Chapter 296 Slave Trading
Bailan Star is an inconspicuous life planet located in the Milky Way, more than 1 light-years away from the earth.

Since Bailan Planet is in a low temperature state all year round and is not very suitable for human habitation, there are only 21 people on the entire planet, and they all live in cities.

Therefore, many warehouses were built on Bailan Star, making Bailan Star a material storage and transit planet.As for Luo Feng, after receiving the wealth left to him by Hu Yanbo and becoming the Earth Lord, he bought a warehouse on Bailan Planet and used it as his second base for trading goods in the universe.

Because when Hu Yanbo entered the dark universe, he used space secrets to cover up the coordinates of the dark universe corresponding to nearly a thousand light years around the earth, making it impossible for the spacecraft to fly directly through the dark universe to the earth.Therefore, Diko and the others had no choice but to leave the earth and come to Bailan Planet when they were trading with slave merchants.

In the extremely cold area of ​​Bailan Star, large warehouse bases were scattered around. A black spaceship and two giant interstellar warships slowly landed in front of a castle in the residential area of ​​one of the super large warehouse bases.The two interstellar battleships were too large to stop on the ground and could only stay in mid-air.

When Diko and Luo Feng jumped out of the hatch of the black C-class spacecraft and flew to the castle with the four Black Mongolian star-level bodyguards that Luo Feng had purchased before entering the universe, the slave guards stationed here also greeted them. He came up, saluted Luo Feng respectfully and shouted: "Master!"

"Haha... Having a bunch of obedient slaves is a prestige, and it's easy to do anything." Di Ke couldn't help but smile when he saw this and said: "Luo Feng, your place is great! It's different when you have money, and it's different in the universe." You can live in such a cool way! This is my first time leaving the earth and coming to other living planets!"

"Third brother, when you traded with the slave merchants this time, didn't you ask them to bring you some slaves? Soon, you will have a group of slave guards," Luo Feng also said with a smile: "When you go back this time, I'm afraid the eldest brother and the second brother will also envy you. Although I also gave them some money, I'm afraid they won't give up buying slaves, and there is no need for it. "

"Haha, it seems that they can only be envious and greedy," Di Ke laughed loudly, because after Hong and Lei Shen woke up, they became brothers with Luo Feng. Now that Di Ke is back, he will naturally become Luo Feng's in terms of age ranking. Third brother.

As the four strongest people on the planet today, the four Dicos, whose strength far exceeds that of other powerful members, naturally cherish each other and stick together.Although Di Ke and Luo Feng are younger, their strength and wealth exceed Hong and Lei Shen, and they are vaguely the leader among the four.

The slave trade this time was not a very important matter, so Dike just followed Luo Feng, but Hong and Lei Shen did not follow.

The two of them did not wait too long on Bailan Star. A dark green spaceship and a large interstellar battleship came through the atmosphere of Bailan Star. Luo Feng and Diko also greeted them from the castle. A green-haired middle-aged man who got off the green spaceship saw Luo Feng. His eyes suddenly brightened and he stepped forward enthusiastically: "Mr. Luo, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. This should be Mr. Di, right?" "

The green-haired middle-aged man looked at Diko as he spoke. Feeling the invisible surging aura on Diko's body that made people's hearts tremble and weaken their legs, he couldn't help but hurriedly bend down and salute. After all, he was only a star-level man. Facing Diko, a cosmic-level man, The strong must naturally be respected.

Dico looked behind the green-haired middle-aged Wu Qi, and his eyes fell on the bald man who was more than three meters tall, with bronze skin and an iron tower-like appearance, because this big man was also a cosmic powerhouse. He is stronger than him, and is estimated to have the strength of the second or third level of the universe.

Such a strong man was following Wu Ci, who only had star-level strength, like a guard. Obviously, he was also a slave controlled by a smart chip, a cosmic-level slave, accompanying Wu Ci to protect him. "Cosmic-level slave?" The aura of the bald, burly man that made Luo Feng feel weak in his legs also made Luo Feng couldn't help but feel a little shocked and his heart trembled. He subconsciously glanced at Dike, who looked calmer.

Previously, Luo Feng thought that the Earthlings had given birth to a cosmic-level powerhouse like Diko, which was enough to establish a foothold in the universe.But now when he saw the cosmic-level slave standing respectfully behind Wu Ci, he became more awake and realized that the strength of the Earthlings was not strong enough, and it was even worse than the Nuolanshan family!

The deal has been negotiated, and everything will go smoothly from now on.Faced with Dicko, a cosmic-level powerhouse who didn't know his origins, he didn't dare to mess around. After his subordinates determined the strength and number of the planetary-level and stellar-level Nuolan Mountain troops that Dico wanted to sell, The transaction was quickly completed, the money was transferred to Diko, and after leaving the more than 1000 slaves brought to Diko, he left directly with the more than 1 slaves he had just bought.

In fact, Diko did not sell out all the Nuolanshan family's army this time. He also left behind the thirteen most powerful Hengda people including Pula and the three stellar ninth-level spiritual masters. A ninth-level elite warrior.

After all, they are also at the ninth level of the star level. Those slave merchants naturally try to keep the price as low as possible when buying slaves. Regardless of their strength, the purchase price is the same.And the 13 people left by Pula and other Dico can at least fight against a few or even a dozen stellar ninth-level strong men. Pula is enough to fight against twenty or thirty ordinary stellar ninth-order strong men by himself. Or, it would be too wasteful to sell it directly.

So Dico directly asked the thorns for some smart chips and planned to turn them into his slaves, which was more cost-effective.Moreover, those smart chips that control the slaves are all given to Wu Ci for free.

After all, this is a big deal. Tens of thousands of planet-level slaves are nothing more than thousands of star-level slaves. Those thousands of star-level slaves are worth a lot of money, but a few smart chips are not worth much.

Even among the more than 1000 slaves Diko wanted, [-] planet-level ninth-level warriors and [-] planet-level ninth-level mentalists were also included.The only ones that were really bought were the one hundred star-level slaves, including fifty star-level third-level slaves, thirty star-level fifth-level slaves, and twenty star-level seventh-level slaves. Psychics and warriors were also It's half and half.

Such a slave guard force is enough to sweep through ordinary living planets, plus Pula and other dozen or so elite stellar ninth-level powerhouses, as long as they are not cosmic-level powerhouses or more planet-level or star-level powerhouses. If an army composed of warriors reaches the earth, at least the safety of the earth is guaranteed.

However, after completing the transaction, Diko did not leave Bailan Star immediately. On the one hand, he had to implant smart chips into Pula and the dozen or so ninth-level stellar powerhouses. On the other hand, with the money, Diko naturally also To purchase some resources to assist training, at least a C-class spacecraft that can travel in the universe is indispensable.

Dicko, who has already entered the cosmic level, obviously cannot continue to stay on an indigenous planet like the earth.If you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, you naturally need to explore the universe, so that you can have more opportunities and wealth, and even join some of the top forces in the human race, so that your path of cultivation and evolution can go faster. farther.

At the same time, taking this opportunity, Diko is also preparing to practice hard on Bailan Star to digest his experience in the Panlong World, hoping to take the opportunity to improve his realm and law understanding, so that he can match his rapid promotion to the cosmic level. strength.

(End of this chapter)

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