Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 305 Blood Wave Secret Realm

Chapter 305 Blood Wave Secret Realm

"Huh? What? The combination of time and space? The body technique that understands the original law of wind, the sword technique that understands the original law of fire, and through this the original law of time and space, you can combine time and space so cleverly, such a talent, you really are a monster!" Seeing this scene, Master Xue Zhan suddenly showed a burning look in his eyes: "The universe level can combine the understanding of the original laws of time and space, and apply it to this level, even if it is Compared with the Kedi from Virtual Universe Company, I’m afraid it’s not much more than that. This time, our Universe Mercenary Alliance has found a treasure.”

The beautiful elf who fell to the ground with serious injuries still stared at Diko in disbelief: "Impossible! How is that palm of his... possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. It seems that the core members of the Space Mercenary Alliance are not as evil and perverted as I thought. You lost!" Diko's casual words immediately made the elf beauty blush. As if he was turning red, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood again.

"I don't accept it, I want to fight you again!" Then the beautiful elf couldn't help gritting her teeth and stood up, like a child who hadn't grabbed the candy, which made Dico laugh a little dumbly in his heart. .It turns out that the most confident and arrogant genius and beauty of the Elf tribe can’t afford to lose, right?

"Okay, Fengling, if you lose, you lose. He is indeed better than you," Master Xue Zhan opened his mouth. Although the beautiful elf Fengling was very unconvinced, she still kept her mouth shut obediently.

Lord Blood War also immediately looked at Diko and said: "Dico, congratulations! From today on, you are a member of the Blood Wave Secret Realm at the core of our Universe Mercenary Alliance. However, because you have just entered the core of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, level, so I can only temporarily stay on Blood Wave Island. If you want to enter Blood Wave Continent or even Blood Wave Peak to practice, you still need to work harder."

"You guys make arrangements and take him to the Blood Wave Secret Realm!" Lord Blood War said, and after giving instructions to the three black-robed realm masters outside the ring, he disappeared directly.

"Blood Wave Secret Realm?" Diko frowned and muttered in the ring, and Feng Ling, who glanced at him with a bad look, disappeared in an instant.

After watching Feng Ling leave angrily, Feng Wu shook his head and hurriedly walked to Diko with a smile: "Haha, Diko, congratulations! The members of the Blood Wave Island in the Secret Realm of Blood Wave are equivalent to the end of the Virtual Universe Company. Members of the secret realm. However, compared to the four secret realms of the original, primordial, heaven and earth, and the end of the world in the Virtual Universe Company, there is only one Blood Wave Secret Realm at the core of our Universe Mercenary Alliance."

"Although our Universe Mercenary Alliance only has one Blood Wave Secret Realm, the number of talents we have cultivated is no less than that of the Virtual Universe Company." The three black-robed realm masters also came to the ring afterwards, led by the slim and long-faced realm master with a dark complexion. He smiled and said: "Among them, there are a thousand Blood Wave Islands alone, and there is a His Highness living on each Blood Wave Island."

A thousand geniuses living on Blood Wave Island are equivalent to members of the Virtual Universe Company's apocalyptic secret realm?Diko was a little disappointed when he heard this. With his talent and strength, could he only enter the outermost core of the Universe Mercenary Alliance?
"Does Wind Ling also live on Blood Wave Island?" Diko couldn't help but ask. The slender-faced Realm Master shook his head and said, "No, His Highness Wind Ling lives on Blood Wave Continent. Moreover, she is on Blood Wave Continent." Among the one hundred His Highnesses in Lang Continent, they are all relatively top-notch, and there is every hope that they will be able to climb the Blood Wave Peak in the future. His Highness Dike will be able to defeat His Highness Fengling as soon as he enters the core level of our Universe Mercenary Alliance. I believe he will soon. If you can board the Blood Wave Continent, your future achievements will definitely be no worse than His Highness Fengling."

