Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 297 Recreating the Secret Technique

Chapter 297 Recreating the Secret Technique
Sitting cross-legged on the ice field in the extremely cold area of ​​Bailan Star, Diko was surrounded by curling flames that even made the space feel distorted. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the flame field quickly converged and dissipated.

"The eighth level of the domain... is only one step away from the ninth level of the domain," Diko, with stern eyes, stood up and began to practice boxing.

Buzz...Dike's restrained punch, which did not really explode in strength, caused the space to vibrate and twist slightly, and then left a trail of afterimages like an illusion. The punch was as fast as lightning and had a strong explosive power. However, there was a faint effect of time and space stasis.

Immersed in boxing, from sunrise to sunset, after the sky darkened, in the biting cold wind, Dike was not affected at all. Every move made the space vibrate and distort, and even caused the universe to tremble. The three energies of thunder, fire and wind converged, making Diko feel as if he was bathed in thunder and fire, surrounded by a whirlwind...
In the world of Panlong, Diko has a deep understanding of the laws of thunder, fire, wind, etc., especially the law of fire element, which has entered the level of Dzogchen.Although the laws of the Devouring Starry Sky World are mysteriously different from those of the Coiling Dragon World, they reach the same goal through different paths.The realm is high enough, and he can naturally understand by analogy, which makes it easy for Dicko to understand the three laws of thunder, fire and wind, and has stepped into the threshold of understanding the origin of the laws. It will even be much easier for him to understand the laws in the future.

Similarly, with the in-depth study and understanding of the three original laws of thunder, fire and wind, Dicko unknowingly reached the threshold of the more difficult to understand the original laws of space and time.

It can be said that nowadays, in terms of domain realm and law perception alone, Dicko is actually no less than the top ten geniuses in the universe and the geniuses who have entered the core layer of the virtual universe. Even with the accumulation of insights, he can be regarded as the top among them, which is enough. Comparable to Rong Jun and Bolan.

And as he stepped into the threshold of the original law, in the dream world, Dicko realized that it was much easier for Kedi to understand and apply the law. Understanding the original law of fire and the law of space was naturally like divine help, and it was easier and easier. .

Immersed in the cultivation enlightenment, Di Ke stayed on Bailan Star for more than a month. After the spaceship and auxiliary cultivation objects he purchased were delivered, he and Luo Feng took the spaceship together, taking the 1000 Many slaves left Bailan Star.

After returning to Earth, apart from spending time with his family and children, Dicko's main focus was on cultivation.After all, in the process of digesting the gains from cultivation in the Panlong World, Diko was improving rapidly in terms of domain realm and law perception, so naturally he could not waste time.

Even when he was not practicing, Diko was still pondering the techniques of force generation, sword skills and energy use, combined with the body refining method, bloodline stimulating method and soul burning method created in the world of Panlong. Soon Diko was He created a guidance technique to help warriors break through bottlenecks, as well as a secret technique for spiritual masters to break through. They are mainly aimed at breakthroughs in large realms, such as the peak of apprentice level to planet level, the peak of planet level to star level and even eternity. A breakthrough from the star level to the universe level.

To put it bluntly, what is a breakthrough? It is a result of accumulation and a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes.It has reached the pinnacle of a realm, but has been unable to break through. The only thing missing is a guide and an external stimulus, and the secret method created by Dicko is exactly a way of stimulation, just like stimulating bloodline talents, stimulating A breakthrough in realm.

In fact, there are many secret methods similar to auxiliary breakthroughs, which are gradual and forcibly stimulating, but Dicko's method of stimulating potential is undoubtedly very efficient and has no drawbacks.

With the help of the secret method created by Diko to help warriors and spiritual masters break through, in a short period of time, some high-level God of War peak warriors and spiritual masters have broken through one after another. Those planet-level peak warriors and spiritual masters that Diko bought Masters, many of them quickly broke through and entered the stellar level.

