Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 308 Choose Chaos Monument

Chapter 308 Choose Chaos Monument

"Chaos City has existed for a long time," the black-robed messenger walked in front, explaining as he walked: "In Chaos City, there are many strong men and core geniuses of the five major forces who practice and comprehend here. Over the long years, this place has also been born. One after another, the great super beings of the human race.”

Diko, who was following him, also saw the small buildings in the Chaos City around him. On the rooftops of many small buildings, you could see strong human beings with different looks sitting cross-legged. Some were meditating with their eyes closed. , some are looking up at the sky, and the surging aura exuding from their bodies is obviously that of some powerful immortal gods.

High in the sky, close to the space cracks, there are some strong men standing in the air, looking at the secret patterns of the laws at close range, hoping to feel the mystery of the original laws more clearly.

In Chaos City, even the powerful immortal gods are relatively low-key and their auras are restrained.But walking in Chaos City, Dico could still clearly feel some unabashedly powerful auras from all directions in Chaos City. Just feeling the auras from a distance made people's hearts tremble.

"There are many super beings in Chaos City," the black-robed messenger noticed that Diko was looking at the immortal gods, and said: "Don't bother them to understand the original law, otherwise even if you are a member of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, The core genius will also be expelled from the initial universe and lose this opportunity for enlightenment."

As he said that, the black-robed messenger took Diko to the outside of an uninhabited small building, pointed to the door and said: "There are many small buildings in Chaos City. The door is light white, which means there is no owner here. As long as you put your hand Place it on the door for a moment, and the sensor system in the door will automatically activate, causing the door to turn dark gray. You will automatically become the owner of this house, and the information will be automatically recorded. In Chaos City, everyone can only choose one residence. .”

Immediately afterwards, the black-robed messenger led Diko directly into the small building. After a brief visit, he came to the rooftop. Diko also saw some carvings on the rooftop floor at a glance, and there were some faint claws or claws of secret techniques in them. It is the mysterious fluctuation of the origin of various laws.

"These...are accidentally left behind by generations of strong men in Chaos City during their enlightenment. Although they are not systematic, they still contain the mystery of the original law. If you look at it more, it will also have the effect of touching and guiding you to understand the original law," Hei The robed messenger turned to solemnly and said: "The original universe is a place where strong human beings and geniuses practice hard and gain enlightenment. Therefore, humans are prohibited from killing each other here. No one can do anything, otherwise they will definitely be severely punished. Even someone as powerful as the Lord of the Universe would not dare to challenge the rules of Chaos City."

"The time for enlightenment in Chaos City is precious and cannot be wasted. Well, follow me to the City Lord's Mansion. That is where the City Lord lives and is also the core of the entire Chaos City." The black-robed messenger said and flew back with Diko. on the street outside.

The two of them walked all the way to the city lord's palace. Along the way, they also met some powerful immortal gods, or the few core geniuses of the five major forces of the human race who occasionally passed by with less than immortality, and even super beings riding immortal tame beasts... Let Diko It's a bit shocking, but also feels like we've seen each other before.

The City Lord's Mansion is a majestic and stern building about 300 meters high. From a distance, you can see the dazzling three characters in the Universal Language of the Universe - City Lord's Mansion - on the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The moment he saw those three words, Dico felt as if his consciousness was drawn into a self-contained space, a world that claimed to be a universe. However, with his strong will, he quickly woke up, but Still couldn't help being shocked and moved: "It's just three words, but it contains the ultimate mystery of time and space. The one who can leave such three words must be the Lord of the Universe. Could it be the Lord of Chaos City?"

"You regained consciousness so quickly. It seems that you have a strong will!" He glanced at Diko's black-robed messenger in surprise, and then said with a smile: "Haha... don't stare at these three words all the time. Watch. Okay, come with me in!" After entering the City Lord's Mansion, the black-robed messenger introduced to Diko the 52 Chaos Monuments among the Three Treasures of Chaos located in the City Lord's Mansion. Each of them is from the human race. The super being left behind, the cultivation guide that leads directly to the avenue, contains the secrets of laws that transcend the level of the universe sage, and is much more precious than the unsystematic graphic and text carvings on the rooftop in Chaos City.

Choosing a Chaos Monument to comprehend and practice is the most important thing for the geniuses from the five major forces who come to Chaos City to practice. It is related to their future growth path and what level they can reach.

In the city lord's palace, in a dreamlike corridor, there are huge pictures hanging on both sides, 52 in total.The black-robed messenger who led Diko into the corridor continued: "Each of these paintings corresponds to a Chaos Monument. You first look at these pictures, and then choose a Chaos Monument that suits you to understand. Everyone can only choose Comprehend a kind of Chaos Monument.”

Diko nodded slightly, his eyes sparkling, and he couldn't wait to look at the pictures. The pictures painted different things, either big trees or some kind of strange beasts. Whether it is the starry sky or the raindrops, each contains a special mystery, and it has a sense of simplicity. However, the mystery contained in simple pictures is extremely profound, conveying the mystery of the original law more clearly than any secret method.

"You only have half an hour to view and choose. Don't look at it for too long." Seeing Dico standing in front of a picture, seemingly obsessed with it, the black-robed messenger couldn't help but remind him.

Diko woke up instantly after hearing this. He nodded and glanced at the picture with towering old trees and fallen leaves, then walked forward and looked at other pictures...
"Huh? This little guy, is his innate understanding really so great that so many Chaos Monuments have touched him?" Next, Di Ke looked at a dozen pictures but found seven or eight. As if they were attracted by him, the black-robed messenger couldn't help but frown slightly in surprise.

In fact, Dico was a little surprised, but he soon guessed some reasons.Those Chaos Monuments are almost all connected directly to the original laws of space and time, and he has some understanding of time and space, and he is quite savvy, so it is naturally easier for him to immerse himself in them.

"Since I have some understanding of the original laws of time and space, and I don't want to give up either one, and time and space are originally the avenue, then the most suitable one for me should be the Cosmic Chaos Monument, which is the most difficult to cultivate and comprehend," his mind turned. Dico then glanced at the pictures at random, and soon walked to the end of the corridor. Finally, he saw a simple picture like a giant ax carving, and a complex and vast starry sky picture.

The moment he saw the starry sky map, Dico was attracted. His consciousness seemed to be immersed in the boundless starry sky. He saw the rotation of planets, the movement of galaxies, and even the entire vast starry sky of the universe...with a finger breaking the void... Destroy the world with one palm. Create the world with one punch..
A moment later, Diko, who staggered back in a state of shock, looked at the starry sky map with a slightly pale face. There was still a look of shock on his face, and his eyes were a little confused, with a faint look of surprise.

Diko, who had just experienced the mystery of the starry sky map, was indeed shocked.But what surprised him even more was that during the process of watching and comprehending the starry sky chart, the strangely familiar feeling became more and more intense. It actually gave Diko the feeling that he had experienced this starry sky chart more than once. Various touches and insights came to him. When it comes to my mind, my understanding of time and space rapidly increases, as if cheating...
That feeling was like suddenly remembering a long-forgotten memory, suddenly being stimulated to remember it. The deeper the perception, the more profound and clear the memory. It even gave Dick the illusion that he had quickly understood the starry sky map deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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