"Blood Wave Peak?" Diko's expression moved slightly, and the slender-faced Realm Master also explained: "There are nine His Highnesses in total on Blood Wave Peak, five at the foot of the mountain, three on the mountainside, and one on the top of the mountain. They live there. Their status is equivalent to the members of the original secret realm and the primordial secret realm of Virtual Universe Company."

"So, the status of His Highness who lives at the foot of Blood Wave Peak, on the mountainside and on the top of the mountain is also different?" Diko was thoughtful, and the slender-faced Realm Master nodded and said: "That's right! Only those who live on Blood Wave Peak have different statuses. Your Highness, the status is equivalent to that of a member of the original secrets of the Virtual Universe Company. Since there is only one core member of the universe level, domain lord and world lord of our universe mercenary alliance who lives on the top of the Blood Wave Peak, so they are often better than the virtual universe mercenary alliance. The original secret realm members of the Universe Company are even more outstanding monsters." "How outstanding monsters are they? Are they much stronger than the wind spirits?" Diko couldn't help but asked, while the slender-faced realm master smiled and said: "Of course they are stronger. A lot. As for how much stronger you are, you will naturally understand this measure when Your Highness arrives at Blood Wave Island."

On a blood-colored sea with undulating waves, islands are dotted around a continent in the middle.In the center of that vast continent is a towering mountain peak.

Among the thousands of Blood Wave Islands, with the turbulent fluctuations of the sea water, a new Blood Wave Island suddenly appeared, and at the same time a villa-like building appeared on the island.On the martial arts training ground outside the villa, the figures of Diko and the long-slender-faced Realm Master suddenly appeared.

At the same time as they appeared, there were more than a hundred people in the villa who came out to greet them. Most of them were servants responsible for serving on Blood Wave Island. There was also a Territory Lord and ten universe-level warriors, who were Dico's escorts. Members, when they saw Dico, they all saluted respectfully: "Greetings to His Highness!"

"Domain lord and universe-level guards?" Diko glanced at them and didn't feel surprised, but there was no surprise either. After all, as far as he knew, the members of the Taichu Secret Realm of Virtual Universe Company were guarded by a realm lord, Composed of ten domain lords and one hundred universe-level warriors, the members of the original secret realm are even protected by immortal gods.Comparatively speaking, these eleven guards of Dico are really useless!

But Diko didn't pay much attention. After all, everything had just begun, and he had just entered the core level of the Universe Mercenary Alliance.He believes that in the near future, his status among the core genius members of the Universe Mercenary Alliance will be comparable to that of members of the Taichu Secret Realm of Virtual Universe Company or even the Original Secret Realm.

After the slender-faced Realm Master casually introduced the Territory Lord-level guard leader, the Territory Lord led Diko to visit the villa on Blood Wave Island, and then Diko came to the third floor of the villa alone. study room.

After a sudden thought changed the study room into a familiar decoration layout, Dicko carefully browsed the newbie information on the computer desktop...
There is a lot of content above, and the introduction is relatively detailed, such as various secret cultivation methods, treasure resources, etc., but you need to exchange points to get these.

In addition to the thousand free points that he can get at the beginning, Dicko needs to continue to earn through some level-breaking tests in the virtual universe and secret missions in reality.

"Sure enough, it is similar to the training system of Virtual Universe Company. All the tests and tempers are just for these talented core members to grow faster and better. In fact, many tests and tempers are also opportunities. It depends on Can you grasp it and how much potential can be unleashed?" The more and more detailed he learned, the more Diko looked forward to his future training life in the Blood Wave Secret Realm.

"Huh? An opportunity to enter the Chaos City of the Initial Universe to practice? The Universe Level lasts for 30 years, which is a treatment that geniuses at the core level of the five major human forces can enjoy..." Suddenly received an email and clicked on it. His eyes lit up, and he was also a little surprised: "Since the core members of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance are recruited randomly, it is rare for two geniuses to become members of the Blood Wave Secret Realm at the same time, so I have to be sent to Chaos City alone? "

(End of this chapter)

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