Chapter 304
"Yes, Lord Bloody Battle!" After one of the black-robed realm masters responded respectfully, he pointed to the huge arena not far ahead and said to Diko: "Go to the arena and wait!"

At Feng Wu's nod, Diko dodged and landed on the ring.Then a beam of light fell from the sky. After the beam of light dispersed, Diko couldn't help but froze when he saw the assessment opponent appearing on the opposite side.
It's not because this opponent looks familiar or looks too weird or anything.On the contrary, the other party's appearance is really too shocking. She looks very much like an earthling at first glance, but her skin is like snow, like an angel or elf. She would definitely be a beauty on earth.

That's right, Dico's assessment opponent is a woman, and she is a very beautiful woman. She is wearing a green battle suit and carrying two daggers on her back. She looks more heroic and heroic, and Dico is impressed by it. Lost his mind slightly.

"Elf?" Noticing the other party's pair of pointed ears and light green hair, Dico couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and move slightly, thinking of the relatively famous elves among the human race.

"What are you looking at?" However, such an elf beauty who was eye-catching in both temperament and appearance, faced Diko's gaze and glared at him rudely. She shouted coldly and stretched out her hand to grab him. Pulling out the two daggers from behind, he looked at Diko with a sharp look: "Why do you want to enter the core level of the Space Mercenary Alliance? Hmph, you have to pass my level first!"

"Hurry up and choose a weapon. The fight will end early. I don't want to waste time with you here," the elf beauty said impatiently, as if she was unhappy about fighting Dico.

"Choose a weapon?" Diko couldn't help but frown slightly. There were no weapons in the empty arena. What should he choose?Choose air?

The black-robed realm leader below who asked him to enter the ring saw his puzzled look and couldn't help but said: "Dico, you can choose any weapon within the fifth level, as long as you can use it, but you can only choose the battle suit. Third level. As long as you choose, it will be simulated directly for you in this virtual universe."

"So that's it." Diko, who was slightly stunned, nodded and continued: "Then I will choose a third-level force battle suit. As for the weapon...give me a third-level force battle knife."

"Third-level force sword? If you can only use third-level force weapons, then I advise you to go back and practice hard! Don't come here to take the assessment, you will humiliate yourself," the beautiful elf sneered, He seems to be even less interested in this battle.

Seeing the third-level force suit that had appeared on his body and the sword that appeared out of thin air in front of him, Diko reached out and grasped the handle of the knife. He looked at the elf beauty opposite him casually and said: "As long as I defeat you, I will You can enter the core layer of the Space Mercenary Alliance, right?"

"Defeat me? Are you overestimating your capabilities?" The elf beauty suddenly laughed angrily when she heard this: "Do you think the core members of the Universe Mercenary Alliance are the so-called geniuses you have met in the past? ?”

"Are you a core member of the Universe Mercenary Alliance?" Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows upon hearing this. He didn't expect that this so-called assessment would actually involve fighting against the real core members of the Universe Mercenary Alliance. He didn't know that this elf beauty had entered. How long have you been practicing at the core level of the Universe Mercenary Alliance? It seems that this test may not be as easy as you thought! "Stop talking nonsense!" The elf beauty shouted softly, and her figure suddenly floated in front of Diko with a gust of wind that seemed to be slow and fast. The dagger in both hands stabbed Diko's chest quickly and sharply, like two Like a smart snake spitting out a message.

"The domain of wind? However, her sword technique does not seem to be simply the law of wind. It seems to have the flavor of the law of water. Could it be that she has stepped into the threshold of the two original laws of wind and water at the same time? She is indeed a servant of the universe. The core members of the Soldier Alliance are really powerful! However, it is not that easy to defeat me directly!" Diko's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he swung his sword with flames all over his body. block.

Keng...Keng...Dike's seemingly casual block with the sword caused the flames to gather, and the space instantly froze, causing the elf beauty's figure to stagnate, and her attacks to slow down. But the moment the two swords collided with the sword in Dico's hand, there was an explosion.

At that moment, the violent force that erupted from the sword in Dico's hand directly shocked the elf beauty, and then she staggered back.

"Humph, you are indeed quite capable." After stabilizing her figure, the elf beauty suddenly looked at Diko with a rather unsightly face. Faced with the overwhelming power of Diko, who was chasing after him unmercifully, she calmed down a bit. With the thought of contempt, he hummed, and in an instant, the figure turned into a total of nine figures, like clones, and surrounded Diko with different movements and moves.

Cang... Faced with her siege, Diko, who narrowed his eyes slightly, also waved the sword in his hand. His moves were as fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder, and he resisted. The same illusory figure seemed to have several faces and many things in one time. Like a hand, along with the increasingly dense knife shadows around him and the crisp and rapid sound of blades clashing, he was able to perfectly resist the opponent's double knives.

Moreover, Diko was like a roly-poly at this time, using his strength to fight faster and faster. His whole body was like a rapidly rotating wind wheel, and the power of his sword skills became more and more violent and terrifying, making the beautiful elves who besieged him become more and more violent. His figure and movements are a bit chaotic.
But after all, the elf beauty had entered the Universe Mercenary Alliance and received the best training. Naturally, she was not an easy person to deal with. Faced with Diko's crazy style of play, she quickly adapted to it and no longer acted repeatedly. She wanted to move quickly, and her moves were like a dancing girl dancing, with a bit more resilience. The attack seemed to have slowed down, but it was like a gummy candy wrapping around and restraining Dico.

For a moment, the two of them were fighting fiercely, and after an explosive attack, Dicko's attack also weakened significantly, the speed of his shots also slowed down, and even his body movements were like Tai Chi, looking sticky. It was mushy, and the elf beauty seemed to be tearing apart each other.

This seemingly weird and awkward fighting style actually made Feng Wu and the three black-robed realm masters a little surprised. Even Lord Xue Zhan in mid-air had a trace of burning and surprise in his blood-colored eyes: "Okay"

"She has indeed stepped into the threshold of the original law of water, and combined it well with the original law of space." Diko, who was also amazed at the understanding and strength of the elf beauty, during the fight with her, He was also touched and realized. The seemingly slow sword technique made the space distorted with one strike, but the distorted space had a terrible binding and oppression force, which affected the beautiful elf.

Bang...boom...unable to dodge, the elf beauty who had a head-on collision with Dico suddenly flew away as if struck by lightning, and the daggers in her hands flew out.
Taking a step back, Diko steadied his figure, and was in a daze for a moment. Then, his figure was like an illusion, and he approached Diko as fast as lightning. He slapped the elf beauty with a palm seemingly casually, but... Time and space froze for an instant, and the beautiful elf woman vomited blood and fell to the ground.
(End of this chapter)

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