Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 307 Initial Universe

Chapter 307 Initial Universe
The virtual universe company's headquarters in reality is a vast continent with a diameter of dozens of light years.A headquarters needs to occupy such a large continent. This shows that the Virtual Universe Company, one of the five major forces in the human race, is powerful and has many businesses.

In such a large headquarters, not to mention the powerful people stationed in the Virtual Universe Company, the number of various staff members is already terrifying.

And this is just the headquarters in reality. In the virtual universe, there may be even more businesses.After all, everything in the virtual universe is a simulated reality, and there are countless aspects involved.

Even in some secret realms of the universe, such a large landmass is very rare, and it is impossible for it to form naturally in the normal starry sky.

Obviously, the headquarters of this virtual universe company should be specially refined, similar to refining powerful weapons or technological weapons, to ensure that it will always exist normally and even have terrifying attack power.

It seemed that it was very close to the continent where the Virtual Universe Company's headquarters was located, but after the spacecraft flew for a while, it felt like it was still about the same distance away from the continent, as if the spacecraft hadn't moved.

The spacecraft still flew at a speed close to the speed of light for more than ten hours before it finally flew over the mainland and flew into one of the entrances to the Virtual Universe Company's universal headquarters.

The entire continent is beautifully constructed, and some celestial bodies such as stars, planets, and meteorite nebulae that look like decorations are actually terrifying technological weapons.

As the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company in the real universe, one can imagine the strength of the entire continent’s defense power.Even a super being at the level of the Lord of the Universe can walk sideways in most places in the universe, but it is impossible to easily break into the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company.

The spacecraft flew for a few more hours. Looking at the various buildings and scenery at the Virtual Universe Company headquarters along the way, Dicko was also eye-opening, as if he saw the epitome of the entire human civilization.

At the same time, that vague sense of familiarity became more and more clear as Dicko came to the continent where the Virtual Universe Company headquarters is located, making Dicko understand that it was definitely not an illusion.

As for why there is such a familiar feeling, Dicko has already made some guesses, but he also finds it a bit incredible. What kind of power can make him feel so empathetic to the memories that Kodi has experienced?Reincarnation?Dicko felt that things were not that simple.

"Perhaps this initial trip to the universe can help me understand something..." Dicko, who squinted at the outside of the spacecraft and thought silently in his heart, also found that the spacecraft soon slowed down and then lined up towards the distance. The huge light gate standing in the dark starry sky approached.

"Is that the passage into the initial universe?" Looking at the huge light door, he felt inexplicably as if he was actually facing a universe. With a faint feeling of trembling in his heart, Dico couldn't help but become more and more curious about the initial universe. stand up.

Time passed, and after queuing for more than ten minutes, the spaceship Dicko was riding finally arrived in front of the huge light door, and then flew directly into it...
As the spaceship passed through the light curtain, it seemed as if it had entered water from the air, and everything around it seemed to become sticky and chaotic. In the space channel where the colored light circulated, the spaceship moved forward like a submarine. "Huh?" The sudden sense of time and space confusion made Dico feel familiar but also a little uncomfortable.Even though his strong will prevented him from becoming confused, his feelings were clearer. The feeling of time being disrupted was not comfortable.

After a few minutes, the chaotic feeling of space and time disappeared, and at the same time, the top of the spacecraft control room seemed to have opened a skylight, revealing the transparent outermost layer.

Diko looked up and saw at a glance some chaotic air currents occasionally floating in the dim void outside. In the distance, he could faintly see the heaven and earth cracking from time to time, and he could even see a large number of strange secret patterns flowing on the edge of the cracked space. The silk threads are connected in series, and the secret patterns are floating on the silk threads, just like a loom, weaving the heaven and earth into a larger and larger world.

"There is indeed a manifestation of the original law in the initial universe. Such exquisite secret patterns are like traces of the most essential avenue between heaven and earth. They are mysterious and profound..." Diko couldn't help but see those secret patterns. Curious eyes brightened and he watched carefully.

Although he is still unable to clearly feel the mystery of the secret patterns in his current state, looking at those secret patterns also makes him feel touched by the original law of fire and the original law of space.
At the same time, Dicko also understood why the top of the spacecraft was made transparent instead of using an exterior simulation.Because no matter how powerful the simulation technology is, it is not enough to simulate the true mystery of those secret patterns.

The spacecraft continued to fly. Along the way, in addition to the chaotic airflow floating in the sky, we could often see some space cracks and those strange secret lines of silk threads...
"All living things have a lifespan, and the same goes for stars, planets, and even the universe. It's just that the lifespan is extremely long." Yi Feng, who also carefully watched the mysterious patterns in some space cracks, sighed after a long time: "This initial universe is in the middle of the universe. In the initial period of the first opening, when the universe continues to be perfected and formed, the original operating rules of the universe will be revealed. Those cracks in the universe space that are constantly being repaired are the original operating rules of the universe, which include various original laws."

"I see, no wonder the quota for enlightenment in the initial universe is so precious," Diko nodded slightly: "In the initial universe, the explicit rules of the origin of the universe indeed made it much easier to understand the origin of the law. I finally understand. , why did the five major forces of the human race arrange for core members to come to this primitive universe to practice."

"In the initial universe, there were three treasures that assisted cultivation. The laws of the universe that can be seen with the naked eye are just one of them," Yi Feng said: "Next, we are going to Chaos City. There, you will know the remaining The two treasures you gave me. And after I send you to Chaos City, you will also leave the original universe."

After flying for more than half an hour, the spacecraft slowed down and came to a stop over an ancient city. Then Yi Feng took Dico out of the spacecraft and flew towards the ancient city below...
"Chaos City" looked at the ancient and majestic city below that gave people a sense of weight. The increasingly strong sense of familiarity had already affected Diko's mood, giving him a long-lost sour feeling, as if It was like a wanderer returning, even the comfortable feeling brought by the breath of the original universe was automatically shielded and ignored by the air.

A black stream of light flew from the distance and turned into a man in black robe with a head covered with cyan scales. He looked at Dike and Yi Feng with a smile: "You two, I am the reception messenger of Chaos City. Welcome. Come to Chaos City. This Chaos City has existed longer than most of the universe countries you know. It is now composed of Virtual Universe Company, Giant Ax Arena, Universe Mercenary Alliance, Universe First Bank, and Universe Galaxy Bank. Co-management.”

"You are from the Space Mercenary Alliance, and you must already know something about some things. Of the two of you, only His Highness Diko has the qualifications to practice in Chaos City for 30 years. His Highness Diko, please come with me!" The black-robed messenger who said with a smile flew forward first, and Diko, who said goodbye to Yi Feng and thanked him for seeing him off, also hurriedly followed, and landed on the streets of Chaos City together with the black-robed messenger. superior.

(End of this chapter)

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