Dike, who did not expect that this secret method could so easily help peak planet-level warriors and spiritual masters break through, couldn't help but regret selling the tens of thousands of planet-level warriors in the Nuolanshan family army too early, otherwise even among them There was only a partial breakthrough, but compared to cheap planet-level slaves, some stellar-level first-order slaves could make him a lot of money.

And these secret techniques to assist realm breakthroughs are even more valuable than the Vulcan Guidance Technique created by Dicko before. Naturally, they are sought after by many powerful people in the Earthlings. They are also identified by Hong and Lei Shen as the most powerful in the Earthlings. Important secrets of practice.

Even Di Ke has perfected the Vulcan Guidance Technique based on the Body Refining Technique, and also made some improvements to the Soul Burning Technique. As an important secret method for the cultivation of warriors and spiritual masters of the Earthlings, it can speed up the cultivation of the entire Earthlings. The speed at which pulse warriors practice and evolve.While Di Ke was focusing on practicing in a low-key manner, Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen were unwilling to be lonely and left the earth to participate in the cosmic trainee mercenary assessment.

It was also during this test in the world of the world lord that the unexpected appearance of a world within a world allowed them to make a huge profit and obtain a lot more money than Hu Yanbo left him when he was at the Luo Feng star level. Big fortune.

Although Diko was also a little envious of Luo Feng's opportunity, he was already a cosmic powerhouse and could not enter the Thunder World to participate in the cosmic trainee mercenary assessment.Even if you want to take part in the assessment, you can only take the one-star mercenary assessment in the universe.

Therefore, a few months later, after Luo Feng and the others returned to Earth with great achievements, Diko decisively left Earth and prepared to participate in the more dangerous and difficult test of being a one-star mercenary in the universe.

The Horned Dragon Star is an extremely prosperous planet 32 light years away from the earth. It is a thousand times more prosperous than the imperial capital star of the Silver Blue Empire, the primary civilization in the universe that rules the eight major galaxies including the Milky Way. It is a super planet where powerful people gather. , is a place that some powerful people and wealthy people from the primary civilizations in the universe like to go.

There are relatively few prosperous planets like the Horned Dragon Star even in the entire Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory.Naturally, all five major human forces in the universe have their bases here.Of course, there are Qianwu dojos that train warriors and spiritual masters in the entire Qianwu Universe Kingdom, and it is the largest Qianwu dojo among the hundreds of surrounding galaxies.

In the entire Qianwu universe, there is only one Qianwu dojo that is a martial arts hall.The Territory Lords, Realm Lords and Immortal Powerhouses of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom are prohibited from building martial arts gyms on many planets and accepting disciples in large numbers.

Of course, if a strong man cultivates talents in his own territory and attracts some people to take the initiative to become his disciples, Ganwu Universe Kingdom will not care.

But even on a prosperous planet like Qiulongxing, the most powerful teachers in the Ganwu Dojo are only cosmic-level experts, and those who practice and study there are basically planet-level and star-level cosmic citizens.Therefore, Diko would naturally not be interested in the Qianwu Dojo, let alone have anything to do with it.

After arriving at Qiu Long Planet, Di Ke just went to the administrative building where the Black Dragon Mountain Empire resides, applied to join the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and went to the Virtual Universe Company branch in Qiu Long City to open an account, paid some virtual universe network fees, and then rushed to the universe. The Mercenary Alliance's station on the Horned Dragon Planet.

The Space Mercenary Alliance station is like a city. It usually receives many people, but most of them come to register adventurers.Space adventurers, the lowest level of mercenaries, are not real mercenaries, not even trainee mercenaries. As long as they reach the planet level and are citizens of the universe, they can easily register.

There are relatively few people participating in the cosmic trainee mercenary assessment, and assessment tasks are basically released uniformly at intervals.As for the cosmic-level experts who applied for the one-star cosmic mercenary examination, they were even more like phoenix feathers and water chestnuts, and it was rare to see one.

(End of this chapter)

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