Chapter 310

However, Diko, who had just come out of the city lord's palace, kept looking straight ahead, as if he could not move forward, and the expression on his face was a little surprised and weird.

On the spacious ancient street ahead, a beautiful figure in a green battle suit and carrying two daggers on his back was walking quickly, seemingly in high spirits.The long light green hair, the delicate and angelic face, and the pointed ears were clearly the wind spirits that Dico had defeated in the virtual universe.

"Huh? Is it you?" When she saw Dico, Fengling paused with a stagnant smile on her face, then gritted her teeth and charged forward menacingly, and at the same time pulled out the two daggers behind her back.

Seeing that she actually wanted to take action, Diko reacted quickly and said: "Hey, do you want to take action in Chaos City? Or at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, why are you crazy?"

"I have the guts to enter the virtual universe and fight with me again," Feng Ling, who was suffocated after hearing this, stopped and put away the knife, and then stared at Diko with her beautiful eyes.

"You still want to fight? You have already lost to me. It has only been a long time. Do you think you are sure to beat me?" Diko frowned and shook his head: "You know you can't beat me, why bother to take it for yourself?" What's the shame? You're a girl, why are you so competitive? Don't the elves always like peace?"

"Do you want to take care of it?" Mei Yan glared at Di Ke's wind spirit, and then continued: "I admit that you were stronger than me before, but now I am not the same as a few months ago. You were just the same before. You are just slightly better than me, but if you try again, you may not be my opponent."

"Really? You are so confident. Could it be that you broke through the Tongtian Bridge and got another chance to comprehend the Chaos Monument?" Diko raised his eyebrows and smiled, and then asked with a slight expression on his face: "What are you comprehending?" Chaos Monument? Which level have you passed through Tongtian Bridge? It seems that you entered Chaos City before me. How long have you been practicing here?"

"So what? Why are you so long-winded? Do you want to fight or not? Are you afraid of losing?" Fengling shouted impatiently.

"It's okay to compare, but I just learned about the Chaos Monument and haven't found a place to live yet. I want to settle down first and then go to the Sky Bridge later. When I have time, how about we go to the virtual universe to compare?" Di Ke asked with an indifferent smile.

"Okay! It's settled. After I understand the Chaos Monument, I will go to you to discuss." After Fengling said that, she walked directly into the city lord's mansion. Seeing her in such a turbulent state, Diko couldn't help but shake his head. He smiled helplessly: "Why should a girl be so strong? The elves are a powerful race among the human race. Do they still need her to become strong quickly to protect them? Or is it the competition among geniuses among the powerful elves? Is it also big?"

As he said that, Diko shook his head slightly and no longer thought about it, and directly found a clean place nearby the city lord's mansion as his own residence.Anyway, many of the cultivation residences here are standard, almost the same, so there is no need to be selective.

Now Dicko was more interested in the Tongtian Bridge, so after choosing a place to live, he didn't care about what he gained from studying the Chaos Monument before. His consciousness entered the virtual universe and was ready to break through the Tongtian Bridge.

In the virtual universe, Blood Wave Secret Realm, in the villa on Blood Wave Island No. 1001, in the study, Diko, who just appeared, directly applied for teleportation to Tongtian Bridge...
In the virtual universe, there is a special plane like an endless ocean. There is only one beautiful island in the endless ocean, but it has 52 ports. Each port is connected to an endless long bridge, extending to the end of the world. .
Dico, who suddenly appeared in the central square of the island, immediately saw a man wearing a black star robe standing not far away. He had four ears but no nose. He walked away with a smile on his face. Come over: "Hello, Dico, I am Baffin, the guardian of the Tongtian Bridge plane, but I prefer others to call me the guardian."

"Guardian?" Diko was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. This title reminded him of the Plane Guardian in the material plane of the Coiling Dragon World.However, this Baffin is definitely not an ordinary person who can control Tongtian Bridge. He should be at least a powerful immortal god. "Hello, Lord Warden," Dico bowed slightly and saluted. He would not be arrogant just because others were warm and polite to him.Geniuses, unless they are truly top evil geniuses, are just geniuses. Even perverts like Kodi died before they could become truly super powerful.Therefore, at the core level of the five major human forces, there are many geniuses, and there is really nothing to be proud of.

What Dicko has to do now is to show enough talent and potential so that the human race will pay more attention to him and cultivate him, so that he can grow up as quickly as possible.

"Let me introduce it to you," Guardian Baffin nodded: "This Tongtian Bridge plane was created for the 52 Chaos Monuments in Chaos City. Because we humans in the universe have been enlightened by the 52 Chaos Monuments for hundreds of millions of years. , naturally formed 52 schools of cultivation. In the same way, there are different levels of enlightenment when comprehending the Chaos Monument. How to distinguish is by breaking through the overpass. Only by breaking through one level, Chaos City will give one more opportunity to comprehend the Chaos Monument."

"The Cosmic Chaos Monument you have comprehended is the most difficult of all the Chaos Monuments. It has thirty floors in total, second only to the 32 floors of the Great Ax Chaos Monument." Baffin continued: "It is very difficult to break through the overpass. Difficult, usually at the beginning, little guys like you who have just entered the core level of the five major forces will not be able to get through even the first level."

Can't get through the first level?When Di Ke heard this, he couldn't help frowning and looking solemn. He naturally knew how difficult it was to break through the overpass.The top ten geniuses in the Genius Battle, like Luo Feng in the original book, have already stepped into the threshold of the two original laws, and they cannot pass the first level of the Tongtian Bridge on their first try.

However, Diko still has some confidence, because he knows that Tongtian Bridge tests the comprehension of the Chaos Monument. Diko, who has already comprehended the Chaos Monument once, is confident that whether it is the comprehension of the original law or the comprehension of the Chaos Monument It's all pretty good, and his strength has improved a lot compared to when he fought against Fengling before.

Fengling didn't know which floor of the Tongtian Bridge he passed, but he should have passed the first floor at least.Therefore, it is not impossible for Dicko to not even be able to pass the first floor. It is not even impossible for him to break through two floors at once like Bolan did in the original work.

"The farther you go on the Tongtian Bridge, the deeper your understanding of the Chaos Monument is. Immortals can usually reach the 10th floor. If they can reach the 18th floor, they will be called the top strong among the immortals. They can obtain The title of king," Baffin sighed and said: "If you can reach the 21st floor, you will be the king of the universe."

"Lord of the Universe?" Diko's eyes lit up when he heard this, and Baffin also smiled and said: "Try hard! Although it is difficult to understand the Universe Chaos Monument, it is a road to the top. No matter which path you take, School, as long as you can pass the 18th floor of Tongtian Bridge, you can directly obtain the qualification of a permanent resident of Chaos City without any other additional conditions."

"Permanent residence qualifications in Chaos City? It makes me a little excited. However, now I'd better break through the first floor of Tongtian Bridge." Diko said with a faint smile, and then continued: "Master Guardian, now the universe There should be no one at Tongtian Bridge, right?"

"No, you can just go for it." Baffin nodded and smiled as he watched Dicko turn into a stream of light and fly towards the Universe Tongtian Bridge. layer."

When Dico just stepped into the Sky Bridge, the voice of the virtual assistant rang in his mind. It was the point reward rules for crossing the Sky Bridge. If he passed the first level, he would be rewarded with 100 points, which would be doubled in sequence. However, within 30 years of Chaos City , points for crossing Tongtian Bridge will be rewarded ten times.

(End of this chapter)

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