons used to resist those star-level telepathy masters.

After all, the speed of telekinesis weapons is much faster, not to mention dozens of high-level star-level psychic masters taking action together. Not to mention that Diko's warrior strength is only at the peak of star-level, even if his warrior strength also reaches cosmic level, It would also be very difficult to rely on sword skills to withstand the combined attacks of dozens of telepathy masters.

Therefore, after the overwhelming charge at the beginning, when those star-level powerhouses reacted and jointly attacked each other like a tacit understanding, Diko, who was under siege, could not easily kill them as easily as he could chop melons and vegetables. Solved, the battle became stalemate and intense.

However, this is also because Dico did not use all his domain methods to suppress those star-level experts. Otherwise, their speed will be greatly reduced and their attack power will be weakened under the constraints of the domain. I am afraid that they will be swept away by Dico soon. . In the melee of "killing", Dicko, who was concentrating with all his concentration and exerting his body skills and force-generating skills to the extreme, slowly felt that his blood and cells were all active, and the force in his body had reached the peak of a star level. It's like it's boiling.

"We're about to break through..." Sensing the changes in his body, Diko couldn't care less about continuing to fight. He got rid of those stellar powerhouses in a flash and came to the midair. At the same time, he also attracted the violent flame energy in the desert to move crazily. The energy gathered and instilled in his body allowed him to quickly complete his breakthrough and become a first-order warrior at the cosmic level.

After the breakthrough, Diko looked down at Pula and the others who were calming down and becoming more and more frightened and desperate. With a thought, dozens of dark red beads turned into streams of flames, which could not tolerate those star-level experts. Those who dodged and resisted fell on them, smashing them until they vomited blood and were thrown to the ground in embarrassment. Each one of them was seriously injured and was unable to resist for a while.

After Dico easily solved Pula and others, three figures suddenly flew out from two huge interstellar battleships not far away. Seeing the miserable appearance of Pula and others lying on the ground, their faces turned pale. , a somewhat nervous and apprehensive Lian saluted Diko respectfully: "Master Diko!"

"Is it done?" Looking at the three stellar-level ninth-level spiritual masters, Diko raised his eyebrows and asked calmly, and the handsome stellar-level spiritual master in the lead also quickly said: "Master Diko , according to your instructions, we have eliminated some memories of you and the earth by those planet-level and weaker star-level experts, and asked them to transfer the money in their respective bank accounts. Finally, It was also transferred to your bank account."

That's right, since Diko wants to package and sell all the strong men sent by the Nuolanshan family, he will naturally not allow them to leak information about the earth and his own strength and means, and will also squeeze out all the valuable talents from them. OK.

Although most of those planet-level powerhouses don't have much money, the combined savings of so many planet-level ninth-level powerhouses are quite a lot.Coupled with the money of those stellar powerhouses, the wealth Diko squeezed out of them would probably be no less than the money earned from selling them, or even more.

"Very good, you did a very good job," Diko nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the three stellar ninth-level powerhouses who had surrendered under his oppression, and then turned to look at Pula and the others.

The number of troops sent by the Nuolanshan family this time was quite large. Dico did not have the energy to go to great lengths to erase their memories one by one, and controlled them through mental influence to make them obediently transfer money in the virtual universe, so he let those Three stellar ninth-level experts will do the work for you.

However, it is not easy for Pura and other elites of the ninth and eighth levels of the stellar level to erase their memories and even make them hand over their wealth through mental control. Dicko has to do it himself. Just fine.

However, these two to three hundred star-level high-level experts are also the richest among the entire Nuolanshan family army. Their bank deposits combined are definitely a lot of wealth, and Diko will naturally not let it go. .

After all, although Dico has amazing wealth and property on earth, in the universe, he doesn't even have a currency that can be used in the universe.Finally, a group of little fat sheep arrived at your door, so how could you not search them?

In fact, Diko was planning to go back and plunder the battle clothes and weapons of each member of the Nuolanshan family army, and then hand them over to the slave merchants 'cleanly'.There is no way, Dicko is really too poor today!
Luo Feng was very quick in contacting the slave merchants through the virtual universe, and he quickly negotiated the prices for those planet-level and star-level powerhouses. However, it took more than half a month to send someone to receive them.
(End of this chapter)

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